Showing posts with label Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brown. Show all posts

Thursday, February 09, 2006


One of the most interesting and difficult attributes of this blog, both as a reader and writer, is the broad scope of the information contained within the topics covered. Research is one of my favorite activities and something that needs to be discussed in order to bring all the issues up before the development of the actual Genesys code begins. I am also attempting to appeal to the engineering and earth sciences to show there is a better way.

Dr. Jurgen Habermas developed the Theory of Communicative Action and Discourse Ethics. A good summary if you can stay awake is located here. What I understand from these theories is as follows. That research takes place only in the areas that forces such as society, economics and people influence it. Pure research is really driven by agenda's that are consistent with the needs of society, economics and people.

The purpose of this entry is to apply the theories that I use to support the thinking that systems developments define and constrain (Giddens & Orlikowski) organizations. It is therefore easy to change the oil and gas industries innovative performance. All that is required is the systems be developed to define the organization. I have selected the organizational focus around the joint operating committee (JOC) in order to align the accountability of the hierarchy with the legal, financial, cultural, and operational decision making frameworks that reside with the JOC.

This innovative oil and gas theory is based on a variety of others theories and has significant support from those. This entry will list those authors and their theories and is intended to introduce these here now and for future discussion. And as Habermas' theories denote, I have a bias and agenda to ensure these theories are fulfilled.

If there are any additional topics or areas of interest that you feel should be raised, please join in and will add them to this extensive list of topics.

  • John Nash
  • The unauthorized biography of Dr. John Nash brought fame and recognition in the movie a "A beautiful Mind" by Sylvia Nasar. The movie and book provide excellent entertainment and also provide a sound understanding of the "Nash equilibrium." Dr. Nash was the first to receive the Nobel prize for economics in the category of "Game Theory" ISBN 0684853701
  • Thomas C. Schelling
  • Dr. Schelling is the Nobel prize winner in 2005 in economics, also in the category of game theory. Dr. Schelling has been key in forming the development of the strategy of conflict. The book he wrote in 1960, "The Strategy of Conflict" which makes for a great handbook on this key attribute of a leaders toolbox. ISBN 0674840313
  • Giovanni Dosi
  • One of the finest and most respected leaders in the area of innovation. Dr. Dosi has written many excellent articles that identifies the process' of innovation, that are measurable and reproducible. Dr. Giovanni Dosi's landmark 1988 paper "Sources, Procedures and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation". This was the main document of my "Plurality should not be assumed, without necessity" Masters thesis, and the source of the thinking behind what an innovative oil and gas producer will be. Dosi sets himself apart from the rest with his writings and books. Based in Europe he is not heard of much in North America. I highly recommend sourcing his works. Anyone interested in reading my application of Dosi's theories can email me for a .pdf of my "Plurality" document.
  • Anthony Giddens
  • Dr. Giddens wrote the "Constitutions of Society", the Theory of Structuration in 1984. This theory documents that societies, people and organizations need to progress together, without the consistent movement of all three, failure will occur. In my thesis I suggested that people and society have moved as a result of technology, and organizations based on the hierarchy have failed to keep pace. The need for change or failure are the two options. This blog is about taking the change option. Dr. Giddens is now a trusted advisor to British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
  • Wanda Orlikowski
  • Dr. Orlikowski builds on Dr. Giddens theory with a "Model of Technology Structuration" in her document "The duality of technology : rethinking the concept of technology in organizations. Most of Dr. Orlikowski's work centers on collaborative environments that existed in the 1990's, that being Lotus Notes. (This document is available at the link of her name). These are published on DSpace a joint venture between MIT and Hewlett Packard and available to anyone. She also introduces the motivational and cognitive paradox as constraints.
  • John Seely Brown and John Hagel
  • on the organizational and business implications of moving to the paradigm of the web services model and its disruptive application. Dr. Brown was the head of the famed Xerox PARC and Hagel was a Mckinsey consultant. Their understanding of these topics is very strong and are leaders in many of the business areas regarding web services.
Oxford, MIT and Stanford have all released major portions of their intellectual property on the Internet for public consumption. I highly recommend these areas of excellent search and discovery. As I stated earlier, if there is any other items that may be of interest to the many readers, please indicate so.

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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 has been declared and I have to say that reading these should be done with the understanding that for oil and gas producers in the world, this site is the "where" Web 3.0 has started for the oil and gas industry.

No one knows how this will develop, and therefore relying on the copyright of the original idea that I published in May 2004 is the strength of this offering.

John Seely Brown and John Hagel were key individuals in describing the web services paradigm. I used their papers extensively in my thesis. Their documentation of the concept is located here and is based on this blog and this other blog that should be included in your RSS feed no matter what industry you are active in.

I made the sarcastic point in my thesis of:

"The only requirement for the technical revolution to continue is for the coup to trigger the signal. Metaphorically speaking, of course."
I reiterate these words with the one change, the leader is dead.