We Won't Be Fooled Again!
Credibility is what the bureaucracy needs now more than anything. They should remember however, credibility once lost can never be regained. It may therefore have been in vain for People, Ideas & Objects to provide a means in which bureaucrats could have re-established their credibility, particularly in terms of real profitability. Credibility is one thing, there’s also doing the right thing nonetheless. Something that is obviously foreign to them. They’ve slammed the door shut on that opportunity as we’ve determined to cultivate other means in which to pursue People, Ideas & Objects et al funding and development as the final and definitive way to eliminate these bureaucrats. It’s now time for them and myself to deal with the consequences of this closed door decision and the performance legacy of the producer firms. They can argue that People, Ideas & Objects commitment consists only of words which contrast their millions of barrels of oil produced each day. Which is true, and consistent with the thinking behind their great science experiment, one that has produced nothing of value outside of the healthy executive compensation that sustains them personally. It’s time therefore to ask what is it that the producer bureaucrats are committed to? As the CEO’s, CFO’s, COO’s and members of the Board of Directors responsible for the producer firms they occupy space in, are they committed to making it a business? Are they committed to profitable energy independence across the continent? “What” is it that they are committed to and “how” will they fulfill that commitment to the satisfaction of everyone in the industry and greater oil and gas economy these producers depend upon.
Commitment is an act, not just words. Bureaucrats need to show their commitment to the people in the greater oil and gas economy. And to do so in a credible way. We would note and advise them that in publishing our commitment our Intellectual Property is protected and unavailable to them for their use. The ideas expressed within his blog and the Preliminary Specification are for the purposes that we set out here. Therefore whatever commitment they’ll provide will have to avoid the use of what is expressed here. As law abiding corporate citizens we know this is understood, recognized and will be respected. This would apply as well to any of our competitors who’ve supported what we describe the “corporate model” in their applications. We also understand that this issue is moot from the bureaucrats point of view. They weren’t interested in doing anything with People, Ideas & Objects et al throughout our history, why would they want to start anything regarding aspects of our blog or Preliminary Specification without us.
As our previous post detailed with the definition of the Artificial Intelligence module. There is an infrastructure, organizational method, data model, technological framework and other aspects proposed throughout the Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers that will fulfill the commitment that we’ve expressed in the words of this blog. Granted these are just words as the bureaucrats have rightly belittled us for. In my defense I would state that we’ve never received a penny from any oil and gas producer during the entire 30 years that I have been committed to making this real. (May is our 30th anniversary.) Proof that I’m either certifiable or I’m right. Since the industry is in such disarray, it didn’t get to this state last night, and the bureaucrats existence is threatened through the disintermediation that occurs within the Preliminary Specification. I am therefore satisfied in any state of mind that I’m right. It would be satisfactory to all those within the greater oil and gas economy, understanding that the bureaucrats commitment is wholly self-centered, to at least see some words as to what the plan for the future may be. After all, they’re just words, it would be so easy to do so, and think what it might do for their credibility.
If being right was all that drove me I’d probably have been satisfied in Grade 1. People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification provides oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. We are driven to have the greater energy economy throughout North America succeed. And ask the question why hasn’t it been successful from a spectacular point of view every day of its existence? It is the only industry involved in the exploration and development of products that are irreplaceable, irretrievable and unrecoverable. Who gave us the right to exploit these resources at the expense of future generations without accepting the obligation of handing them a prosperous, capable industry in which to manage their needs, and without the ability to use the market mechanisms determining what the commodity prices should be based on the actual, total cost of that exploration and production plus a reasonable profit. It’s only in that way that these resources can be sustained for the long term. Instead what we have is devastation at the hands of a very small group of people who have felt entitled. How can such a valuable resource be so badly mismanaged? Sitting on top of a primary industry whose revenues represent the entire greater oil and gas economy and dictating their approval / disapproval with their left thumb. With great power comes great responsibility and all that we’ve seen is its abuse and self aggrandizement. Acceptance of this responsibility might be reflected in a commitment that consists of “just words.”
What the Preliminary Specification et al has presented through our commitment is a solution to the issues in the North American oil and gas industry. Profitability, everywhere and always. If the property's cost structure exceeds the commodity price being offered in the market, then it is shut-in to enhance the corporate profitability, save the reserves for when they can be produced profitably and remove that marginal production from the commodity market. To highlight only three of our many advantages. Providing an inherent ability to deal with the cost escalation of each incremental barrel of oil produced. As time passes the easier production is produced leaving the more costly and difficult oil and gas remaining. Our model accommodates this cost escalation at each and every property, each and every day with each and every barrel of oil produced. A reasonable approach to the oil and gas business. Assuming it was operated as a business and not a personal bank account for surreptitious purposes. Recently we identified four new trillion dollar cost categories that would need to be dealt with by the North American oil and gas industry. These included the final recognition of what we’ve described as the bloated balance sheets of the producers property, plant and equipment account, or as we’ve described them more accurately as the unrecognized capital costs of past production. Therefore these four new cost categories are recognizing these capital costs of past production, refurbishment and rebuilding of the infrastructure, capacities and capabilities and reclamation costs. Suggesting that the recognition of the category of unrecognized capital costs of past production, when recognized, would be able to generate the necessary cash to provide the liquidity to fuel the industry for the next generation. This process is the simple retrieval of the investors cash that has been consumed in the fraud of “building balance sheets” and “putting cash in the ground.” The expectation that investors and bankers will line up for a further fleecing is beyond ludicrous. The only line up I see them forming is at the courthouse. The only source of cash large enough to approach the financing of the future costs and difficulties of the industry are the consumers of the oil and gas products themselves. Passing the actual, factual costs onto them in a timely manner is the only business that will be acceptable and profitable.
In addition to the four new cost categories we identified seven crises the industry is facing in the current term. Any one of which would be adequate to consume the time and efforts of the brain trust of the producer firms. These crises were listed as.
- The chronic and systemic overproduction that is evident across the North American production profile since at least July 1986. There is no evidence of even any recognition of this as an issue in the bureaucracy today.
- The coronavirus impact in the short and long term. Long term being the work from home phenomenon and its impact on commuting and air travel.
- Debt levels in the industry are at critically high levels based on the current financial statements. Due primarily to several decades of low interest rates. These were supported by the high values of property, plant and equipment which are now suspect and being written down aggressively when triggered by SEC investigations and audits. Leading to increased leverage levels that will precipitate remedial actions on some banks behalf. Cutting off many producer firm's last lifeline to funding.
- OPEC+ could resume their war on North America (or Russia) at any time. With 5 / 6 mm boe / day available post virus, high $60 oil prices are tenable. Natural gas prices at 22.8 times oil, rehabilitation of that market has clearly not begun, considered or committed to.
- Industrial capacities and capabilities of oil and gas producers and the service industry are in steep decline. Senior service industry representatives such as Schlumberger and Halliburton appear profitable and satisfied with their exit from North America. Which is fine as far as the bureaucrats are concerned, the question they should concern themselves with is how do they get them back?
- Bureaucratic motivation. Litigation, insurance company policies and sinking ships are great distractions to occupy one's time while inside the firm. For those stuck outside, not so much.
- The Biden Regime.
As with the capability to deal with the never ending cost escalation of oil and gas exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification provides oil and gas with a profitable and flexible organizational structure that is capable of dealing with these crises and cost escalations. But those are just words once again. Words that are comprehensive in scope and scale, deal specifically with the issues and opportunities in oil and gas, forming a coherent, viable, sound and workable business model. One based on the people, technology and culture of the oil and gas industry. This is however, just our commitment, but please remember commitment is an act. Where are the words reflecting the commitment of the bureaucrats. What actions have they taken to even address these points. Drilling wells is not a business model. Cost control is not a business model. What is their commitment, how will they implement it and where is it that we can see this commitment reflected by the producer bureaucrats? If it’s just words, where are theirs?
In their pursuit of unauthorized changes to clean energy, (will the Annual General Meeting finally seek approval for this fundamental change in business?) drilling, “capital discipline” and the consolidation miracle we’re witnessing. We see no discussion about profitability or how to attain it by any of the producers. It is in fact the pursuit of clean energy that proves they haven't been profitable and have no understanding or plan on how to rehabilitate their organizations profitably. No discussion of how they’ll approach the changes in the business or how they propose to solve their difficulties. An industry focused on tomorrow's crises doesn’t have the luxury of naval gazing about 2030 or 2035. It’s business as usual for them and People, Ideas & Objects claims of profitability everywhere and always, or the issues it resolves, have no interest to them whatsoever. They have better things to occupy their time and energy with.
The successful oil and gas producer will be the one that commits to using People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers and be bureaucrat free. Why would investors and bankers continue to fool around with a bureaucracy that feigns not to know what real profits are, are only interested in themselves, have no financial resources in which to proceed and a future that we’ve defined at People, Ideas & Objects as a wall of incremental trillion dollar cost escalation and unending crises. They’re not going to be the ones in a decade from now feeling like they’re the bigger fool. Producers that are not committed to recognizing or addressing any of these points and have proven this over and over again in their behavior these past decades and through the scope and scale of destruction they’ve authored. It’s only themselves they’re fooling this time.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.