The plan
With the 200+ entries into this blog, I see that a theme has developed. Two articles that I read last week were the trigger to realizing this theme, and now a plan has emerged. Senator John McCain in Fast Company wrote on the subject of courage. Stanford Economist Paul Romer writing on the topic of economic growth. It is clear to me now, the time in which the oil and gas industry builds these systems is now.
In the next month I will be writing a new proposal that incorporates the plurality document as its appendix. This new proposal will take a number of themes that I have written in the past six months, relate them all and publish them for distribution to the industry to consider and act upon.
This proposal will of course focus on the joint operating committee as the central organizational focus of the software. This is a theory that deserves to be fully tested through its adoption by industry. It is an idea that provides a sound foundation for the effective management of oil and gas assets. An idea that is based on facilitating the earth science and engineering disciplines greater innovativeness. An idea that can augment a producers capability and speed in this difficult time for oil and gas.
I will also be including the four cornerstones of the technical vision. How the impact of these technologies will affect the oil and gas market. IPv6 enabling the elimination of client - server and replacing it with static IP addresses for everything including your toothbrush. What I believe the engineers and geologists can and will do with this level of static addressing is unlimited. The incremental nature of typed, object oriented programming languages like Java, our chosen language. Java enabling the exception handling capabilities and asynchronous process management that is critical to handling the intra-partner interactions. And finally, Wifi enabling everything to be connected at low costs and high speed. These four technologies will be revolutionary in the oil and gas industry when layered over the joint operating committee as the organizational focus.
With this technical vision layered over the joint operating committee, I will then go on to discuss this blogs entries regarding "Partnership Accounting". How an algorithm can capture the unique and demanding accounting and reporting needs of the producers as represented in the joint operating committee.
I will then note the military command structure as a replacement to the regular hierarchy. It is probably foolhardy to eliminate the hierarchy and to loose some of the attributes of a control structure. In this blog I have discussed the military command type of structure to augment the managements control apparatus. This also allows the human resources to be deployed in a greater diversity of situations, and have their tasks outlined and issued from a variety of producers as their employers. This military command structure will draw a parallel to the interactions of various military groups interacting under NATO.
I will then want to highlight the historical perception of linear thinking and contrast it to the logarithmic and exponential futures. Stanford University Economist Paul Romer has captured what the future economical progress can be. In a world of limited resources it need not be a zero sum gain. That the use of ideas have potentially logarithmic or exponential value creating capabilities.
In addition to all of these topics of discussion I will reiterate the Genesys value proposition. A value proposition that is not dissimilar to Google's. Where the costs of development are allocated over a larger base of users. Where each user is able to benefit from the purchasing power and capabilities of the entire population of users. This is the nature of software and the value of its proposition is something that I don't believe has been fully implemented or realized by the producers.
I also want to ask one of my favorite questions of the people within the oil and gas industry. That question is, who would Henry Ford hire? A question that is just as pertinent today as it was 100 years ago. Just as Ford needed a new "type" of worker, so will the prospective oil and gas producer. What type of employee will the producers need in this dynamic networked environment. What type of skills and capabilities should the oil and gas worker obtain to be optimally deployed in the future oil and gas industry?
Today's news that BP has shut in their Alaskan production due to pipeline leaks is evidence of the tight balance between supply and demand. The market demands for energy can not sustain too many large fields being shut in. Companies are already being questioned by the cynics and those that can least afford the higher prices.
Last if not least this proposal will note the 12 + calls to action. Oxford, Harvard, MIT, Energy Secretary Bodman, McKinsey Consulting, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox, Sir John Browne of BP, John Hagel III and John Seely Brown and others. These have become predictable in their message and their frequency. Many noting the time to act is now. And that will be the proposal's message to industry.
technorati tags: Genesys, proposal, call-to-action,