Times like these calls for...
In most business' the amount that management sell their products at is higher then its costs. In oil and gas we would only dream of such a concept as price management. In the Draft Specification I have included a price management capability on a fully automated basis.
The problem comes down to the designation of one producer as the operator. The operator has every motivation to keep the wells and fields producing to their fullest extent at all times. This is as a result of beliefs of competitive drainage, and the bank expecting their investment to perform. The fact of the matter is that the operator does not have the authority to shut in any production without the consent of the partners.
Recall that today, the Joint Operating Committee (JOC) meets on a relatively infrequent time frame and the majority of the reporting is standard fare statements and data. Any production volume reduction is not possible without the consent of the producers who hold x% as determined in the Operating Procedure.
Fast forward now to the day in which the People, Ideas & Objects system has been built and is commercially available. It is fair to assume that the volatility in the commodity prices remain and the variance in price is in the realm of + / - 20%, and somewhat determined by political factors and seasonality. This would make the majority of the production either very profitable, marginal or create a loss situation.
With the People, Ideas & Objects system we will have the ability to calculate the costs on a "live basis" based on the contributions of the partners involved in the JOC. This is the key change factor that enables the producers to use an algorithm to move production up or down based on the commodity prices and the actual costs of the operation. If at any time the required percentage of voting partners determine that the costs exceed the price received, production would be scaled back to 50% of the flow rate. If the loss exceeds 10% then another 50% of production would be reduced to the point where the production could be scaled back to the level that the partnership are satisfied the optimal reserves production and prices are optimized.
These operations are dependent on one factor, the collective decision of the producers representing the JOC. This is the type of capability that would be made available in People, Ideas & Objects. The standard bureaucracy can not make the decisions in fast enough time frames to make the decision valid. By the time the decision would be made, the prices may have risen dramatically just at the time the wells were being choked back.
After the decision from the JOC has been made. And this decision is based on the producers vote and desire to optimize the value of the reserves. This decision is therefore somewhat automatic in that each producer will be able to input their specific criteria that they would expect the changes in production to occur. The commodity prices fall below what the calculated actual costs are and if the production became marginal, the wells production would be reduced to the 50% I am using in this example. The prices subsequently, because their is a lack of production available for the consumer, increase and then the well can increase its production on any increment the JOC may have deemed appropriate for the reserves and their cost factors.
The ability to calculate the costs, determine the market prices, and the ability to slow the rate of production through telemetry. Are the technologies that are being implemented in this application. Please review the Technical Vision and specifically the IPv6 component. Other times during further price changes, the system would provide the opportunity to increase production for higher prices as well.
The interface to this capability would be the browser of those that are present virtually in the JOC. And I have suggested that these people are the actual oil and gas producer / investor / owners of the property. Imputing a reduction in the separation between management and investors is something that can be, and probably will occur in this current financial market meltdown.
Now I know that their are contractual commitments made to the firms that gather, deliver and market the commodities. The nomination process is how they monitor their business and these people will need to be involved in the decisions that are made at the JOC. That they have the right to demand gas production meet certain annual volumes could be accommodated by recognizing this price management capability and implementing it into their operation as well. I don't foresee an issue here, if there is it may be a simple matter that the producer declares Force majeure to reflect the operation is no longer commercial at current prices.
Irrespective of the ability to have these types of operations conducted I know two things. The bureaucracies are too slow to accommodate any price induced change in production. And the industry has to take responsibility for the prices that they need to realize. As we move the industry from a price taker to a price maker, the optimal use of the reserves and our endowment of oil and gas will be optimized, not only for the producer but also the energy consumer. This is achieved through the generally higher prices that will be realized, and hence the more financial resources that will be available for exploration and bringing on the more difficult production.
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