The Preliminary Specification Part III
Last week we began our series discussing the output that the community would produce during the Preliminary Specification. We noted the geographical scope and its representation, how technology was not an influence in the specification and that producers, service industries, society and individuals were part of the output. Today we are going to discuss the redefinition of the boundaries between the markets and firms. Where markets are comprised of the service industries and firms are the producers themselves. Where the current bureaucrats and managers are no longer able to micro-manage the industry as they once claim they were able to.
The Draft Specification redefines the boundaries of the market and the firm in the oil and gas industry. As controversial as that sounds, it is required in order for innovation to occur. Critical to this redefinition is the understanding that the key competitive advantages of the producer firms are their land and physical assets and their earth science and engineering capabilities. Acceptance of this fact is critical to the competitiveness of the producer firm. Management of all aspects of the industry are beyond the scope of what is now possible. The market must be relied upon to meet the needs of the field activities. That demands more and better information be communicated between market participants.
No producer would hold out that their drill bit technology as superior to another producer, or their rig as more capable, yet, field level innovations are held back until the marketplace for them is proven for the technology. This chicken and egg strategy has been exploited by the producers time and again because they hold the financial resources of the industry and will only release those dollars for “proven” engineering. Unfortunately the investment capital groups understand this and have decided not to play this game any longer and as a result their is little to no innovation in the field occurring. With no investment capital to fund the start-up ideas nothing is happening. The producers are now having to pay what they feel are exorbitant prices for field services as their are no field level innovations or new entrants. Well whats that saying “you reap what you sow”.
A good example of this holding off is reflected in People, Ideas & Objects. At no time has there been any assistance from industry. Yet on three occasions, in three significant ways they have attempted to circumvent this Intellectual Property. Each attempt has ended in failure. And each failure has only secured my claim by establishing that there is no other competitive offering. Bureaucrats don’t work with the service industry, they only take what they want without paying for it. Those days must end and with the modules in the People, Ideas & Objects application, that end is designed to happen.
When we talk about an industry that needs to do more with the same amount of resources this type of stand-off will not solve the problems the industry face. The problems that this industry faces will not be solved easily. Those with the ideas on how to solve them will not be willing to do it for an industry that will just hijack them. How this is resolved is through the Research & Capabilities Module that allows those with the ideas to publish, in a manner similar to a blog, their ideas and earn the rights to them. There they can have producers see them and have the producers sponsor them and build them for the benefit of those with the ideas, the producer and industry.
Once the ideas are generated and operational within the industry, then the Resource Marketplace module will enable all service providers with the ability to interact with producers to conduct the work needed. From preparation of budgets, AFE’s, work orders, billing, invoices etc the service provider will have accounting interfaces that enable them to manage their interactions with the producers.
In other words those with the ideas working with the producers, developing their ideas, getting funding from the producers to prove their ideas, developing their ideas into commercial products and then interacting with the industry participants to conduct their business. These are the actions that these two modules of the People, Ideas & Objects application are designed to support. These processes are what are needed to enable the market and firms to interact in a manner necessary for the industry to achieve the markets demand for energy. Field level innovations are a critical and necessary element of meeting that demand. The current bureaucrats and managers are unable to understand the information they have in front of them. It is therefore time to take the task away from them.
For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.
Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification. Email me here if you need an invite.