The Preliminary Specification Part LXIII (PA Part X)
Today I want to spend some more time in the Partnership Accounting module of the Preliminary Specification discussing the pooling of human resources between producers into a Joint Operating Committee. Also discuss the justification for why we need to do the pooling and a bit about the division of labor and specialization in order for the industry to increase its throughput and activity level.
The first point is the most controversial and suggests an alternative way to how the bureaucracy manages their technical capabilities today. Today the bureaucracy builds silo’s of engineering and earth science capacities that are capable of dealing with any and all contingencies that the firm may face. This is a reasonable approach to a difficult business, with the inherent risk profile that oil and gas has, safety is a priority which can be handled in this manner. The problem arises as a result of each and every producer replicating the same capabilities within their organizations. As a result the industry has unused capacity that is unavailable for use at any time and at any place in the industry. At a time when the engineering and earth science talent is at a premium in terms of demand, this hoarding of resources will only continue to escalate.
What if there was a way in which firms could release the surplus earth science and engineering capacity and alleviate the market demand on these resources. Yet still have that surplus capacity available to them. Do this at a lower overall cost and have a higher throughput at the same time. Sounds impossible but that is what is required to solve the problems the industry is faced with today.
If we were able to pool the technical resources from each of the producers who represent the Joint Operating Committee. Then we begin to break down the individual silo’s and the hoarding problem. One of the key advantages of using the Joint Operating Committee is that all of the partners are financially motivated. Consensus is easily achieved because of this and that will continue.
Now I know the difference between a good engineer and a super star. The perception that “our” capabilities are better then “theirs” type of comparisons. The problem will however come down to, in the hoarding situation, no one is left to do the bread and butter engineering that should have been done two weeks ago. Life is one percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration. The bread and butter issues are what need to be taken care of. How the majority of the bread and butter work gets done is the focus of this blog post.
The solution to where the enhanced engineering and geological throughput comes from is where the division of labor and specialization come into play. But first let me reiterate that in this day and age, to manage a process, or to change a process requires that the software to manage that process be built first. People, Ideas & Objects are proposing to build these processes for industry so that these changes can be made. It is not enough to attempt to make the changes in the business without the software. That should be painfully obvious. It was in the Preliminary Research Report that I stated this, and the bureaucracy have interpreted this to mean, by ensuring no changes take place to the software, ensures they are unchallenged in their current role.
To approach the mountains of earth science and engineering work that needs to be done will require a new approach based on the tried and true division of labor and specialization principles. By breaking down the jobs into smaller more specialized components the process can be managed in a way that is faster and more efficient. The productivity of this process would be an order of magnitude more efficient then what is done today. This process would be managed through the Partnership Accounting module with the Military Command & Control Metaphor to maintain the chain of command and authority from the producer firms. What may have taken 6 engineers and geologists on a full time basis may now be done by 35 part time engineers and geologists. These engineers and geologists may be assigned to over 100 properties or Joint Operating Committees. Management of the process, as one can see, is the key to productivity. The point of the exercise would be to get the bread and butter engineering and earth science work completed.
The need to have a system that can cost these resources is what we will discuss tomorrow. How the industry ultimately organizes the bread and butter engineering and earth science that needs to be done, whether in-house, or out-sourced is unknown. However, the ability to manage the process and cost them to the joint account will be necessary.
For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.
Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification. Email me here if you need an invite.