The "anti"-Petro Canada.
I have been very quick to point out the failures of our favorite company, Petro Canada (PCZ on the NYSE). I can assure you that the fun will continue, and as I suspect, only get better. Today I want to contrast the failures of Petro Canada with what I think the large international producer should be doing. And here in Canada we have somewhat the prototypical explorationist, Talisman Energy Inc (TLM on the NYSE). So from now on, not only will we be highlighting the systemic failures of Petro Canada, but highlighting the success of Talisman.
Firstly, Petro Canada has failed again in developing its Terra Nova field. What was supposed to be a highlight of their international capabilities is turning out to be a financial and operational disaster. Even the provincial government is recalculating their budgets to accommodate the Petro Canada failures. This time there was a failure in their production platform that will cause their facility to be down for four months. There goes that revenue, up goes those costs, down go our profits. Oops I forgot they were losing money before these failures.
I have to ask of the Petro Canada management, all this for a billion dollars in stock options?
Enough about Petro Canada, for now. Talisman announced their quarterly results and I am pleased to announce that they have discovered another significant gas find in British Columbia, Canada. Talisman is headed by it's CEO, Dr. James Buckee, a geologist, and consider themselves explorers. It is on that basis that they were able to report that oil production was up 27% to 300,000 bbls / day and gas production was the same at 1.338 BCF / day. All in all, a stellar performance in comparison to Petro Canada's diminishing production profile.
Talisman is reporting that in addition to last years find of 55 mcf / day in the Monkman area, an additional 33 mcf / day in the same area went on production last month. Attributing an exploration mindset to the company is explicitly stated by the CEO.
Dr. Buckee also noted an interesting point that Dr. Giovanni Dosi states about innovation. (Click on the title of Dr Dosi's name for that blog entry.) I stated the following based on Dosi's research.
"as any industry continues in a high priced environment the technological changes that are brought about (from innovations discovered) provide "irreversible" advantages to the innovator "at any price level".Dr. Buckee notes his target is to find gas that is economic around $5.50. By doing so he finds the discoveries from his target of $5.50 are usually profitable at around $2.50 - $3.00! This is exactly what Dosi suggests happens. That when innovations are developed by the innovative firm, it usually has the effect of being profitable throughout the pricing structure.
All in all an interesting day, and one day closer to the Petro Canada second quarter results. I wonder how many stock options it will take them to figure out this latest disaster, I sure hope the management takes it easy from now on.
[Talisman] [Petro-Canada] [Java]