Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXXI (S&AC Part IV)

Looking at the security aspects of the Security & Access Control module we find that today’s technologies provide levels of security that are substantially higher then just a few years ago. With the security needs of the industry being so high, I believe the following security policies would be more then satisfactory to those needs. And it is suggested that these are the base case, as time passes we will be able to build on these specifications.

For people to be available online anytime and anywhere presents problems from the point of view of authentication. What we can do is ensure that only registered devices have access to the applications, information and data. These devices would include desktop computers, notebooks, phones and iPads etc. Where only certain registered devices on certain IP addresses are available to access the People, Ideas & Objects applications. In addition user name and password protection for access would be required. But in addition, we would require two step authentication where we text a code to their registered company phone, which would then have to be keyed into the device they were trying to log into. These three steps ensure that only authorized users were gaining access to the system.

Next we would ensure that all network traffic was encrypted. It has not been determined as of yet how the application will be presented to the users (browser or otherwise). However, once logged out of the system all data and information will be cleared from the cache and the device will have no information or data stored of the session. It should be noted that one of the advantages of the tools that we are using is that we should be able to present to the user the same desktop environment that they had left when they last logged out.

In our Hardware Policies and Procedures we have discussed how the People, Ideas & Objects application is hosted. This separate company is proposed to be jointly owned by industry, People, Ideas & Objects and Oracle. It is also proposed to be operated by the oil and gas industry primarily to meet their needs of maintaining the control they need for SEC regulatory compliance of their ERP systems. With industry having de-facto control of the “Cloud” infrastructure. This provides them with the means to maintain the physical control necessary to maintain their SEC needs. People, Ideas & Objects will be able to deliver a runnable binary of the application for them to operate without the need to be physically on-site.

And as I mentioned the other day it was an oversight that the Draft Specification initially indicated that the data storage and data base systems were not encrypted. Oracle provides high levels of encryption of both the storage medium and the database, at the data level itself. This will in turn provide no one at the industry operated cloud infrastructure with the ability to read any of the producers confidential data or information.

Implementing the technologies in this fashion will provide the industry with the security that they need to ensure that their data and information remains secure. These technologies are only the beginning of what will be implemented in the People, Ideas & Objects Security & Access Control module as they are all standard fare for the base level technologies used in Oracle. It is a simple manner of selecting them for use.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification. Email me here if you need an invite.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXX (S&AC Part III)

When we talk about the various people within the producer firms affiliated with a Joint Operating Committee. And the number of Joint Operating Committees that a firm may have an interest in. And the number of people a firm may have employed. Access control becomes a big issue. It becomes a big issue when you consider that your people certainly should have the access that you require, but the level of trust that you may have with respect to the other partner organizations is probably not as strong. This is the point of this blog post and how People, Ideas & Objects deal with the access and trust issue in the Security & Access Control module.

When we concern ourselves with the data and information of the firm, and the information that is cleared from the various Joint Operating Committees that the oil and gas producer has an interest in. We can all agree that this information is proprietary and is subject to the internal policies of the producer firm. (Information such as reserves data, accounting information, internal reports and correspondence, strategy documents.) What we are also concerned about is the information and data that is held in the Accounting Voucher and the associated data that is common to the joint account. (well licenses, agreements, production data.) Recall also, in our last post, that relational theory deals with predicate calculus and set theory.

Closer analysis of these two types of data and information that are held within the firm and the Joint Operating Committee fall within the proprietary and public domains. In Canada at least, most of the data and information in a Joint Operating Committee can be freely obtained through various regulatory agencies. Nonetheless, the majority of the data is shared through the partnership, vendors, contract purchasers and a variety of other groups who have an interest in the data and information. Not so for the producer firms data. Most of the information is kept close at hand and is only reported through filtered reserve report summaries and annual reports. Therefore keeping a handle on proprietary data, while operating the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer, as proposed in People, Ideas & Objects, does not therefore present any immediate proprietary data leakage.

Access control can be limited by precluding any company personnel from viewing any other companies files. While in People, Ideas & Objects access control is limited to the Joint Operating Committees of the firm and the firms files only. (Set theory.) To extend this further we would have access control limited to the appropriate roles within the firm, then it is a matter for the user community to define a standard set of generic roles in which access is required to certain data types. This would also apply to the types of operations that can be handled by that role, for example, read, insert, update, delete. These generic roles could then be assigned to each individual within the organization based on their needs. Assigning multiple roles for more complex access.

The assignment of roles for access control can then be looked at from the producer point of view. What areas are deficient in terms of access control, are needed to be covered, and are not. An interface could be provided that would show these deficiencies and then additional roles could be assigned to cover off the areas that were previously deficient. A similar interface would be needed for the Joint Operating Committee so that the data and information needs were being met by the people that were assigned to work there.

Lastly these access control roles are assigned to the various positions within the chain of command that is developed through the Military Command & Control Metaphor of the People, Ideas & Objects application. This would be done to ensure that the people assigned were working in a natural way where the data and information they used was available for them to do their jobs.

By using the Joint Operating Committee as the perspective of how we view our systems brings into alignment all of the frameworks of the business. As we focus on the business of the business there will be areas where the producers will want to limit the exposure of certain data and information from some employees and partners. As we can see with this post, albeit with a little effort, it is certainly possible to maintain the acceptable limits to this information that have become the cultural norm in the oil and gas industry.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification. Email me here if you need an invite.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXIX (S&AC Part II)

Throughout the Draft and Preliminary Specifications we have discussed one of the premier issues that the oil and gas industry faces. That being the demand for earth science and engineering effort per barrel of oil produced is increasing with each barrel produced. This is best represented in the steep escalation of the costs involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas. At the same time the critical earth science and engineering resources are somewhat fixed and are difficult to expand in the short or medium term. Add to that an anticipated retirement of the brain trust of the industry in the next twenty years and the problem becomes of critical concern.

There are few short term solutions to the short fall in geologist and engineers over the next twenty years. It takes the better part of that time to train them to operate in the industry. What we do know are two things that are being applied in the People, Ideas & Objects software applications modules. Key to these concepts applications are what we call the Military Command & Control Metaphor. The two key concepts are a further specialization and a reduction in the redundant building of capabilities within each oil and gas producer.

The first concept of specialization and division of labor is well known as a principle of economics that brings about greater amount of economic productivity from the same volume of resources. Given that the volume of earth science and engineering resources are known for the foreseeable future, specialization and the division of labor will provide us with a tangible means in which to deal with the productivity of the oil and gas industry. In today’s marketplace to approach a heightened level of specialization and division of labor without the use of software would be down right foolish.

The second concept involves the desire that each producer firm acquires the earth science and engineering capabilities necessary to deal with all the needs of their “operated” properties. This creates unneeded “just-in-case” capabilities for the scarce resources. When each producer within the industry pursues this same strategy substantial redundancies are built in to the industries capabilities. Redundancies that are left unused and unusable. What is proposed through the People, Ideas & Objects software application modules is that the producers operational strategy avoids the “operator” concept and begins pooling the technical resources through the partnership represented in the Joint Operating Committee. That way the redundancies that would have been present in the industry can be made available to the producers and used by the producers through an advanced specialization and division of labor.

What these concepts require therefore is what the Security & Access Control module is designed to provide. As was mentioned in yesterdays post, the system must provide access to the right person at the right time and the right place with the right authority and the right information. With the Military Command & Control Metaphor there will also be a manner in which the technical, and all the resources, that have been pooled from the producers, interact with an appropriate governance and chain of command.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXVIII (S&AC Part I)

The Security & Access Control module is the place where dreams can be shattered or visions soar to fulfill the possibilities. It was suggested in the Draft Specification that the Security & Access Control module be one of the first modules to be developed. That would still be my recommendation.

What we have with using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer. Is the interactions of many producers and suppliers who are involved in the day to day commercial and strategic concerns of that JOC. What we need to concern ourselves with in the Security & Access Control module is that the right people have the right access to the right information with the right authority at the right time and at the right place. Simple stuff.

What we know is that the basis of relational database systems is relational theory. And that the basis of relational theory is predicate calculus and set theory. And it is here that we can begin to find the answer to the problem defined in the previous paragraph. That is to say that we can define this problem in the context of the Joint Operating Committee being a subset of the producers that comprise it.

There were two glaring errors that have been changed in the Draft Specification. The first one stated that there was no encryption on the hard drives or the database. These points must have been oversights as that should never have been the case and they now read otherwise. And the comment “No development outside of testing this Security & Access Control module will be done with the consent of the users in this development environment.” Leaves me a bit perplexed as to what it means and as a result I have removed it.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXVII (AV Part V)

As we metaphorically peel this onion we find that this will be the last post on the Accounting Voucher module. We will return to this module as we get down to the deeper layers. However, after this post we will be moving on to the Security & Access Control module to pick up on some of the interactions of the people who are working within the various producer firms and vendors. We have discussed many of these interactions in this the Accounting Voucher, the Petroleum Lease Marketplace, Resource Marketplace and other modules. I will also have one closing comment in this post on the general practicality of the Accounting Voucher outside of its use in the Joint Operating Committee.

In the Draft Specification the Accounting Voucher is described as the crossroads for a variety of other modules in the People, Ideas & Objects applications. And we have described how certain data elements are brought into the Accounting Voucher in order to activate them and make them part of the history of that Accounting Voucher. For example, if a new well is producing it is brought in through interfaces from the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module. Once in the Accounting Voucher it can begin capturing the field data and recording the transactions for that well. What the Accounting Voucher provides is the means in which to take the data elements from the other modules, and conduct the necessary transactions upon them.

The last few posts we have concentrated on in the Accounting Voucher module have focused on the Joint Operating Committee clearing system. And that would be one of the key attributes of this People, Ideas & Objects module. However, there are more attributes to the Accounting Voucher then just the Joint Operating Committee clearing system. As we have noted here before, the Accounting Voucher is able to be used by the producer to capture their 100% charges and that is for all intents and purposes what an accounting voucher would be for in any other system. The use of capturing general and administrative costs, payroll, paying bills and other purposes would be included in the Accounting Voucher module.

Lastly I want to raise the point about the Purchase Order system that we touched on in the Accounting Voucher is something that I think will be a necessity. It should be something that is built in the People, Ideas & Objects applications and be available as an option for producers to use. And as such on the second run through the Preliminary Specification we will spend a little more time on it.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXVI (AV Part IV)

Today I want to talk about the domain of the Joint Operating Committee. It is clear in the discussion of the Accounting Voucher that we are concerned about capturing and recording the business of the Joint Operating Committee. And clearing the costs and revenues of the property to the producers. What the Draft Specification talks about is Transaction Design which deals with the optimal location for a transaction to occur. The firm or the marketplace.

So much of what the Accounting Voucher aspires to do is to remove the user from the mundane aspects of dealing with transactions. With Information Technologies (IT) that are available today this is not only possible, but a competitive necessity. For instance you can buy an App for a phone that will take a picture of a receipt and code it to an accounting application. This is what I did in 1977 as my first job in oil and gas. The point of the Draft Specification is that users should be designing transactions as the key to building business value. This aspiration is what is so poorly discussed in the Draft Specification, but when your knee deep in papers, that’s the way the world looks.

Designing transactions, more or less from the point of view as to where the transaction will be conducted, in the firm or in the market, is part of the point of the exercise. What and How are two of the traditional questions of how to get things done. Now we need to answer the question, “where” will the transaction occur, and that is answered in the Accounting Voucher. The research and science on TCE that is referenced in the Draft Specification points to a means of determining where the transaction should occur. And that is what are called “thin crossing points”. However the first determination is the assessment of the capabilities of the group that is being assessed for the work that needs to be done. There is of course no sense in trying to determine the thinnest crossing points as the determining factor of who gets the deal.

It may seem intuitive to reduce the point of the transaction between two firms down to the thinnest point being the transfer of the invoice from one firm to the other. And that would score high on an exam but it would fail in terms of implementation of what the possibilities of Transaction Cost Economics could achieve. What if there were a system development, like People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, that was user community based that included the service industry as part of that user community? Would that provide an opportunity to define some service industry level systems integration that would be complementary to the Accounting Voucher of the People, Ideas & Objects application? Why couldn’t the service industry provider have their people populated into the Work Order system that we discussed earlier? Or, if the user community deemed that a Purchase Order system was worthwhile that this could also be used as means of direct communication between the producers represented in the Joint Operating Committee in the Accounting Voucher and the service industry providers.

There may ultimately be the thinnest of crossing points for the transaction being the invoice that crosses from the vendor to the joint account. Ultimately making the transaction the most efficient from the organizational point of view. However, with the use of IT we can also build on the information that is known and unknown in all of the producers and all the vendors that are party within a “transaction”.

What may not be clear is the need to design the transaction to ensure the business value is realized by the Joint Operating Committee. There is a general rule that whatever operation your conducting in the field, it is generally going to be conducted based on the understanding of the least experienced individual that is present in the field. It just seems to happen that way. Designing the transaction with these constraints in mind can help to mitigate the unknown factors from causing problems down the road. Also, because most of the “transactions” that occur in the marketplace are of such a large size, building of a compressor, building of a gathering system, drilling a well. The ability to apply further scientific strategic “game theory” type attributes in to the People, Ideas & Objects software is possible.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXV (AV Part III)

Of particular interest to me is this is People, Ideas & Objects 1,000 blog post. Who would have thought that a simple idea of using the Joint Operating Committee could create so much discussion. We are well over 850,000 words and it feels like we are just beginning.

One of the implications of using the People, Ideas & Objects system is that each partner will have access to the Accounting Voucher during the time that the Voucher is either open or closed. Each of the producers involved in the JOC are therefore able to access the Accounting Voucher and have costs / revenues distributed to the other partners involved in the Joint Operating Committee. This is one of the key differences that we had discussed in the Petroleum Lease, and Resource Marketplace modules. Partners are all contributing to the joint account as equal participants with the role of “operator” being relegated to a thing of the past. (Note too of course, that each participant is able to charge their own account with their own 100% charges as well. These charges are to their private accounts and therefore not seen by any of the other participants.)

Cost control becomes an issue when everyone is able to charge freely to the joint account. A careful reading of the previous paragraph reflects that I didn’t state “charge freely”. Cost control comes about as a result of the traditional budgetary control of AFE and the Work Order system that we discussed earlier. Without pre-approval by the partnership nothing is able to be processed by the People, Ideas & Objects software applications. And as we will see in the upcoming discussion of the Security & Access Control module, few will have the authorization to “charge freely” to the joint account in any form or fashion.

With the traditional ability to charge to an AFE or Cost Center, and possibly during the development of the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, the user community determines the need to have a purchase order system, ensuring that an appropriate bidding and contracting process is in place, no unauthorized amount will be accepted in the system. There is also the fact that each voucher needs to be approved for payment before any money is expended and that approval would need to consider the authority of the joint account.

As one can envision these Joint Operating Committee - Accounting Vouchers can become large as they include all of the business of the property. Accountants would be pulling their hair out at month-end trying to get these Vouchers closed if they had to seek approvals and close each of the transactions within the appropriate small window of time of their month end. Needless to say that each transaction within the Accounting Voucher is a small subset of the larger Accounting Voucher and can be dealt with as a stand alone individual item. Seeking it’s own approvals and authorizations that deal with just the domain of the specific transaction.

What is different in People, Ideas & Objects Accounting Voucher system vs what exist today is the elimination of the designation of operator. The capabilities to house the state of the art necessary to run the property within one oil and gas firm is believed to be beyond what is possible in the very near future. This is primarily as a result of the further specialization of earth science and engineering skills needed to be attained by each individual within the industry. If each firm were to attain the full scope of these capabilities then they would not be a viable business due to the extreme overhead burden. And specialization is the only solution to deal with the limited resources. Therefore it is necessary for each producer in the Joint Operating Committee to contribute their unique capabilities. The objective is to enable the Joint Operating Committee to draw from the much larger pool of producers engineers and earth scientists in order to obtain the global capabilities necessary for the property to operate.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXIV (AV Part II)

Reading the Draft Specification for the Accounting Voucher is a tortuous read. What I can glean from the material is what I recall from the research, however, I’m sure no one else has read the research. Making the reading particularly difficult for everyone else. I will, hopefully, make some sense, in the next week or so, of the material through this discussion. I certainly promise to do my best. Another assumption that I am operating from is that everyone has a high level of understanding of how the oil and gas industry operates, making this content difficult to read.

Yesterday we discussed the manner in which the Accounting Voucher was able to handle the material balance report. How it handles the balancing of the volumes, debits and credits, and cleared these amounts to the partnership represented in the Joint Operating Committee. Today we want to talk about the contracts that the products produced may have associated with that JOC. Contracts that would include marketing for gas, oil, natural gas liquids, or contracts for charges for gathering, processing etc.

I don’t know what the correct term that should be used, but stream seems to me to be the most intuitive. If a stream of product was flowing through a facility, then a contract for processing or sale could be attached to it. The ability to attach a contract to a stream would enable the Accounting Voucher to establish the billing of gathering or processing charges / sale for that stream. These charges (invoices) or sales (receipts) being generated in an automated fashion by the People, Ideas & Objects software. This point now brings up a point that is obtusely discussed in the Draft Specification.

The Accounting Voucher is a for lack of a better term a template that is built upon as time passes. Each month as the property changes, these changes are captured within each Accounting Voucher and the template is renewed each month with the new information. If a new contract was added for the production from a new well, then that contract stream and the new well would be represented in next months Accounting Vouchers. The Accounting Voucher documents the changes in the property over time.

So it is with my sincere apologies to any readers that may have tried to make sense of the Draft Specifications Accounting Voucher. One can clearly see the value in a six month sabbatical. I’m sure we’ll run into more bumps along the way and will have to share a laugh at those.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXIII (AV Part I)

We now shift our attention to the Accounting Voucher module. This module introduces many new concepts that may appear to add a level of complexity to the oil and gas business. However, in reality these ideas help to alleviate the difficulties that are systemic in the industry today. For the purposes of clarity lets jump straight into the point that we have been deferring for a number of posts.

The point was raised initially during the discussion of the material balance report and then discussed further in the reporting of volumes to the many number of users of that information. Those posts deferred the discussion of a final solution of how People, Ideas & Objects resolves the volumetric reporting problems to the Accounting Voucher module itself. Now that we are reviewing the Accounting Voucher lets talk about this solution.

The concluding paragraph in the Draft Specification of the Accounting Voucher states:

The People, Ideas & Objects Accounting Voucher Module will provide the means for the application to manage the disparate inter-dependencies of modularity theory and Transaction Cost Economics. That is a summary application of Professor Baldwins comments. And therefore this Accounting Voucher is one of the key cross roads to all other modules in the application. What is necessary is for people to cease in processing transactions, by way of automation, and move toward the definition and design of transactions to optimize the business performance. The Accounting Voucher is also the most critical to the success of the application and hence the producers that use it. I am certain that in the hands of the user community it will achieve all that is possible.

Simple stuff. Critical to the “definition and design” of transactions is the fact that transactions are balancing themselves out. If the debits and credits were not in balance at the end of the day, then the automation of the systems and the accountants would not be doing their jobs. The same could be said for the volumetric reporting. If the material balance reports were out of balance (call this material balance), or were not balancing the inputs and outputs to other reports (call this system balance), or the internal accounting of those volumes to the partners, royalty holders and others were out of balance (call this partnership balance) the accountants and systems would not be doing their jobs.

What is proposed in People, Ideas & Objects is that for an Accounting Voucher to close it must balance the financial debits and credits, but must also from a volumetric perspective material balance, system balance and partnership balance. Each of these volumetric perspectives being accessed through a different “mode” within the voucher to make the necessary changes to correct any imbalances or errors.

The Joint Operating Committee is not a legal entity. It is a thing that exists in the minds of oil men and women. It therefore doesn’t own anything or incur any costs. All of the charges to the joint account must clear in the month they are incurred. Same for the volumetric information. The Joint Operating Committee "Accounting Voucher" balances to zero in terms of costs and volumes each month by clearing its charges to the ownership and royalty owners of the property.

Note that the clearing is done after the balance. That does not guarantee that the facility will remain in balance. Adjustments and amendments to the Accounting Voucher may occur. These may happen and they can be subsequently cleared to the partnership accounts.

The point of the exercise is that you have the business of the Joint Operating Committee being captured in the material balance report which is an integral part of the Accounting Voucher. Essentially all three are the same thing. (JOC, Accounting Voucher, material balance report.) An integrity of reporting that is embedded within the accounting systems that is as rigid as debits must equal credits.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification. Email me here if you need an invite.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Preliminary Specification Part XXII (PA Part VIII)

Last Friday we noted that the cost structures of each producer within a Joint Operating Committee could be unique and mutually exclusive to each of the other producers in the property. When we expand the geographical view of the facilities owned in the area we see that the ownership by producers can be remarkably different. This cost situation provides us with an opportunity to discuss the strategic choices that producers have within a Joint Operating Committee -- and adjoining facilities which are their own JOC’s -- and how each producer can maintain their own unique strategy.

In addition, since each JOC is autonomous to each other, a producer is able to choose unique strategies for each JOC they have an interest in. That is not to suggest that each JOC within a facility would have their own strategy. They could, however that would be unproductive. What is suggested is that a producer could have each of their major properties operated under their own unique strategies that are developed to optimize the assets unique character. To reiterate, that's each producer within a major area pursuing their own unique strategy irrespective of each others strategy.

Lastly we most recently noted that the JOC was the strategic framework of the producer and it joined the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication and innovation frameworks within the JOC. This framework alignment has been unrecognized in the existing ERP systems that operate in the oil and gas industry today. People, Ideas & Objects (PI&O) is the only system to recognize, identify and support the Joint Operating Committee’s frameworks. In addition, PI&O aligns the hierarchies compliance and governance frameworks into alignment with the seven frameworks of the JOC. This alignment provides the innovative oil and gas producer with the speed, innovativeness and accountability necessary to compete in the complex era of oil and gas exploration and production.

Application of global or generic corporate strategies are what companies did in the twentieth century. Today producers need to respond at the asset level in order to ensure the optimal value is realized. These findings are based on the extensive research that has been conducted here at People, Ideas & Objects. That although we have sworn off our focus on research we are still able to refer to it. Those posts that refer to our work in strategy would be best sourced from these labels, Strategy, Langlois, and Dosi.

For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.

Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification. Email me here if you need an invite.