Defining the Term "Designing Transactions"
Discussion now begins on what is meant when it is said that users of the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification will “design transactions” in the Resource Marketplace and Accounting Voucher modules. Transaction Cost Economics is an important element of how the energy industry can control its costs and designing transactions is a key to those savings and efficiencies. Also to highlight the role of the user of this Resource Marketplace module as an active agent in making things “happen.”
As with any marketplace the focus has to be on the user. The user in this case could be either a producer and most particularly an engineer or geologist, a service industry representative or service provider. A user is someone with access to the People, Ideas & Objects Resource Marketplace module who would be optimizing the “tasks” and “actors” involved in transactions, and will be able to turn the producers or Joint Operating Committees needs into a demand for services in the Resource Marketplace Module.
Two changes that may make things appear different in the future as a result of organizing on the basis of using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative producer. One is that designing transactions will become a skill that is going to be used substantially more. And two, the division of labor is going to expand substantially, meaning that the job which may have had a few contractors that were needed to complete today, may now have an order of magnitude more in terms of the numbers of contractors tomorrow. Consider the following.
When people buy a major item in their lives such as a house or a car. They itemize the details of what is, and what is not included in the price. Who is to provide what and the terms and conditions of when the items will be completed. This is what is meant by designing transactions. It's more or less what Lawyers do for a living, or that is to say, it is an important aspect of their work in any commercial sale agreement. This type of work is where the costs and efficiencies of the organization can become onerous and complex. If a firm has “engineered” their transaction costs down to a fine point then they’re able to manage their costs efficiently. This will be the case for an oil & gas producer or Joint Operating Committee. Transactions when their costs include installation, finance, testing, the specifications, types of materials to be used and the engineering consultants, etc. In oil & gas, even for a small job these costs could become problematic. Adding an enhanced level of the specialization and division of labor with the Organizational Construct of the Preliminary Specification and we have a more complex transaction.
As a producer focuses on their land & asset base and the coordination of the markets earth science and engineering capabilities. Product and service providers will be focusing on their key competitive advantages. Releasing some of their noncompetitive work that they may have done in the past to specialists at different companies. This will increase the number of vendors that a producer will use to conduct normal operations in the field. This specialization and enhanced division of labor will provide greater efficiencies and cost control for the producer firm through more competitive and innovative solutions. Expanding the throughput of the service industry in material ways. It will also increase the throughput of transactions that a producer will have to deal with and put more emphasis on the ability to initially design these transactions. Today the costs of transactions can be reduced substantially through use of today’s Information Technology with special emphasis on the Internet.
On the other end of this process is the product or service provider who is able to contract for what the producer needs. They too will have interfaces to the Resource Marketplace module that are similar to the producers. These users, who may have anticipated what the market's demand is going to be, are the first to configure an innovative solution. Are able to market their product or service effectively in the specific interfaces of the Resource Marketplace Module. These elements of the competitive market changes are reflective of the producer's needs as determined in the Resource Marketplace, and its use of transaction cost economics. This process involves an iterative loop of constant improvement and automation of the transactions and processes in the energy industry. Leading to an enhanced productivity, throughput and performance of all concerned but most particularly the producer firm.
Lastly, when resources are discovered by the Joint Operating Committee or producer, the contract negotiation between the two parties can begin to take place. The first step in contracting will be the determination of exactly what the transaction should look like as determined by the interfaces provided in the Accounting Voucher module of the Preliminary Specification. This would then lead to the specific negotiations, automation of the creation of the contract, and assignment of the Resources to the contract. From there the Preliminary Specification with Oracle’s software would enable high levels of automation in order to relieve the user from work that is better suited to computers, and focus on the optimization and efficiency of the transaction.
How the Market Must Develop
In many ways the Resource Marketplace module of the Preliminary Specification is the crossroads of many of the other People, Ideas & Objects application modules major processes. It is where the Accounting Vouchers design of transactions will ultimately be exercised. And where the Research & Capabilities overall process of capabilities development and implementation will be realized. Maybe most importantly it is a marketplace module where people will be able to buy and sell their ideas for products and services of what the innovative and profitable oil & gas producers need. The Research & Capabilities module is a long term process of maintaining and increasing the earth science and engineering capabilities of the producer firm and Joint Operating Committees. And the Resource Marketplace module is the day-to-day implementation of those policies from that long term process.
We also see in the Resource Marketplace module some of the efficiencies of using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative producer. And that is an important differentiation of the Resource Marketplace module in comparison to the Accounting Voucher and the Research & Capabilities modules. It is a Joint Operating Committee (primarily) facing module. Therefore it is representative of the many participants of the Joint Operating Committee and therefore will have the influence (industry standardization) of many producers Accounting Voucher needs and Knowledge & Learning modules developments. Optimizing transactions between contracting parties will provide enhanced performance to the overall industry. These changes will not lead to small increments in overall performance, but I believe based on my research into Professor's Langlois and Baldwin's theories, will have exponential performance improvements in terms of reducing their administrative costs.
Another key point is the establishment of the basis of Intellectual Property (IP) which is another Organizational Construct employed in the Resource Marketplace module. An industry such as oil & gas which is based on its earth science and engineering needs is a business based on science. If we are to expand the capabilities in science and innovation in the industry we will be needing to solve many very difficult problems. And as we progress, the volume of ideas needed will be an order of magnitude of what is required today. These problems cannot be solved in an environment where there’s no upside for the individuals to solve them. Addressing the motivation to solve these problems and enabling people to earn the rights to their Intellectual Property within the People, Ideas & Objects application modules is the first step in making the necessary industry wide changes. Turning the oil & gas industry into a far more dynamic business.
Therefore it needs to be asked, if the status quo continues, what officers and directors of the producer firms will be able and willing to address in terms of the redevelopment needs of the service industry. What will they offer as the motivation for rebuilding of the service industry if the Intellectual Property is managed the same as it is today? What will they offer to the service industry in order to prepare for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable environment for all concerned? Or will they continue to ignore the rights of others Intellectual Property and just “muddle through.” And after so many years in which People, Ideas & Objects have been discussing this point, why do we not know the answer?
A quotation of Professor Giovanni Dosi from his 1993 article “Hierarchies, Markets & Power” which is a must read for those that want to dive deeper into these subjects. He states a simplistic model of organization will include the following, and I have annotated the area where these are addressed in this sub-industry People, Ideas & Objects are creating;
- The distribution of formal authority. [Industrial Command & Control.]
- The distribution of actual power in the above distribution [The people]
- The incentive structure. [Innovation, Intellectual Property, and capabilities.]
- The structure of informational flows. [Security & Access Control Module]
- The distribution of knowledge and competence. [The people] p. 10
- History, so to speak, solidifies into structures which constrain future developments. p 12
The purpose in developing this “Marketplace” is to ensure the future of the industry structure remains flexible and amenable to the changes in the sciences and innovation. But also to attain and maintain the highest performance. And in this next quotation Professor Dosi notes how this will come to be.
Clearly, it is the domain of Schumpeter’s creative destruction’, and of Moore’s (1978) analysis of the social bases of obedience and revolt, to name but two famous examples, and it applies also to the dynamics of economic organizations and institutions at large. p. 13
As we’ve noted, the big issues in oil & gas are not going to be solved until the incentive structures are aligned towards those that have the capability to solve the problems. Today, in the service sector, the oil & gas industry exploits the lack of identifiable Intellectual Property (IP) by more or less ignoring it and passing it around to the originators competitors in the service sector in order to establish price competition. This lack of respect to those that developed the ideas has brought about a situation where the service industry has ceased to innovate or sponsor any new start-up firms as competition. The producers, and now society, are the ones that lose as they’re unable to have their needs met by a diminishing capacity in terms of the service industry and potential decline in the productive deliverability of the producer firms..
The situation has become so dire as there is little to no research being done and no start-up opportunities in the oil & gas service sector. The exact reverse of what is required at a time like this. The oil & gas producers are reputed to be so difficult to work for that securing staff makes it all but impossible to start a firm, and even if a firm is started, the producers would only look down their nose at it, scoff at the fact the firm was so small. Such is life in their rarefied air.
Nonetheless, what's in it for the producers to accept that the IP should pass from their control to those that will take the time, energy, financial and intellectual risk to solve the producers problems? If we go back to one of the base assumptions that the People, Ideas & Objects software is operating under. We find that the competitive advantages of the producer firm are its land and asset base, and the coordination of the markets earth science and engineering capabilities. Where in these producers competitive advantage does any product or service of the oil & gas service industry provide any value to the producer? Why would they need their Intellectual Property or the ability to control it?
The means to acquire, explore, exploit and produce oil & gas reserves profitably is how the producer makes money. That should be pretty obvious, but on the basis of how producers manage IP in the industry, they seem to think that drill bits and rigs are their future competitive advantages. What the producer needs is the most advanced and dynamic service industry marketplace that is innovative, productive, profitable and fiercely competitive in order for it to achieve its optimal productive output. What the producers should ask themselves, what is it that they have?
Add this cultural change to the numerous other cultural changes that parallel the scope and scale of change introduced in the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification and the greater oil & gas economy has an idea of the difficulty that lies ahead. These are the difficulties for the bureaucracy of the producer firms themselves. They are the ones that have to change. And I can’t see that happening. “Organizations don’t change, people do.” It's a matter for Schumpeter’s creative destruction to sweep out the old and bring in the new. Or a time to revolt. The new being of course the thirteen module Preliminary Specification that deals with IP in the manner that will allow for the difficult problems to be solved. Based on the culture that our six Organizational Constructs impute and every individual in the greater oil & gas economy will be able to intuitively understand and apply to their work in the industry.
Serendipity, spontaneous order and creative destruction are hamstrung by the ERP software that organizations use. Software and most particularly ERP software defines and supports organizations while at the same time constrains them within that defined configuration. Without the permanent software development capability of People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations the industry will remain in their current state. Without the IP in the hands of those entrepreneurs and innovators, how will oil & gas be able to rebuild itself and undertake the challenges of its future.
It All Starts With Actionable Information
Our main objective in the People, Ideas & Objects software application modules is to identify and support the innovative and profitable oil & gas producer. It is within the Resource Marketplace module that I continually run into the conflict that is currently in the marketplace between the producers and the service industry. The conflict being the high cost of field operations and ownership of Intellectual Property. This conflict is the issue that the Resource Marketplace module must therefore seek to resolve by first opening up and developing the actionable information that is available within the marketplace.
The alleged high cost of field operations is the point of view of the producer firms. We have been subjected to the mismanagement of the industry for all but 6 of the last 36 years. It is during those six years that demand for field service far exceeds any capability or capacity of the service industry during the times the producer imposed their “other” thirty year periods. Price is the means in which to control demand for the service industry capacity and that is how the resources are allocated. This violates the producers officers and directors principles in some manner and sets them in the direction of attempting to control their field costs at all times. Cost control is not a business model. It is an engineering activity that limits the scope and understanding of their operation to the minimum level of understanding of the business. The field costs are the focus while the rest of the producer firm incinerates the cash provided by their investors and bankers. A more comprehensive understanding of business is necessary in oil & gas and this is what’s being applied throughout the Preliminary Specification.
This actionable information can be captured in an interface that is similar to any contact database. The actionable data can be plans and aspirations of the service industry provider in the short to midterm. For example, if they were a small drilling rig company looking to acquire a new rig they could post within the actionable information area of the database, that they were actively looking for producers within a certain geographical region to contract for drilling in the third quarter of next year. Producers seeing this could then see this opportunity and evaluate it on the basis of further discussions with the vendor. The drilling rig company, having contracts in hand from the producers, would then be able to secure the financing and purchase the rig they’ve specified. The rig specification would be highly dependent on those producers' input.
Actionable information can also be from the producer who might be approaching the start-up of a large project and will be looking to staff up to meet the demands. Or a producer may be wanting to develop in a new remote area and needs to have more infrastructure in place. Expressing a need is the first part of having the solution provided. As Professor Giovanni Dosi notes.
Thus, I shall discuss the sources of innovation opportunities, the role of markets in allocating resources to the exploration of these opportunities and in determining the rates and directions of technological advances, the characteristics of the processes of innovative search, and the nature of the incentives driving private agents to commit themselves to innovation.
Centralizing this industry wide information within one location will help to provide the users of it with its ease of use. This information is available on the web in some form and can be imputed what they mean from their plans. By stating clearly what their actionable plans are within a central database will make it easier for users to access. Innovation comes about when the plans are not set and the ideas and opportunities are able to flow leading to business opportunities for those parties.
I want to make clear that this Actionable Information Interface will be different from the interface that is in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module. Recall there is an interface that takes the capital expenditures of the firms for the next few years, primarily from the AFE and reserves reports, scrubs any proprietary information from it, aggregates all of the producers data and publishes it based on general geographical region. This provides the marketplace with a general understanding of the size of that marketplace in the next few years. And is different from the detailed and producer / vendor specific information that is contained within the Actionable Information Interface. These expenditures are more or less seen as necessary in order to maintain and fully exploit the known reserves. The Actionable Information Interface would be for potential new business. This interface will be a critical part of the process that begins in the Resource Marketplace module and continues through the Research & Capabilities and Knowledge & Learning modules.
A couple of quick points to note. The first item is that the Resource Marketplace module is both a producer and Joint Operating Committee facing module. That is to say it will be used in the producer organization for human resources, payroll and for securing the resources that the producer needs. And will be used by the Joint Operating Committee for the field products and services needed there. The other item pertains to all of the modules in the Preliminary Specification and that is by right clicking the mouse will bring up a contextual menu of options that the user will be able to select an appropriate action from the People, Ideas & Objects software application. Whether this is a Work-Order, a Purchase-Order, AFE, or any of the other documents that are managed throughout the system. This will be available to users through this facility.
It is an underlying assumption of People, Ideas & Objects that high commodity prices are the necessary financing to both rebuild and then enhance innovation throughout the greater oil & gas economy. Therefore the need to stimulate innovation between the producers and the service industry starts with this actionable information. In addition to the funds necessary to finance innovation there are what Professor Giovanni Dosi calls “technical trade-offs.” These trade-offs facilitate the ability for industries to innovate on the changing technical and scientific paradigms. Crucial to the facilitation of these trade-offs is a fundamental component that spurs the change and is usually abundant and available at low costs. For innovation to occur in oil & gas, People, Ideas & Objects assert that the ability to seek and find knowledge, and to collaborate are two “commodities” that are abundant today. With their inherent low direct costs, knowledge and collaboration are the triggers facilitated by the Internet for a number of technical paradigms which will provide producer firms and participants in the greater oil & gas economy with fundamental innovations.
Professor Dosi states “In very general terms, technological innovation involves or are the solution to problems.” Dosi goes on to further define this as “In other words, an innovative solution to a certain problem involves “discovery” (of the problem) and “creation” since no general algorithm can be derived from the information about the problems. Solutions to technological problems involve the use of information derived from experience and formal knowledge. It is the specific and uncodified capabilities, or “tacit-ness” as Professor Dosi describes “on the part of the inventors who discover the creative solution.”
This is the point that I wanted to make in this follow on discussion to the “Actionable Information Interface.” Where will the innovative solutions come from? Who will solve the problems? It will come down to the person who first sees the problem. And that person may be situated anywhere within the industry. He may be the vice-president of production at an oil & gas producer. Or he might be someone such as Steve Jobs who starts out in his parents garage. The point is for the industry to be all inclusive and to have its problems being identified by those who can see them and resolve them with their innovative solutions. I wonder what reading the Actionable Information Interface of 200 producers would provide in terms of seeing what those people in the field discerned were the producers' imputed issues? And how they began solving them.