These Are Not the Leaders We're Looking For, Part XIII
Over the many decades of writing this blog, I’ve consistently captured the attention of my audience while infusing a sense of comedic relief concerning the officers and directors of the producer firms. They either had no time to listen to what they deemed foolishness or they enjoyed the humor. As People, Ideas & Objects continues to reveal and expose the operational methods of the oil & gas industry, I’m learning from those officers and directors the value of having a good laugh at others' expense, even as my audience grows and the questions directed at these executives become louder.
What About That Cost
People, Ideas & Objects hold the view that you earn value commensurate with your worth, as determined by the market. Yet, I’ve earned nothing, while officers and directors have reaped substantial rewards. Perhaps the theory is flawed. Our escalating cost to develop the Preliminary Specification has been dismissed by officers and directors, who viewed the project as a joke. However, I’ve observed money flowing out of the industry, aligning with our value proposition of $25.7 to $45.7 trillion over the next 25 years. If they dismissed the points I made, they essentially confirmed their belief that drilling is the sole source of value, and no amount of accounting or administration could enhance it. No amount of accounting and administration was going to generate any incremental value. Which is correct, just stop doing foolish things that waste so much money.
As the value propositions of People, Ideas & Objects became more substantial and the losses realized more tangible, I saw this as validation of the Preliminary Specifications Intellectual Property’s worth, which led to our increased assessments. This stance, however, led some to question my sanity. Despite this, my persistence allowed me to present my case, which was largely ignored by the industry’s decision-makers. Recently, however, the tide has turned, and these executives are now defensively justifying their non actions.
What Was Never Considered
The industry officers and directors overlooked the potential truths in People, Ideas & Objects' arguments. The prevailing attitude was to continue with established, yet flawed, practices because they had been the norm for years. Officers and directors, considered themselves most knowledgeable, dismissed alternative insights.
And they were making so much money and their companies were worth so much more than last year. The amount of cash that came through the door was more than they could ever imagine. Even though most of it wasn’t theirs it was enough to cause their brains to say “we're doing something right.” Most of the cash is not theirs as it may have been collected on behalf of their partners in the Joint Operating Committees. And as a primary industry it captures the income of the producers and all the subsidiary industries that producers depend upon. And where does it say that a producer isn’t entitled to hang on to other people’s money for up to 18 months? Oil & gas producers are not labor intensive directly, however the service industry makes them labor intensive. And that labor establishes a capability and capacity that has to be developed and maintained with the revenues and support from the primary industry revenues. There are no other sources of cash for the service industry to use. The U.S. military isn’t cut loose and left to atrophy with no resources each time they’re not called upon. They need to be developed and maintained at all times. Just as the oil & gas service industry does. The abuse they’ve been subjected to over the past many decades has eroded, and now destroyed the trust, faith and goodwill they ever had in the producers, officers and directors. It will not be the current population of officers and directors that will be given a second chance with the service industry. If producers want anything done, just send cash for the next few decades.
What to Do With People, Ideas & Objects?
Producers will likely never financially compensate People, Ideas & Objects, as doing so would imply acknowledging their faults that we’ve highlighted. In the current climate of industry failure, shareholders seek accountability, not excuses. The existing leadership, having full control and responsibility, have failed to add value, proving their incompetence.
In the heightened environment of failure that we’ve identified where the industry is no longer in control of its financial, operational or political frameworks, shareholders are not looking for an excuse, blame to pass around or a viable scapegoat. They’re looking to take out the leadership that had the authority, accountability, responsibility and were in control of the resources necessary to build value within their producer firms and industry. Officers and directors have failed. And maybe more than failed, proven to be incapable and incompetent. In retrospect, what benefit has been the result of their time and effort?
This has always been the case for me and it would have been for anyone else if they saw what the net outcome of the industry's situation was leading to this tragic disaster. Who, other than officers and directors, can watch any situation that has detrimental consequences and only spectate. What I see today is we’ve hit the high water mark in terms of our progress. Shale provides us with untold potential. And potential will be all that we have if we’re unable to fix these financial, operational and political frameworks. They’re not worn down and diminished. They’re non-existent.
Financial, Operational and Political Frameworks: State of the Union
Financially the industry hasn’t made money for over four to five decades. Culturally is unaware why they should or would. Is unable to figure out how. And is guided by a leadership that focuses on the effects of demand destruction from $8 natural gas prices while selling gas at negative $0.26. (See quotation from Reuters below.) A capital structure that technically exists however has no support from those who know and understand the business of the oil & gas business, their investors.
The operational framework in the service industry was briefly discussed in this post. It is symptomatic of the overall issue throughout the greater oil & gas economy. From the lowest paid in the business to the officers and directors of the producer firms. Motivation to do something, anything, to even think of something that needs to be done or to think about fixing it doesn’t exist anywhere. Why do something other than what it was that was done yesterday. Don’t rock the boat or identify yourself as a problem. Don’t get me wrong, there are many people who wish to do things. They don’t have the support necessary to do so. The risk profile within the industry is at the same level of its motivation. Both are non-existent.
The reason for this is that oil & gas is led by misguided, self-interested officers and directors who have been involved in a scheme to overreport their asset values, which over-reports their earnings since the late 1970s that they don’t know what they’re doing and clearly do not understand. This doesn’t give them a pass from being corrupt, it makes them naive and incompetent. This was obvious when they signed on. And the reason they signed on was to get on the gravy-train.
Politically oil & gas producers have shown great leadership in the trend towards victimhood. They are the ultimate corporate victim of everyone and everything. Including the monster under the bed. It is amazing to me that “muddle through” has become a mantra spoken as a mind numbing chant in the industry to justify the generation of new excuses, blaming and viable scapegoats. If the industry has an issue, such as the negative $0.26 natural gas prices. It’s because the pipelines and storage facilities are inadequate. The cause and effect of the business issue does not have to be correlated, it just needs to be in the same industry to earn the viable scapegoat classification. Or as this Reuters article states,
HOUSTON, March 22 (Reuters) - Energy executives say they are looking past current ultra-cheap gas prices and betting on a coming wave of new liquefied natural gas (LNG plants to lift demand - and prices - for the fuel.
This comment was the collective wisdom of “energy executives” at this year's CERA conference. Undoubtedly the premier conference in oil & gas. Unaware of the cost of negative $0.26 requiring, as we noted in our last post, 9 times the number of units of profitable natural gas sold at $13.47. If this is of no consequence to the collective officers and directors, it reflects a flawed and failed culture that knows nothing and will not change. For the collective intelligence of the industry to be involved in resolving two issues at the same time! Is well beyond the comprehension and imagination of this soon to be unemployed and absolutely useless group.
People, Ideas & Objects raised the LNG issue beginning with our October 11, 2023 series of posts under this blog's label “Notice.” Which documents the $4 trillion in losses between then and 2023. The steep degradation in the natural gas price issue due to overproduction we suggested they should have been working on since July 2007. The one that caused the hilarity in the boardrooms when we stated these points. July 2007, the point when the heating value basis of natural gas prices began to break down.
Our Ultimate Disposition
The industry's operational performance today is as good as it will ever be in the hands of the current leadership. If left unchecked we will see a continued degradation of the deliverability of oil & gas in North America. Subject ourselves and most importantly the most powerful economy known to man to the behest of those who do not share our interests. We are late in the day in approaching the resolution of this difficulty. The officers and directors needed to laugh at People, Ideas & Objects unnecessarily for too many decades. Industry operational capacity will diminish before we’re organized to deal with these issues.
If we leave it in the hands of the current leadership it will be far worse than what we’ll experience without them. The time has come for action and the need for either them to fall on their swords or be removed from their positions has to be completed.
Therefore the Cost of the Preliminary Specification
Is justified. $4 trillion in natural gas revenues lost as a result of a situation that I have been discussing and providing the solution for would be a beginning. And is far more than our value proposition estimated it would generate. Possibly the greatest value proposition and best investment the industry could involve itself in. But these are not the issues that I’m looking at the industry needs to deal with. I began this adventure in May 1991 when I was 32 years of age. A life's work of significant accomplishment as far as I’m concerned. I am very satisfied with the work and if I’m the only one who appreciates it I am happy with that. Classifying it as a success or a delusion is acceptable with me. My argument is that I did my job. I took the time, energy and expense to develop the solution to the largest issue oil & gas has faced in its history. My delusion supports this opinion therefore its where my position rests.
My delusion also supports the fact that officers and directors do not have a solution. If they’re serially approaching issues in the mythical world of pipelines, storage and $8 demand destruction. While destroying the assets and profitability of the firm in order to focus on the promise of LNG. Where the horses bolted, the barn gate has been closed for some time and they don’t have a seat at the adults table anyways. Then it's fair and reasonable that the Preliminary Specification is the exclusive solution to what ails the industry.
Intellectual Property has been one of the underlying strategic positions People, Ideas & Objects have secured throughout this process. Our strategy came about from some down and dirty fighting that was the result of Intellectual Property being more of the wild west in the 1990s. That is not the case today and the establishment of this now has the effect of freezing the market under my license to People, Ideas & Objects.
Therefore if I continue to hammer away on this keyboard for a few more years as a result of my delusion, it’ll be what I feel is a significant contribution and achievement. That it may never see the light of day is fine. As I’ve advised many times before, none of it is to be used in oil & gas without a license from either myself or People, Ideas & Objects. Try it and see how Intellectual Property works in the Information Technologically driven western world of today.