Another morning, another call to action.
Mr. Olivier Appert, Chairman and CEO of IFP has written a fine conclusion that leads me to comment at the end of this blog.
"In order to meet the world's needs and demands for energy, while simultaneously observing our current energy supply and protecting the environment, the oil and gas industry will have to solve many complex technological problems in the coming decades and continue to innovate as it has done since its inception.I can assure Mr. Appert that he is 100% consistent with the Plurality thesis I wrote in 2004. It was at that time however that the recognition of the capability of the oil and gas industry as represented by the hierarchy would fail in this critical task. That new and more innovative organizational forms are required. The joint operating committee being the global cultural manner of the oil and gas industry, is the financial, legal and operational decision making frameworks as well. The joint operating committee is summarily ignored by the hierarchy, who's only claim to fame is the accountability framework. If you hear a manager in a company complaining about Sarbane's Oxley, then you not only have a hierarchy in full control, but a hypocrite of the highest order. It is Sarbanes Oxeley that defines the scope and value of bureaucrats justification, salary and pension benefits.
Recent scientific and technical advances, the fruits of collaboration between the worlds of research and industry, have led to a profusion of promising emerging technologies and represent key assets for preparing for the future, particularly in terms of managing the energy transition from oil and gas to new energy sources.
In the face of increasingly fierce competition, it is imperative these new challenges become integral to our research and innovation strategies. Developments will play a crucial role in guaranteeing genuine sustainable development for the world."
So as I noted here yesterday, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox understands that the way to redefine the accountability framework is through the Extensible Business Reporting Language, and the SEC's tag library. What we therefore need to do, is first and foremost, build the software to define and support the joint operating committee as the natural form of organizational structure. Until we do this, these calls to actions are just words that soon will fade in there meaning in the face of the angry energy consumer who wants to know why they can not drive their car or heat their home.
This is serious, if your expect the current organization of the oil and gas industry to solve this, you first better explain it to them fore I have not seen the recognition that Mr. Appert's report is generally accepted.
Albert Einstein said two pertinent things.
- Today's problems will not be solved by today's thinking.
- Doing the same thing, over and over, expecting different results is the sign of insanity.
Technorati Tags: Accountability, Bureaucracy, Call-to-action, Christopher-Cox, Genesys, Plurality, Technical Vision, Thesis