The U.S. as Swing Producer
Each day we are apprised of the difficulties that Uber or lyft, and AirBnb are faced with by the established taxi commissions and competitions for other innovative Information Technology products. When given a choice consumers use Uber, Lyft, AirBnb for the simplicity and convenience of the business model they employ. In Calgary for example Uber and Lyft are able to operate freely in the city. The only provision that city council has placed on them is that every ride must impose a minimum fee of $72.00. I am faced with similar, fill in your own expletive here, by the bureaucracy in the oil and gas industry. Our value proposition is valid and yet it doesn’t stimulate the types of movements in that calcified existence I call a bureaucracy.
So the U.S. is a swing producer. However the industry, run by the bureaucrats doesn’t operate it as a swing producer. A swing producer will remove production if the market is oversupplied. And will bring on new production if the market is in need of more supply. That is what a swing producer does. The bureaucrats only operate on the basis of the high throughput production model. Which is designed to operate at full capacity, at all times, in order to ensure that the high cost of the overhead are covered. Guess where the bureaucrats costs show up, in the overhead. So cutting production would force them to take a personal financial haircut in the manner that they are configured, and that is just not going to happen.
If the U.S. is going to successfully be deployed as the global swing producer it will need to be able to adjust its production volumes based on prices in the marketplace. The only manner in which to do this is to reorganize based on the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model and price maker strategy. By doing so what will happen is that the prototypical producer will be reconfigured to contain the C class executives, the earth science and engineering resources, some land and legal, and support staff. The remaining administrative and accounting resources are reallocated to service providers who are focused on one process or subprocess. They will have as their client base the entire oil and gas industry. Each month they will bill the individual Joint Operating Committees, not the producers themselves, for the work that they do within the Preliminary Specifications task and transfer network. If the property has no production for the month, nothing will be done by any of the service providers because nothing comes to them from the task and transfer network. Therefore no billing for any administrative or accounting overhead charges will be made to any property that is shut-in.
What we will therefore have achieved is to turn all of the producers costs into variable costs based on whether or not there was production that month. This will enable producers to focus on what properties they can produce at a profit based on the oil and gas prices that are available in the marketplace. This dynamic nature of the producers production profile, which is based purely on the decision to produce profitably, will also act as the U.S. swing producer status. Holding the rest of the world's oil production constant, the swing producer will increase or decrease their production based on whether the prices they can realize will produce profits. Its like its a business! Something that an oil and gas investor would be hard pressed to call the activities of the past few years. For if you look at it objectively, you are hard pressed to make out any logical reason for the activity of the North American based producers.
Technology is providing real value for industries of all types. People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification enables the U.S. to become the swing producer. And that’s a good thing, but there is no way they are going to be able to exercise that market discipline with the current bureaucracy in place. People, Ideas & Objects needs our budget funded in order to undertake the development of the software, the development of the user community and the service providers in order to achieve this. It also won’t be an app that you can download to your smartphone. Understand that there is much work and difficulties for all concerned ahead and this will take time. So don't come to me and ask me what have I got. Oil and gas is a little more complex than operating a cab. What I have is the solution to the problem as described in the Preliminary Specification. And I own the copyright to that. No money, other than mine, has been put into this. So understand there is significant effort needed by all to make this happen.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.