Sunday, October 18, 2009

Producers Have Choices

Shadow boxing has been something we've had to do here for the past number of years. Our opponent, Oracle was under development with their Oracle Fusion product suite. Fusion is now being promoted, that is to say it's being revealed, to help interested producers decide which system, Oracle, SAP or People, Ideas & Objects, they should use. As no one in their right mind would select SAP the decisions were somewhat delayed until Oracle revealed their hand. Now its D-Day.

For the past four years the giant Elephant in the room has been what Oracle was spending their time and money on. Since their acquisition of PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards, BEA and Siebel they had been busy developing their Fusion offering and strategy. Therefore it's now time to expand our focus of the competition to include Oracle Fusion. I think I have seen enough to know that the Oracle's Fusion product is not designed or suitable for the oil and gas producer. But then I am biased.

Last week Oracle had their annual OpenWorld conference in San Francisco. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison made the keynote presentation on Wednesday. The one hour, forty minute presentation is available here. I highly recommend the viewing of this video to see the type of applications that Oracle is bringing to the market. Viewing of the conferences other presentations are available here. Of interest there is a good video of Sun Chairman Scott McNeally who appears to be retiring from Sun. Always entertaining.

The most obvious point in viewing Ellison's keynote is that he has spent a lot of money. To make this offering the following table reflects how much money Oracle has spent.

PeopleSoft - J.D. Edwards
December 2004
$10.3 billion
January 2008
$7.85 billion
September 2005
$5.85 billion
Research & Development
2005 - 2009
$15.0 billion
Total Investment in
 Oracle Fusion
$39.0 billion

And that does not include any sail boats. The serious question that has to be asked is how is Oracle going to make a return on this investment? All of this money has been expended to bring out a generic set of modules that deal with the company as a silo'd entity. Again it has no consideration or understanding that the Joint Operating Committee is the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer.

In a direct comparison of the module specifications, we see the stark difference between the Draft Specification and Oracle's costly Fusion offering.

Modules available in Oracle Fusion.

  • Financial Management
  • Human Capital Management
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Project Portfolio Management
  • Procurement Management
  • Governance, Risk and Compliance

Vs. People, Ideas & Objects modules

Generic Modules

Security & Access Control Module

Accounting Modules

Partnership Accounting Module
Accounting Voucher Module

Marketplace Modules

Petroleum Lease Marketplace Module
Resource Marketplace Module
Financial Marketplace Module

Producer Modules

Compliance & Governance Module
Research & Capabilities
Analytics & Statistics Module

Joint Operating Committee Modules

Knowledge & Learning Module
Performance Evaluation Module

People, Ideas & Objects provide the producers with the applications on a cost plus basis. The one time development costs are amortized over the entire industry. Our business is to provide the producer with a software development capability that accommodates the changes in their business. Changes from today and for many decades to come. I will highlight the analysis and decisions that were made in coming to this model over the next few weeks.

Oracle's business model has not changed. Selling the entire application suite to each company is the only way that they can begin to amortize the capital costs they have spent to date. Now whether Oracle will consider those investments as a sunk cost or not is something for them to figure out. But this is not something that is going to be resolved quickly.

Another aspect of these high capital costs, is that Oracle hasn't garnered any competitive advantage in the oil and gas business. Large additional capital costs will still be needed by the purchaser of the Oracle Fusion application suite. I believe the costs associated to customize Oracle Fusion to the producers needs will be substantially greater then the total People, Ideas & Objects costs.

A critical and important characteristic of the People, Ideas & Objects application is being revealed by comparing Oracle's business model. All of the Joint Operating Committee participants are being accommodated by our application. There will be no need to coordinate the interactions with each and every participant, with each and every Joint Operating Committee. The problem in systems in oil and gas is that the interactions beyond the corporate reach cause the firms to expend significant effort in making these interactions work. People, Ideas & Objects is looking at the costs from the JOC point of view, therefore the interactions are handled at the point of origin. The costs associated with defining these interactions in the Oracle Fusion product will be incremental to the costs of People, Ideas & Objects.

If it is not clearly evident to the oil and gas producers that their is a need for new systems in oil and gas, it should be. And that the least constrained, conflicted and confused option is an advantage. This start up with a compelling vision provides real value to the oil and gas producer in comparison to these costly behemoths. How many years before Oracle and SAP come up with a compelling vision of how the oil and gas industry is able to move to the greater demands expected of each producer.  Now is the time to decide where the future of your companies systems come from. Everybody get on board and join me here, the train is leaving the station.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

From Draft to Preliminary

I published the Draft Specification last year and we now move on to the Preliminary Specification. The Draft was developed to codify the research and ensure that a system based on its specification would identify and support the innovative producer. The Preliminary Specification has many objectives but the most important factor is the User will be who will work to define the requirements.

This is the point where the User begins the task of defining what the requirements of the application are. It is also the point where I will no longer have any influence in the makeup of the application. That's the point, one person could do this work if they were able to live to the age of 4,000 years. The scope of the application, as defined, covers the administration and management of the producer. From accounting, legal, land, capital and operational expenditures the entire firm is operated by the People, Ideas & Objects application. Just as SAP is used throughout the company.

The Partnership Accounting Module brings in an additional expansion of the scope by including all global jurisdictions as requirements. If a producer is to operate within all possible areas of oil and gas operations they will need to handle the currency, partners jurisdiction and accounting regulation requirements. Joint Operating Committee's are used throughout the world. Their operations command that the application accommodates operations in any area of the world, with partners who reside in any jurisdiction of the world.

Sounds simple doesn't it. Defining the scope is one of the difficult jobs to be determined in the Preliminary Specification. The compromises, the tough decisions will need to be made by the Users during their development of the specification. That is why the Users are compensated for these contributions and use the knowledge learned to develop their own service based offering as part of the Community of Independent Service Providers.

The Users defined scope will also be dictated by the producers that are involved in funding this project. If a producer firm requires heavy oil operations, natural gas or conventional oil. If they need certain geographically or regional coverage or SEC, SEBI, China Securities Regulatory Commission or Britain's Securities and Investments Board. Or needs to pay Texas, U.S. Alberta or Yemen royalties. A producer that does not include their operations at this critical point in time, can not have the application they need, or the Users that are intimately knowledgeable of their needs. There is much at risk as we transition from the Draft to Preliminary Specifications.

The overwhelming level of the scope of People, Ideas & Objects functionality and process management are daunting. Spooky might be the more operative word. I have been working on this project for over six years and I will continue to work to make this application real. Its that passion thing. Much of what I thought was going to happen in the Preliminary Research Report has come about. The time is now to begin this critical next step of the Preliminary Specification.

The community that reads this blog is large and is waiting along side me. Waiting for the producers to begin funding the Preliminary Specification. Their funding which is needed to ensure it contains what they require in terms of their operations. Please join me here.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another step closer.

We live in a world where the communicative ability of each individual is, for lack of a better word, unlimited. What I can do with the technology available to me is truely remarkable. Voice, text and video are all being captured, transmitted, and understood by their recipients. What are they talking about, ideas. It use to be that if you wanted to make a personal phone call at work, use of the telephone for non business purposes was not permitted. As ridiculous as that sounds, and it is ridiculous, it is not too different today. The majority of use of the computer at work is limited to the business areas that you are involved in. Browse to a "not approved" site and you could be called on it. This doesn't turn us into the nanny state, it gives the IT Manager something to do.

What we are doing is spending upwards of two to two and half hours a day to travel downtown to use the computer at the office. Not to much difference to the way that phones used to be regulated. Why wake up to spend all that traveling time for your managers mandatory attendance. When you can be productive as soon as you make a cup of coffee. It doesn't make to much sense other then the ability to so, doesn't exist, because the bureaucracy is unable to change.

The BBC is reporting today that Wifi, which is a cornerstone of the People, Ideas & Objects Technical Vision, is going through another specification called Wifi Direct. Enabling point to point network creation. 

It will let wi-fi devices like phones and laptops connect to one another without joining a traditional network.
The future that I see, and the one the Technical Vision provides, is that people will work in much the same way they are communicating today. Gripes that people were concerned with of working, where ever and when ever, big brother watching, or never get a moments rest, have been replaced with the freedom of not being at the behest of the phone ringing, somewhere they are not. With video being recorded of your every move the belief was this would be an invasion of privacy. These concerns are mitigated by the knowledge that you are being recorded, and the freedom these devices otherwise provide.

People, Ideas & Objects would extend these freedoms to having the opportunity to do your work in the future in the same manner that you live your life today. One in which you the User has a direct influence on. If data security is really the concern of the management then they had better get on board with this software development project. The issue I see is that the bureaucracy doesn't want to give up control of the access to the data.

In the past, many times I would think there is a better way to do the job I was tasked with. Many times I thought this would be so much easier if I could get a new report, or other information to make the job easier. This was easier to do twenty years ago then it is today. How many times have users thought that If I had the authority and access to the data and developers, I could make this job much easier or more timely. People, Ideas & Objects is the opportunity to have these types of interactions available to the users. Please join me here.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Users, the focus and the key

The visions that are part and parcel of People, Ideas & Objects Draft Specification provide the "User" with an interesting "mainstream" business opportunity. User based development is the critical link in making this or any software development successful. I may now start stating this project is "mainstream" based on the ideas of Professor Oliver Williamson and his winning the Nobel in economics.

We have seen in the past few weeks the discussion turn to the hundreds of thousands of jobs that make up Exxon, and by assumption there are hundreds of thousands of different jobs in the industry. This knowledge is held tacitly in the minds of those that work in the industry. To hold the understanding of a handful of the roles is available to many who have an abundance of experience in the business. But that's about it. The collective knowledge of how this industry operates and runs on is unknowable, and that's the point. The only way we are going to be able to understand this tacit knowledge is by having the community of Users detail what it is they know.

Ask SAP how it processes the delivery of propane to a new customer and they will provide you with their understanding of how to bill for a product. What the User knows is how to use the SAP module to achieve the results that are desired. The User has the tacit knowledge of how the industry works and retrofits that understanding into SAP's version of best practice. What is the best or optimal way of doing the job is never asked, until now.

Users have to be the individuals that work with the developers to build the applications that they know can be better. Until such time as the User is the focus of the development, we will not see the optimal or most effective solution. We will continue to be presented with applications that the developer or a single producer needed. Not what is known to be possible. People, Ideas & Objects is the Users opportunity to have the applications they need, built.

It's also an area where the User can build a business. By bringing their ideas of how best to do a job in the industry, they are paid by People, Ideas & Object's. This is not just a one time event, or something they can be involved in for a few years. I see the applications changing constantly as the underlying industry and business changes. These Users will be involved with the developers on a somewhat permanent part time basis. But that's not all. The User has to have hands on understanding of what is happening at the producer firms.

As members of the Community of Independent Service Providers they also have free use of the People, Ideas & Objects applications at their producer clients. Ensuring that the needs of the producer are met by the applications they have had a significant hand in defining and developing. Being intimately involved in bringing the applications to their producer clients. Where their role with the producer being the defining part of their work with People, Ideas & Objects.

This is not a small undertaking and the amount of work being done by the Users is a large multiple of the volume of time that the developers spend in writing the code. To expect that these people would not be compensated for doing this work doesn't pass the laugh test. They need to be compensated for the advanced skills they bring to this project.

User driven developments are proven to be the only successful method of building quality software. With this project we are taking on the entire scope of the administration and management of the Joint Operating Committee and producer operations. Including compliance and governance. This is not a small task, and although the costs have not been tallied, our focus on the User communities development is the only means of software development that is  considered. Please join me here.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Nobel to Oliver Williamson

The Nobel Prize was awarded to Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson this morning. I can't think of anything that puts the People, Ideas & Objects community inline with the current thinking of the economic community. I am elated. I am not aware of the work of Elinor Ostrom and I will look into her work to see if it applies as directly as Professor Williamson's does. I have two blog posts on Oliver Williamson's work and the one paper I reviewed "Introduction to Transaction Cost Economics" which provided strong grounding for the Draft Specification. I also have 7 other papers of his sitting in the hopper waiting to be reviewed. I'll certainly bump these up in terms of priority as to when I will approach them.

Noteworthy among today's accolades are the following.


Both Ostrom’s work on governance institutions and common-pool resources and Williamson’s work on governance institutions and the transactional boundary of the firm contribute meaningfully to our understanding of how individuals coordinate their plans and actions in decentralized, complex systems.
From The Wall Street Journal
“According to Williamson’s theory, large private corporations exist primarily because they are efficient. They are established because they make owners, workers, suppliers, and customers better off than they would be under alternative institutional arrangements. When corporations fail to deliver efficiency gains, their existence will be called in question,” according to information on the research released by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. “Large corporations may of course abuse their power. They may for instance participate in undesirable political lobbying and exhibit anti-competitive behavior. However, according to Williamson’s analysis, it is advisable to regulate such behavior directly rather than through policies that limit the size of corporations.”
Ostrom’s work also has something to say about regulation: “The main lesson is that common property is often managed on the basis of rules and procedures that have evolved over long periods of time. As a result they are more adequate and subtle than outsiders — both politicians and social scientists — have tended to realize. Beyond showing that self-governance can be feasible and successful, Ostrom also elucidates the key features of successful governance. One instance is that active participation of users in creating and enforcing rules appears to be essential. Rules that are imposed from the outside or unilaterally dictated by powerful insiders have less legitimacy and are more likely to be violated. Likewise, monitoring and enforcement work better when conducted by insiders than by outsiders. These principles are in stark contrast to the common view that monitoring and sanctioning are the responsibility of the state and should be conducted by public employees.”
From the Calgary Herald
"Since we have found that bureaucrats sometimes do not have the correct information while citizens and users of resources do, we hope it helps encourage a sense of capacity and power," the professor told a news conference via telephone.
and this quote that takes People, Ideas & Objects to the mainstream and away from the "fringe".

"Over the last three decades, these seminal contributions have advanced economic governance research from the fringe to the forefront of scientific attention," it said in a statement.
"Are there relationships between the Fed and the banking sector, on which it has such a significant influence, that haven't been thought through as fully as they might in organizational terms?" he asked.
Much of their theories were used to prove the Joint Operating Committee is the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer. Specifically noting that the natural "boundary of firm and market" is best represented in the JOC being the market. I'm dissapointed that I was only able to review one of Williamson's papers. My favorie quote from his paper is as follows.
Ronald Coase's 1937 paper on "The Nature of the Firm"expressly confronted an embarrassing lapse: whereas the distributing of activity between firm and market had been taken as given by economists, the boundary of the firm should be derived from the application of economic reasoning to the make-or-buy decision. pp. 15 - 16
Please join me here in this worthwhile, and now "mainstream" project.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

James Hamilton on Exxon Production

I have highlighted the work of University of San Diego Professor James Hamilton on this blog before. He writes this weekend on the changing face of the oil and gas industry. Focusing on the difficulties Exxon has experienced this past decade in moving their daily production volumes higher. Exxon has stated on two occasions, 2001 and 2006 they will increase production 3% each year. Only to experience an overall small decline.

This is in many ways last weeks news and something that was known by most "in the know" in the industry as early as the mid 1990's. With the commodity pricing being so bullish in the past decade, it is reasonable to assume that all was done by all the producers to bring on as much production as was possible. Nonetheless the overall deliverability of the global industry has been somewhat stable at around 85 million barrels per day.

What I find interesting in Professor Hamilton's article, is the range of Exxon's risk profile. Spending $4 billion for a 25% interest in Ghana's offshore Jubilee oil field. still seems to signal a change in philosophy for a company that has historically been extremely careful with its investments in order to maintain its position as a very low-cost producer.
It is suggested in the article that Exxon needs a price greater then $100.00 per barrel of oil in order to provide a return for that investment. I would suggest that the ways and means of managing this investment in Ghana is not any different then what a groups of start up producers would face in a low risk onshore play in North America. The Joint Operating Committee is the systemically global method of managing oil and gas assets.

Exxon did not spend $4 billion to have the "operator" take operational control of the property. They will influence what they want to see in the property and participate effectively through the Joint Operating Committee. A form of organization that SAP is not even aware it exists! The members of the JOC are able to pursue their own independent strategies as to what they want and need from the property. The conflict and contradictions only arise when Exxon Mobil should attempt to apply a global corporate compromised strategy. These corporate compromises are unable to extract the value that properties like the Jubilee oil field provides. Each JOC needs to be managed in the best interests of the property. A critical change to the way things need to be done in oil and gas today.

Corporate strategies can be developed on what is done with the value of the proceeds from the Jubilee field, and that is where the large International Oil Companies (IOC's) and the start up producer may differ. I recall my many days when I was auditing Imperial Oil the Canadian arm of Exxon. I was reviewing the firms gas royalty operations on behalf of my client the Alberta Government. This was between the years 1988 to 1994 and I accumulated the knowledge of how the firm was designed.

It was brilliant and awe inspiring. The times were different then today, the commodity prices and oversupply of the market were the two overriding concerns. Looking at how the firm extracted value from each property, granted under a standard corporate strategy, and used their "might" to make the operation the most impressive accumulation of assets that I had ever, and still had the opportunity to see.

What I am suggesting is that today Imperial would need to be run in a different manner. A manner where each property is designed to maximize the return and minimize the risk of each individual property. You can not do that with the bureaucracies that are in play, and the software they use, such as SAP. 

Whether a producer is a local startup or ExxonMobil I don't think makes a difference. The innovative oil and gas producer, the National Oil Company (NOC), or IOC will need to make these changes to this fundamentally different oil and gas marketplace. The world is in a deep recession, except for oil and gas. The pricing has never been better and the upside more dramatic to those producers that can innovatively use their earth science and engineering capabilities against their asset bases. With demand for energy from China and India, the future of the industry looks to be the best it ever has. I would challenge the thinking that SAP, conceived in the 1970's, and bureaucracies, conceived of in GM by Alfred Sloan in the very earliest part of the 20th Century, is the solution to the industries needs today.

As I am one to suggest, you should never expect a mouse to run like a horse, do not expect a bureaucracy and SAP to meet the challenges of this industry on a go forward basis. Please join me here.

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Friday, October 09, 2009

Pushing the Envelope

A lot of change is considered in the Draft Specification. Much of it difficult to assume is correct. What has been researched, and is represented in this blogs 700,000+ words, hangs together in its entirety. In other words it works on paper.

It can be frightening to view the Draft Specification and its impact in oil and gas. I know that people are ready and willing to change. The demand for change being driven by the difficulties in the economy. The escalating oil and gas prices and the financial crisis provides the realization that the old ways need to be looked at. People are looking at this point in time; from the point of view that the old ways are not providing the value we need.

How the future unfolds will not be by happen stance, in my opinion. In other industries some products are assembled in many different countries. They have components and parts that contact dozens of different countries. Organization is more by design then by chance. If, as I believe is happening, the large bureaucracies are unable to continue building value, their difficulties and decline will soon become obvious. That being so, what replaces the ways and means of the oil and gas industry from an organizational point of view.

The point I'm trying to make is that the ways and means of the oil and gas industry will not happen on their own. We need to take what proven ideas we have and start building them to ensure the transition from the old ways, the bureaucracies, is not interrupted to the new, the Draft Specification.

Looking at this problem another way, Exxon Mobil employs hundreds of thousands of people around the world. What do these people do, where do they do it and how do they do their jobs? In many ways we have lost the ability to know what our organizations do. And, if they are failing what does that mean. Can the world afford a decline in energy output? Or do we have an obligation to do something to ensure that there is a transition.

If the bureaucracies have taken the division of labor and specialization to the point where Exxon Mobil employs hundreds of thousands. What will the future need in terms of the division of labor of future organizations. To grow 90 million barrels of oil per day requires innovative, faster organizations. We think we know we can't get their with our current organizations, but we can certainly go backwards into what I will leave to your own imaginations. The choices we make today are therefore critical in making our future.

How this is done is through the people that are a critical part of this industry. Their ideas to make it better and the objects that make up the People, Ideas & Objects software. Please join me here.

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Where do shareholders fit

Yesterday I made the comment that venture capital and industrial capital would not play a role in the future of the oil and gas industry. It is difficult to see how they could begin standing from where they have fallen today, but I need to address another assumption in the Draft Specification.

Where does the money come from that will be used to start the developments within the teams. The teams are the CEO, CFO and COO who are primarily responsible for the discovery and production of the 90 million barrels per day we need by 2030. The shareholders are also critical members of the team as represented by the CFO and through the Board of Directors.

The systemic problems in the financial markets have been with the intermediaries. The banks, brokers, funds and the like. I believe the separation of management and ownership was a good idea, poorly implemented. Interventions by the owners of the businesses have fallen on deaf ears and the implementation of stronger rules like Sarbane's Oxeley have only further entrenched the management.

Direct ownership and representation in the producers is made possible and more effective by, dare I say, Information Technology. This would be a material change in the ways and means in which the oil and gas industry is funded. I agree, the commodity prices are reallocating the financial resources to support innovation and reward sound management. The need for constant infusions of capital will not be as necessary.

Secondly, and here is the point that makes the shareholders involvement possible, if these same shareholders were involved in funding People, Ideas & Objects software development. they would be involved in both the definition and support of the organization. The type of organization that is reflected in this blog.

Recall that Adam Smith developed the concepts of Division of Labor and Specialization. These  have proven that economic growth is a result of reorganization. In the next five to ten years we will face a decline or retirement in the knowledge base of the industry. The volume of work in each barrel of oil will continue to increase as well, particularly from an earth science and engineering point of view. How can this come about if we don't have these changes in the ways and means of the industry?

In this post I have attempted to separate the financial resources between equity and debt. To better understand the role of debt, please review the Financial Marketplace Module.  There is a constant theme throughout these blog posts of the past few weeks. That constant is the need for people to take action. We are challenged by these issues and opportunities, please join me here.

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

We need to organize

Yesterday we noted the comments of Mohammed Al-Qahtani of Saudi Aramco. Ninety million barrels of oil are needed to be discovered and brought on to production by 2030. I don't know if he has calculated what that would cost, lets assume its a big number. That's only 21 years, not a lot of time.

Does anyone believe we should leave this task to the current bureaucracies to figure out? How about we leave this ominous task to the likes of SAP to define and support those bureaucracies? It doesn't make much sense does it.

Another assumptions inherent in the Draft Specification is the role that finance capital takes in achieving these 90 million barrels. The short answer of course is absolutely nothing. With the current financial crisis pretty much on full boil it is difficult to see how they could fund the capital requirements for such a Herculean task. Going back to Professor Carlota Perez we find that financial capital is of limited value in the future. Its role was completed in financing the groundwork for the next great surge. The building of the Information and Communication Technologies was the job they were to have done and that is what they completed. As we can see, no one needs their services anymore.

Commodity prices will provide the reward to those producers that are successful. What better motivation is there for the teams, unconstrained cash flow. Failure will also be distributed fairly and equitably. No more need to have the ear of the biggest venture capitalist to endow you with success by granting you an equity influx. Those days are over and the earth science and engineering capabilities are the competitive advantages in the industry, and the determinants of success.

In the world where we are tasked with achieving a 90 million barrel per day increase in production. I can't think of a more exciting place to be then at People, Ideas & Objects. We have a job to do, and its a big one. In terms of the scope of the opportunity, I think that Duvernay's and BlackPearl's left a lot on the table. Please join me here.

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Collaboration is a necessity.

The Oil and Gas Journal have a comment from Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Executive Director, Petroleum Engineering and Development, of Saudi Aramco. He stated simply,

Recovering the world’s remaining oil resources will require a collaborative effort of national oil companies, international oil companies, and service companies.
This quote resonates with a number of assumptions that went into the Draft Specification. How the service industry and the producer companies are able to work closely in this most difficult of tasks. The Resource Marketplace Module is the collaborative medium in which the resource industry is able to market their offerings and contract with the producers that need them. Having an electronic marketplace that enables these connections, and facilitates the contracting is a necessity in my opinion.

The Research & Capabilities Module also provides the producer with a window on the work being done in the service industry. As I mention in that module, the producer receives 100% of the revenues from the sale of oil and gas. These financial resources need to be allocated to the service industry to conduct the research the producers will need in the long run. Funding these activities directly are what will be necessary for the producer and service providers to achieve what Mohammed Al-Qahtani also says in the article.
In addition, he noted that the world would need an additional 90 million b/d to offset declines in existing oil fields to reach a 125 million b/d level by 2030. Current world production is about 80 million b/d.
Finding 90 million b/d will be tough without the ability to collaborate in this manner. Another assumption that I have mentioned before is that the National Oil Companies will become active partners in making these plans real. Their nations reserves could best be developed in collaboration with producers from other nations. Much as Saudi Arabia has always done.

These assumption need to be incorporated in the systems that producers will use from now to 2030 and later. Systems built with the full involvement of its users. Please join me here.

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