Independence of the CISP
The past few months have provided a review of many of the attributes of the Community of Independent Service Providers (CISP). One of the key attributes that we have not been able to discuss or highlight is the independent nature of the people who are part of the CISP community. By independent we simply mean that the people are not affiliated with one producer firm. They are oriented to the Joint Operating Committee (JOC), and therefore do not bring any of the bias that people affiliated with one producer might.
This independence is of importance, particularly in the administrative areas of the oil and gas industry. What is central to the administration of the JOC is the bias towards all of the producers that are represented in the property. For example, it is assumed that most accounting personnel will be affiliated with certain JOC's as opposed to being employed by one firm. If people are affiliated with more then one JOC, which is highly likely, they may be associated with certain geographical regions or producing zones as their specialty. It is the JOC that is their employer / client, not the operator or any single firm that may have hired them.
This discussion precludes any of the administration that would be associated with the compliance and governance related areas of the individual producer firm. Administrators will also be engaged on a producer by producer basis. I will however note that the Compliance & Governance of the firm is mostly oriented to the decisions that are made at the JOC level, therefore, they are more a fallout of the decision process, as opposed to the all consuming activities they appear to be today.
The accounting for the JOC that is done in the People, Ideas & Objects Draft Specification is handled primarily in the Partnership Accounting Module. This module seeks to account for the JOC and the contributions that are made by each participant firm. Effectively eliminating the concept of having one firm designated as the operator, each producers resources are pooled through the Military Command & Control Metaphor. And those resources are costed to the JOC on the basis that they are either chargeable or non-chargeable to the other partners within the specific JOC. The resources that are provided by the CISP , and for that matter any service sector firm, are engaged contractually through the JOC and therefore are independent of any specific producer firm.
As an example, lets consider the manner in which production accounting allocations are handled under the proposed People, Ideas & Objects application. Lets first assume that the entire history of the properties development has been handled by People, Ideas & Objects application and the independence of the CISP . The overriding concern of the production allocation is to ensure that the methods of allocation be consistent with that which is captured in the spirit of the governing agreements. Because the CISP is oriented to the JOC and not one individual producer, interpretation of that agreement is consistent with the spirit. (Not to suggest that this is not the case in current oil and gas production accounting. ;))
Applying this same example to a property who's history has codified the production allocation process. This production allocation process would be adopted "as is" within the Partnership Accounting module.
Action to fund these developments is required. But action can also be taken by those that are employed in the oil and gas industry. Participation in the development of this software, either as a user or member of the Community of Independent Service Providers, is open to all those that may be interested. Our appeal should be based on these eight "Focused on" priorities and values of how better the oil and gas industry and its operations could be handled. They may not initially be the right way to go, but we are committed to working with the various communities to discover and ensure the right ones are.
Society is put in peril when world oil production declines. There is evidence that the worlds oil production has declined. Therefore the world needs to have the energy industry expand its production. To do so requires that we reorganize to enhance the division of labor and specialization within the industry. As has been proven, this reorganization could achieve far greater oil and gas production . Management of the industry are conflicted in expanding the output of the industry. The less they do, the higher the oil and gas prices and the better they appear to perform. This managerial conflict must be addressed and the performance of the industry unleashed. To do so requires the current management of the industry to fund People, Ideas & Objects and build the systems as defined in the Draft Specification. Please join me here.
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