To Kyoto, or not Kyoto, that is the question.
Firstly I don't think there is a sane person that believes the influence of Kyoto protocols was a positive or reasonable solution to the environment. When politicians and bureaucrats come up with solutions, they have a tendency to be the wrong solution to the wrong problem at the wrong time. The science not being fully established, yet, many fear that the need for action is now, just in case. Not an unreasonable or irresponsible point of view.
Is this the time for energy industry to take this initiative and make it theirs? What if they were able to establish reasonable targets, commercial frameworks and dare I suggest environmental improvements. The point I want to make here is I think this can be done "profitably".
The environment and energy industries are now one in the same. How the energy industry can stick its head in the sand until the environmentalists go home is as unreasonable as the Kyoto protocol itself. Its time for the energy industry to get in front on this issue and make it their problem. In Canada the unjust method of allocating Kyoto penalties would have had serious detrimental outcomes with respect to our industries performance, commercial viability, and unquestionably a decline in the environment.
The sad part of this entire debate is that it appears the solution to the problem is what the energy industry needs anyway. As the oil reserves decline in pressure, and hence their drive, secondary forms of pressure maintenance, such as water injection are introduced. To enhance these secondary methods many miscible and / or tertiary methods and agents are added to maintain the reservoir pressure, and influence the oil from the rock. These methods are successful in capturing as much as 40% of the oil in place. Natural gas, propane and butane are injected into the formation sustaining production deliverability and increasing the life of the field, something that is desperately needed.
CO2 or Carbon Dioxide the chemical that Kyoto has deemed as evil is one of the most effective miscible agents. Not only would CO2 maintain the formation pressure, the CO2 works to loosen the grip of the rock on the oil, freeing it to be captured in the production. How big are miscible floods in Canada? Very large with over 30 fields that are actively being flooded with these miscible agents. I think there are more then 3 CO2 floods in the province of Alberta as well. Miscible floods that are driven by CO2 gas that is sucked out of the earth's atmosphere.
This is hardly a failure of the energy industry to deal with the problem. So why have they left the issue to the politicians? I think this is symptomatic of the inability of the structured hierarchy to deal with the problems of today. The Alberta Government has had a significant influence in the development of miscible floods in Alberta for over 3 decades. Funding 100's of millions of dollars in royalty holidays and incentives to maintain long term oil deliverability for the province. They and the energy industry have done a fantastic job in making this engineering understood and productive for the companies and the citizens of Alberta. The Alberta Research Council has been able to develop the leadership on this initiative. They have even developed a handsome software application PRize 3.0 to evaluate reservoirs for the effectiveness of miscible flooding. No one who is familiar with these initiatives would argue the level of their success.
It is therefore, in my opinion, the failure of the hierarchy to deploy the necessary resources in the Kyoto debate, and the failure of the hierarchy to use what it knows to mitigate the environmental risks. I want this blog to include the environmental components of the earth's atmosphere as a critical part of its role. I am therefore adding the topic of the environment as a point of the discussion on an ongoing basis. After all what we are doing in building this software is to define the innovative high performing oil and gas organization. A key component of these high performing organizations must include a solution to the environmental problems we face. If we are building the software and design the solution in the software, then we can solve the problem.
Technorati Tags: Accountability, CAPP, Energy, Environment, Genesys, Leadership, Kyoto