The Preliminary Specification Part CLV (C&G Part XII)
One of the areas that we covered in our previous posts in the Compliance & Governance module of the Preliminary Specification. Is that good governance and innovation are not necessarily mutually exclusive. In today’s post we want to discuss the “Lessons Learned Interface” that is initiated in the Knowledge & Learning modules of each Joint Operating Committee, and are aggregated in the Compliance & Governance module of the Preliminary Specification. And a new interface that we are calling “The Innovation Library”.
What we know about innovation can be summarized by Professor Giovanni Dosi. He states “In very general terms, technological innovation involves or is the solution to problems.” Dosi goes on to further define this as “In other words, an innovative solution to a certain problem involves “discovery” (of the problem) and “creation” since no general algorithm can be derived from the information about the problems. Solutions to technological problems involve the use of information derived from experience and formal knowledge. It is the specific and un-codified capabilities, or “tacit-ness” as Professor Dosi describes “on the part of the inventors who discover the creative solution.”
With the demands for more earth science and engineering being required for each barrel of oil and gas produced. And the need to keep up with the steep trajectory of those sciences over the coming years. The oil and gas firm, and the individual Joint Operating Committees will be learning substantial volumes of new and valuable information about the business. The innovative oil and gas producer will also become capable of innovating off of these developments and expanding the knowledge of both the organization and quite possibly the science. Keeping good governance over these processes would seem to be counter productive, however, does it have to be?
One of the first things that we can do to provide good governance is to ensure that the same mistakes are not made over and over. We discussed this process in Part X of the Compliance & Governances Preliminary Specification output. Having the lessons learned populated from each of the Joint Operating Committees, up to each of the participant producer firms. Where each producer firm has the aggregated lessons learned from each of the Joint Operating Committees that they have an interest in. Then they can apply any lessons learned from any of the JOC’s to other JOC’s as may be required.
Another thing I think that we can do in the governance section of this module is provide a strong understanding of the innovative process. By compiling and assimilating the process of innovation into a understandable business process then the people who are charged with good governance will be able to understand what good innovation is, and what bad innovation is. Having a library of the science of innovation, some written by Professor Dosi, would alleviate the guess work and concern that some of the activities that were occurring in the firm were moving the firm down the wrong direction, when in fact they were good innovations. We know that innovation can be reduced to a quantifiable and replicable process. Therefore it should be governed on the same basis. However, that governance needs to be done in a manner that it is apprised as to what good innovation consists of. That good governance has a responsibility to understand the process of innovation just as much as the innovators do. Lets call this interface “The Innovation Library” of the Compliance & Governance module.
For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.
Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification.