Eliminating the Conflict
In the Preliminary Research Report, in addition to the advantages of using the Joint Operating Committee (JOC) we listed the disadvantages of the conflict between the JOC and the traditional hierarchy. What becomes clear in listing these disadvantages, is the overriding focus on compliance and governance by the hierarchy. Tax, SEC and Royalty requirements at times appear as the sole focus of the organizations. The operations within the JOC are a distant second in terms of dealing with the business of the producer.
I am speaking of course from the business perspective dictated by the use of the ERP system of the producer, not the technical perspective of the earth science and engineering production operation. The separation between the administration and the earth science and engineering focus within the producer is something that is being eliminated in the Draft Specification. Lets call this well known phenomenon of “no one reading from the same page”.
Oil and gas operations are unique based on their geographic and geological makeup. Applying blanket corporate strategies to these operations was possible in the easy energy era. In today’s marketplace the need to have unique operational strategies for each oil and gas property is a necessity and is accommodated in the Draft Specification. What is not needed is the conflict and confusion within the producer that is as a result of no one reading from the same page.
One of the breakthroughs from the research People, Ideas & Objects has conducted is that the differing operational strategies that are employed by each of the producers in a JOC are possible and appropriate. Each producer has a unique make up of assets and strategies and those can be enabled through the use of People, Ideas & Objects Draft Specification. Without the systems needed to support these differing strategies, the confusion and conflict will only grow, potentially in exponential ways.
The conflict between the separation of the compliance and governance of the hierarchy and the five frameworks of the JOC are reflected in each of the following points.
Introduces political and bureaucratic conflict.
This is the first and most damaging aspect of no one reading from the same page. When strategy, operations and administration are all moving in different directions within the organization, conflict is the result. The solution in the Draft Specification is provided by moving the compliance and governance from the hierarchy and aligning them with the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural and communication frameworks of the JOC.
Compromises and muddles internal decisions.
What may be ideal strategy to optimize the property may be unknown to many of the decision makers within the producer firm. The operational decision making resides with the JOC. The decisions made by these organizations are not communicated effectively through the producer firm. Time necessary to make decisions and the bureaucracy have the effect of slowing the capacity of the producer.
Lacks the direct support from the hierarchy.
When no one is reading from the same page, it seems that the administration is moving in different directions from the technical groups. For cost reasons, having everyone reading from the same page isn’t a luxury but a necessity.
Successes and / or failures are not identified, shared or learned explicitly by any of the participating organizations. Knowledge is held tacitly, limited amounts of knowledge is codified or make explicit.
As decisions and strategies are confused, the ability to learn from the decisions is lost. Innovation is an iterative process based on the success and failure and the history of the property. In a science and applied engineering business that requires more scientific effort for each barrel of oil produced, the decision history and understanding of the underlying knowledge of the property become necessities.
Eliminates initiative and innovation. No tolerance for risk taking or experimentation that is required for innovation.
Building on the previous point regarding success or failures, when no one is held accountable for the decisions that were made, initiative and innovation fall to the sidelines.
No regulatory or internal financial reporting requirements.
The standard reporting of an interest in a JOC is fairly standard. People, Ideas & Objects have published a Technical Vision of how Information Technology will change in the near future. This Technical Vision foresees a substantial increase in the volume of data that is available to a producer. With the Performance & Evaluation and Analytics & Statistics modules, the producer can expand their use of this data in innovative ways.
The hierarchically based organization is an impediment to future progress.
This has been discussed by many. Although People, Ideas & Objects subscribe to this thinking, we are offering a viable solution by recognizing the Joint Operating Committee and developing an alternative governance structure in the Military Command & Control Metaphor in the Draft Specification.
Capacity to replace reserves has become logistically, operationally and organizationally constrained.
The long term perspective of a producer firm is reflected in their reserves. To expand their reserves a producer has a scientific capability, that in addition to their reserves, are its critical competitive advantages. These capabilities are the differences between success and failure.
Capacity to meet the market demand is diminishing.
The overall effect of these points is that the ability of the industry to expand its productive capability has stalled. As the world has more people entering the middle class, the lack of market supplies of energy will bring significant societal issues to all concerned.
For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.
Technorati Tags: People's Review Accountability Development Failure Innovation Organization