Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shell's van der Veer get's it.

First off I need to declare that I am a Shell brat. My father was employed with Shell Canada for over 33 years and became one of their happy annuitants. I have been raised, fed and clothed by his work at Shell, by far the best oil and gas company in the world. This is for one and only one reason, it hires the best people. I am only disappointed that I was unable to work for Shell during my career, however, I look back fondly at the times in high shool that I worked in the mail room after grade 10 and their geological lab after grade 11.

Van Der Veer has captured the proper perspective and attitude for the oil and gas industry.
Energy demand will double between now and 2050,” van der Veer said today in a presentation at a Houston energy conference. “People like to have electricity and they like to drive in cars.
This is not a political issue, it is not a business issue, its a responsibility of the oil and gas industry that needs to get done. Doubling the demand for energy is probably correct, irrespective, it is our duty to meet the markets demands. What we have been consumed with these past 10 years is maintaining the status quo stock options, bonuses, salaries and perks for management. At least that is the case in CNRL, Petro-Canada, Encana and Nexen, our four little pigs. 

Does anyone suggest that we maintain the hierarchy until 2050? Of course not. Why is it acceptable, in this time of change, that we keep the failed and ineffective bureaucracy? Other then the bureaucracy hanging on to its failed ways, no one would reasonably suggest that the bureaucrats continue on to 2050.  Things are certainly different at Shell.
The Hague-based Shell, the world’s third-largest oil company by market value, is among a handful of petroleum producers that isn’t cutting spending this year on exploration and refineries in response to the $105-a-barrel decline in oil prices.
Keeping the past alive is for those that think our best is behind us. Join me here, and lets continue the journey to at least 2050.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Professor Paul Romer on Banks.

First of all Professor Romer is someone we follow pretty closely here at People, Ideas & Objects. His new growth theories are short listed each year for the Nobel Prize in Economics. In a nutshell those new growth theories provide the replacement for the old growth theories of investing in Communications, Transportation and Financial infrastructure to expand an economy. His new growth theories are none other then simply People, Ideas and Things. The precursor to the name of this project.

As one of the chief architects of "New Growth Theory," Paul Romer has had a massive and profound impact on modern economic thinking and policy-making. New Growth Theory shows that economic growth doesn't arise just from adding more labor to more capital, but from new and better ideas expressed as technological progress. Along the way, it transforms economics from a "dismal science" that describes a world of scarcity and diminishing returns into a discipline that reveals a path toward constant improvement and unlimited potential. Ideas, in Romer's formulation, really do have consequences. Big ones.
Professor Romer is in the February 6th version of the Wall Street Journal with an interesting article entitled "Lets Start Brand New Banks" and in the February 6th Economist Magazine with "Lets Start a Bank". Romer suggests that instead of investing to recapitalize the banking system, it would be more effective to start new banks, and capitalize them with the remaining $350 billion in TARP funds. Noting that with the fresh cash in new banks, the ability to fund up to $3.5 trillion in new lending would occur under existing banking legislation.

This type of thinking resonates with me. Why not skip the failed capital restructuring? The first half of the TARP funds did nothing to spur lending, its intended purpose. Throwing more money at the banks will only provide the same results. Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results is ...

I have another suggestion. Lets invest in new oil and gas companies. Firms like CNRL can be picked over by those that prefer to kick dead horses for a living. What we need is new organizations based on new and more innovative organizational constructs. Just as the Joint Operating Committee is the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural and communication frameworks of the industry. Lets build a system that provides the software and services to support the Joint Operating Committee. A system that moves the hierarchies compliance, governance, tax, royalty and SEC requirements and aligns it to the Joint Operating Committee and its frameworks. The investors would then have the tools to manage the assets that they can cherry pick off the CNRL asset auctions. Providing as clean a break as Romer suggests for the banking system. Resurrecting old dinosaurs may make for great story lines in Hollywood, but not at this time and place in terms of the future capabilities of old organizations vs. new.

The investors that are disenchanted with the treatment and results of the previous managements, should fund these software developments and build these new organizations to make them profitable and productive for themselves and society. Carl Icahn was in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday, commenting on the topic of "Capitalism Should Return to Its Roots".  Mr Icahn states:
I have initiated United Shareholders of America to empower shareholders to institute changes, and I encourage you to join our cause. A majority of the U.S. population owns shares. Their voices need to be heard -- now -- on Capitol Hill and in the boardrooms of corporate America.
Mr Icahn's difficulties in dealing with management are well documented. I can assure you that I have faced many of the same difficulties in presenting the ideas around People, Ideas & Objects to the management of oil and gas concerns. Their attempts to steal these ideas and obstruct them from being developed is known by myself, and I can assure you I do not have the scope of Mr. Icahn's resources. 

Nonetheless I think we are in a time, and have a need that makes this software development project real and timely. Please join me here

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Monday, February 09, 2009

Train wreck in progress.

Looking at Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL ) from the perspective of Professor Nouriel Roubini

Keep alive zombie banks and zombie corporations with balance sheets and debts that haven't been restructured, as in Japan, and you end up in an L-shaped near-depression.
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd is one of our piggies and my personal favorite. They have done nothing to earn the abusive and hostile position they have taken in the industry. Being a bully helps to identify who your friends are, particularly during the downturns. My comments over the past few months are summarized in this list. 
Based on those three attributes alone, CNRL qualifies as a Zombie Corporation that Roubini defines. There are many other issues that I have commented on before and they can be read here. What I want to focus on today is CNRL's Fourth Quarter Financial Statements. Or actually the lack of them. They won't be publishing their financials until March 5, 2009! What is this? We've seen Devon Energy and Conoco Phillips report large write downs in their asset values. We've seen the reports of BP, ExxonMobil and Shell. So how come we have to wait so long for CNRL.  

I want to make it clear that the non-publication of completed financial statements is a fraudulent act. As an accountant it is well known that if your peers have issued their statements, everyone will have, more or less, completed theirs. Why has CNRL postponed the publication to March 5, 2009? There is no legitimate reason to not have issued them. The tried and true comment that the Auditors are not finished is no longer valid. Not many companies would be subject to any audit induced changes. More of an issue of pride then practice, Management can interpret and apply the regulations as well as any auditor. 

So why is this an issue. Many people within and outside of the firm know what the financials state. Many will be regulated to not indulge in any trading of the firms shares. Many won't, and that provides a distinct advantage over the other "uninformed" shareholders. This deferral of statutory reporting imputes impropriety, and a lack of fortitude by the management to face the music. I think this firm is on the verge of collapsing and does not want to let the information out. If, as I suspect, they can't make mid-month payroll, they will collapse without the need to publish those disgusting financials they tried to pass off in the prior quarter . As I noted here, those statements took on a spectacular and surreal tone. Making funny revenue adjustments is best left in the hands of the crooks, of which CNRL is obviously ready and willing to join. 

My advice is to dump this companies shares as there is significant downside for any existing shareholder. This will be the first firm in which the market for investors will be able to buy the actual oil and gas properties at auction. Purchasing these assets to start over again with the software and Community of Independent Service Providers discussed in this blog, and referred to as People, Ideas & Objects.

All this and no mention or news of CNRL's heavy oil "Horizon" fiasco. Rest assured the property is one of those that will make it into the history books as one of the greatest boondoggles of an incompetent management. But don't think they can be let off the hook, incompetence is a defense of the truly desperate. These actions will be tried in the U.S. and just like Conrad Black and many others, there will be perp walks and convictions.

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

A bit under the weather.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather, I'll be back on Monday the 9th of February 2009.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The executioner is primed.

This headline showed up in the Calgary Herald the toay. It's taken me the better part of a day to refocus;

Brewing shareholder revolt puts Petro-Canada in hot seat.
It's been quiet from the point of view of our Piggies. Although Petro Canada reported losses for the last quarter of 2008. I have been waiting for more information to come in before I post anything. But this news article trumps anything that I could have written.

It seems that I am not the only one that is holding their nose as a result of the smell around here. The shareholders are not pleased either. Listen to this little tidbit.
The integrated oil company’s poor performance has riled its shareholders, including the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, which is said to be preparing a 13D regulatory filing with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. That filing may signal a push for a change of control.
I think I'm going to put my pot on simmer and watch this one develop on its own. I also have a very interesting idea of what I think is happening at CNRL. Something seems to be developing there with the recent dumping of the firm by Fidelity, and now they are not going to report their quarters earnings until March 5, 2009? Conoco Phillips, ($68 billion market cap.) which I think is a bit bigger then CNRL ($18 billion market cap.), accountants have managed to get their financial's out over a week ago. Accountants at CNRL must need more sleep.

Something is seriously wrong at CNRL, and based on my November 10, 2008 suggesting the "questionable" nature of their third quarter report, I sense we're in for a surprise. I'll even give a little hint, it's on the Horizon, so stay tuned.

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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Porter on Bloomberg on the Economy

In my original thesis I highlighted the work of Professor Michael Porter of Harvard University. Back in 2004 Porter was decades beyond his heyday of the late 1970's and early 1980's. Writing a number of books with title's like "On Competition" he set the tone for the focus on strategy in business. For some reason he was quiet since that time, however I am beginning to see more of him, particularly in the newer media like blog's and podcasts.

In the appendix to the thesis, under the section entitled "Analysis of the Software Development Industry" I used Porter's Five Forces analytical tool. The five forces consist of:

  • Threat of substitute products.
  • Rivalry among existing competitors.
  • Bargaining power of suppliers.
  • Bargaining power of buyers.
  • Barriers to entry.
I used this tool to show the weakness of the oil and gas industry dependent software developer, was a fools game. The big suppliers like IBM, SAP and Oracle used the small developer to provide the new ideas, only to toss them aside when the ideas were fully valued in their firms. They also realized that the global scope of the oil and gas industry was approximately as valuable as one major auto manufacturer in terms of revenue. The oil and gas industry focus is not on any major software developers radar. It begs the question why the industries IT groups continue to purchase the SAP and Oracle product suites. No one ever went wrong recommending SAP to a bureaucracy, the perfect symbiotic relationship.

The ultimate substitute to the development of software is the use of human resources to fill in the demand from the business. This relegates people to the mundane jobs that are best handled by computers. The future will see people doing one of two jobs. Those that computers can't do, or physical labor and those that computers can assist in. The higher value added tasks of statistical analysis and decision making.

This analysis and debate also doesn't consider what is necessary from the point of view of what makes the best software, the users. That is why it so important that you join this community. The "Community of Independent Service Providers" are key to the long term sustainability of the People, Ideas & Objects software. The software and services will go hand in hand to making the oil and gas producer profitable. Is it now more important to own the producing oil and gas asset, or is it the software and associated services that make the oil and gas property profitable? That is the question potential members of this community should ask and is indeed the importance of this project.

What does Professor Porter have to say about the economy and business today? He is being interviewed at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland by Tom Keene of Bloomberg News. Keene asks the Professor what grade the current crop of bank management would be assigned.
"Oh god, this is worse then failing. This is incomplete, this is you don't graduate, this is a catastrophe. This is asleep at the wheel, that's inexcusable."
He also suggests that the source of our current economic difficulties is a result of the lack of leadership and mentoring in the finance industry. Where the wisdom that should have been applied was missing which permitted;
"This is a situation where innovation ran ahead of the capacity of the organization. Innovation ran ahead of the regulatory framework."
We run the same risks in oil and gas. If we continue as we are, the retirement of the brain trust in the energy industry will leave society with similar economic difficulties in the future oil and gas industry. This is doubly dangerous as the industry modus operandi continues to ostracize those with ideas. We need to be working together to build a better and more productive oil and gas industry and heed the call that this current economic situation, brought about the mismanagement by the banks, is indeed innovation running ahead of the regulatory framework.

The remaining part of the interview has Porter discussing the health care situation in the United States. It is particularly interesting that the problems within the health care industry are close to the difficulties in oil and gas. The motivation and misalignment of costs and revenues has the Doctors in the U.S asking if there is something better they could be doing. Porter suggests that organizational changes and innovation will be addressed and is being addressed to resolve these issues.

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Monday, February 02, 2009

McKinsey Video of Professor Hal Varian

McKinsey continue to impress with this latest video of Professor Hal Varian. He holds the dual role of Google Chief Economist and University of California at Berkeley Professor; and general all around thinker in Silicon Valley. I noticed that McKinsey are at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland. I think it is reasonable to assume they will be heavily stimulated at this key conference and we should expect many more quality ideas to come from them.

This video is entitled "Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers: Google’s chief economist says executives in wired organizations need a sharper understanding of how technology empowers innovation." Suggesting we are at a point in time where the component parts are now available, or as he suggests "Combinatorial Innovation". The difference between previous periods where component parts became available, today's "bits" of IT based ideas and information are shared without costs and are available to most of the people on the planet. We truly live in interesting times when something so simple is a fact of life, amazing.

Professor Varian quotes Alfred Chandler's seminal work in the 1930's and how the telegraph and railroad had a defining capability in the formation of our modern corporation. I have frequently commented on my frustration with the 2 hour / day ritual of driving to the office and back. Stating this drive was a waste of resources and asking if these same people drove home to make a personal phone call? Professor Varian makes the following comment and its impact on the way in which work will be conducted in the very near future.

Instead of people going to work, the work goes to you. And you can deal with the work at anytime and anyplace with the infrastructure that is in place.
Varian goes on to suggest that the ubiquity and affordability of the Internet will provide for a significant boost in productivity. That knowledge and intellectual property (IP) will be the basis of value. This is wholly consistent with my sense that the future earning power of individuals will be based on the ownership of IP, or more importantly for this community, that People have access to IP.

Noting that IP has been revolutionized by the Internet. Today ideas are published as soon as they are conceived. (At least that is what I am doing here.) This is wholly consistent with the ideas that were used to establish copyright. The act of publication is how the copyrights are earned. Allowing the world to find these ideas and build on them is the net benefit to society. Varian says this revolution is over, with the people willingly publishing and promoting the sharing of ideas.

This video is short, around 10 minutes, but the comments that are made are dramatic in their matter of fact-ness and importance to the work being done in People, Ideas & Objects. Professor Varian looks at the seemingly unimportant transaction. How today we can and do so many more transactions through automation. Also how in the future many things can and will be contracted for, and how the ability to confirm a transaction is carried out appropriately.

Much of the work that went in to defining the Draft Specification was based on my understanding of the oil and gas industry, and the academic research in the area of transactions. This work includes most importantly Professors Richard N. Langlois and Carliss Baldwin. What the Draft Specification is designed to accomplish is what Professor Hal Varian suggests. I think as a result of Langlois' work, we have been able to move from a software system that processes transactions, to include the ability to design transactions with the objective of building value. Processing transactions in a software system is necessary functionality of any system today. The real value will be in the ability to design the transaction in a manner that ensures the value that is possible is attained. And that is one of the many things that makes People, Ideas & Objects different.

Professor Varian suggests that he thinks an area where there is going to be another revolution is in the area of services. The community that forms here is how the energy industry will conduct its operations. Instead of the producers employing people directly, service based organizations will provide the resources for the producers to profitably explore and produce energy. These services will have the software development capability and software tools that are being built here in People, Ideas & Objects. And this "Community of Independent Service Providers" as I have been calling them; will apply those tools in value added services to the producers. None of these services have yet been defined, let alone built. These services are a critical aspect of this software development. Those people that wish to join this community and begin to build this software, and their own associated services should follow this process.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Nouriel says the "D" word.

This week we have been able to focus on the community that needs to form here. A community that needs to build the People, Ideas & Objects ERP styled software systems that are desperately needed for the oil and gas industry. Today we have a fairly strong dose of negative economic news, and I submit these latest articles to provide the support for the changes that are needed. If we don't act, we will be in a much more dire situation then we currently find ourselves.

First is Professor Nouriel Roubini states the "D" word. He also states that the five top U.S. Banks are insolvent. Nouriel may be the most famous economist due to his precise calling of this economic decline. Noriel has provided very sound quantitative and qualitative analysis of what is happening economically. Prescribing some of the remedies that are necessary to offset this decline. When he starts using the "D" word, I think it is very serious point. His most recent interview was on Wednesday with Bloomberg News "On the Economy" with Tom Keene at the Davos, Switzerland World Economic Forum. I highly recommend listening.

Next is the earnings of the oil and gas producers. Conoco Phillips fired the first shock in the season by reporting a loss of $31.8 billion for the fiscal 2008 year. Wow, must be a problem there.

Lastly the news comes from Forbes, Occidental Petroleum's Chairman finds that the current pricing structure is inadequate to cover the cost structure.

"The current oil and gas industry cost structure is higher than what the current product prices can support," said Dr. Ray Irani, the company's chairman, who said the company would lower its 2009 capital spending budget to $3.5 billion to protect its returns.
Hm must be a problem there. Just a note, I don't think I will be reporting on any more oil and gas company earnings outside of the Pigs. (CNRL, Nexen, Petro Canada and Encana.) Conoco is a well run firm, however, that is in the context of last centuries performance. The Pigs are deserving to get stuffed and I'll continue on as they release their losses.

The need for this community is evident, and is on display in almost every business article written today. The economic decline is going to get much worse, the oil and gas companies are being questioned with their own survival, and the need for this community to form and get on with the job of building the next generation systems AND organizations is now, please join me here in doing these critical tasks.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Davos, Switzerland

I have highlighted the writings of Bruce Nussbaum of BusinessWeek magazine on this blog before. Among other things he writes the NussbaumOnDesign weblog, (subscribe to the RSS feed). My previous posts of his are here and here. Since his writing, the topics he covers (Design and Innovation), and the ideas that he raises are valid to this community, I am setting up a label (to aggregate his posts within the Innovation in Oil and Gas weblog) and Technorati tag / URI for Nussbaum (to aggregate posts within all blogs that have been tagged Nussbaum.)

He is in Davos, Switzerland for the annual World Economic Forum. In a series of articles he is metaphorically letting the rubber hit the road. Arguing that the people that are discussing the economic consequences of the current economy are the ones that brought the problems to us, and are not necessarily the people who will be getting us out of this economic mess anytime soon. I highly recommend reading his post here.

A “transformational crisis” is the term used in the opening session of the World Economic Forum by founder Klaus Schwab to describe the state of the global economy today. Institutions are not working, unemployment is soaring and we have to first manage the crisis, then manage a new world post-crisis. (Italics are my emphasis.)
The real critical aspect of his posting is that he suggests the people who are the ones that will be making the transition are not necessarily in attendance, or are relegated to the sidelines at Davos. Nonetheless there are a number of very valid quotations that I would like to highlight.
Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, News Corporation, USA, and Co-Chair of the Annual Meeting 2009. “Don’t let’s lose sight of what creates wealth; it’s open markets, capitalism and we’ve proved this again and again in last century,” he cautioned.

Werner Wenning, Chairman of the Board of Management, Bayer, Germany, and Co-Chair of the Annual Meeting 2009. “We’re talking about growing populations; we have to address issues of how to secure energy supply and of climate change; we’re also talking a lot about sustainability and returning to the basics of sustainable behaviour.”
Bingo, we are being challenged by so much more then just an economic mess. This is why this community that we are building for the oil and gas industry is so critical. Without the necessary systems being built for the future organization, we will not get anywhere close to this future. Software systems are the glue that make organizations work. Using the Joint Operating Committee in the oil and gas industry is the critical organizational construct of the innovative producer. It is the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural and communication frameworks of the industry. SAP and Oracle, who define and support the bureaucracy, are able to provide compliance and governance for the SEC, Tax, and Royalty regimes. They DO NOT recognize this critical organization, the JOC, in their software.

Nussbaum in a second posting for today, writes the following highlights from what he has entitled "Fear in Davos"
It’s midnight and I’ve talked with maybe 20 really smart people so far at Davos (yep, very dense population of very smart people at the World Economic Forum) and the consensus is that a deep fear is running through the conference this year. Things could be much worse, is the message.
One senior public European figure told me “First we had the financial crisis. We still have that plus an economic crisis. Now we’re getting both plus a political crisis. This is getting ugly.”
We can chase new ideas around the table for a number of years. We no longer have that time or luxury. Understanding that using the JOC is the real key to innovation in the industry is something that I have been doing for the last 5 years. The idea of using the JOC has been thought through to the point where a total overall vision (the Draft Specification) is ready to be implemented. It details what using the JOC could provide if we built this software. Wasting time thinking of new ways to organize is unnecessary.

Critical to this possibility is the ability of a community to take the Draft Specification and produce a Preliminary Specification. But this community, which is very large and understands what I have been writing about, is ready to move. The oil and gas people in Davos are not the ones that are going to see these changes implemented. It is you the reader of this web log, and the concerned member of the oil and gas industry that belongs in this community, please join me here.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Innovation Engines and more.

Booz, Allen, Hamilton and the Aspen Institute hold an annual conference to discuss many issues. The 2008 event is summarized in a document entitled "Harnessing the Power of Ideas" which include two very interesting and pertinent articles to the work we are doing here. These papers deal with energy, innovation and the community based approach.

Innovation Engines: Where Will the Next R & D Breakthroughs Come From?

The article asks the very pertinent question:

Rather as evidenced in the 2007 Strategy + Business study The Customer Connection: The Global Innovation 1000, increased return on investment is directly associated with a market driven, customer focused R & D strategy. Moreover, consumers are participating more directly in innovation and technology development, signaling the innovation landscape may be moving from the top down, Manhattan Project style model to a networked, continuously adapting and evolving "Google Style" approach. Are these developments temporary, or will "innovation engines" continue to change? Are traditional top down models still effective? p. 3
These and other questions are asked in the document but are not answered. More a call for answers. Here I can state unequivocally that the Manhattan Project style would never work in bringing an innovative software development project on-line. Score one for the Google Styled approach.

Megacommunities: Addressing Global Challenges Through Collaborative Networks

This article is right on topic with what is being done here. Defining the People, Ideas & Objects user and developer community as a megacommunity resonates with me. In their "why this matters" section it is stated:
Our increasingly globalized and interconnected world is creating issues too large for one authority to solve alone. The issues we face - environment risks, energy security, climate change, food and drug safety, global health - are so complex and involve such a diverse set of stakeholders that traditional methods of problem solving are ineffectual. In response, we see new types of collaboration emerging. p. 14
More particularly this quote gives me goose bumps.
A megacommunity approach helps create the conditions for translating complex issues into clear solutions. More than a large community of people, megacommunities are collections of organizations whose leaders and members have deliberately come together across national, organizational, and sector boundaries to reach the goals they cannot achieve alone. This tri-sector engagement of similarly concerned organizations focuses on a clearly defined  issue where the vital interests of those organizations converge. A megacommunity focuses an issue so that it is clearly defined but not oversimplified. The issue is scaled, but it maintains its complexity. p. 15
Download the .pdf and use it as a guide to increase your involvement in this megacommunity.

Web 2.0 and Beyond: What Does the Cyber Future Hold?

Discussion of the cloud and its impact is beginning to generate interest and discussion. This article presents some of the issues of web 2.0 technologies from the point of view of speed. I appreciate this discussion and ask, although the pace may be too fast for most of us, what does a bureaucracy do in the face of this viable and developing alternative. From their "Why this matters" section:
Web 2.0, the latest technology trend in computing and communications, is popular slang for a series of dynamic, interactive applications producing new forms of technological and social interaction. The lightening pace of web 2.0 technological innovation and evolution challenges our ability - as individual users, communities (real and virtual), and cultures - to grapple with its immediate and enduring implications. As these technologies increase connectivity, decentralize power, and facilitate mass collaboration, cyberspace presents a formidable dilemma for policy makers: What does the future of cyberspace hold, and how might policymakers shape it? p. 29
Interesting question. What I would suggest the oil and gas investor, the government agencies and particularly the progressive minded producers do, is to get on board and start pulling their weight. There is no control or "shaping" if your not here, no one can hear you.

Fueling the Future: Sustainable Choices for a New Transportation Landscape. and Food, Fuel, and Famine: Will Biofuels Starve Us or Save Us?

And lastly these two articles ask the right types of questions in my mind as to what the future holds in terms of energy production. Those in the oil and gas industry know that the endowment of oil and gas can not be replaced by man made synthetics. This is a very dangerous discussion. One that can cause significant issues in our very near future. We need to realize the most effective way to fuel the future is through a combination of aggressive exploration of the earth sciences and engineering disciplines, and their application in the oil and gas industry. We also need to reduce the amount of energy we consume by more effectively using what we have. Driving to work in the morning is becoming more and more ridiculous by the day. Join me here and lets build systems that will reduce the daily commute to simply logging in to People, Ideas & Objects .

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