How People, Ideas & Objects Will Achieve Success, Part VIII
We’ve covered some good ground in this brief series on how we’ll be successful. Profitability is what brought western society to the level that it has and is the only mechanism that can provide for our prosperous future. Diversions from that objective are the constant that has caused us difficulties throughout our history. Once profitability is gone however we generally and quite quickly find our way back. The investors' role in triggering that change in North American oil and gas began in 2015. The difficulties that producers are experiencing are due to the investors lack of financial support that they became wholly dependent upon due to their chronic unprofitability. Six years is an abundant amount of time to proceed without the support of the investment community. It usually doesn’t take that long for an industry to realize its off balance and needs immediate action to remedy their issues. Oil and gas is different due to its capital intensive nature which creates large cash flows from its prior investments. Allowing those in control to conveniently ignore these messages for the short term. We’re now moving into the mid-term and the immunity that was being enjoyed to this point has waned significantly. There is serious financial distress that’s been aggravated by this period of expanded inaction. What the producer firms officers and directors are experiencing at this point is not what they signed up for or pledged their personal assets to. The aggravating factor for them is that too much time has passed for them to have not acted and the damage has become more extensive. Attaching a culpability and guilt to the fact that they didn’t act. It will be of no difficulty for People, Ideas & Objects et al to express the need for profitability everywhere and always in North American oil and gas for at least the next generation. Everyone will now be able to relate to what life was like when profitability was ignored and falsified through specious financial statements.
No one’s going to participate in any upswing from what’s currently happening, thanks to our good friends the bureaucrats. Ignoring the overproduction issue since at least July 1986 and covering it over with any number of excuses, blaming and viable scapegoats has been taken to the level of an art. All with the magic of specious interpretations of SEC regulations that were never intended to state what was alleged and published in the homogenized financial statements of North American producers. These being enthusiastically cheered on by their sycophantic “chesters” as I refer to the audit firms who were supposed to be there to stop such lunacy. Creating the overall culture in the industry that became so obscene as to parrot in absolute harmony that “building balance sheets” and “you have to put cash in the ground” as the organizational objectives. Are these the organizations we want to put our money down on and risk the future with? However, on a more objective basis what do they offer. Deteriorating working capital with most producers reporting chronic negative working capital. Retained earnings that haven’t been seen for decades, replaced by retained losses that exceed at times the total shareholder value and in some cases the liabilities too. But look at those accounts of property, plant and equipment! Every cost that was ever incurred, that is except royalties and operating expenses after the SEC caught onto that charade with PennWest, has been added to that account to blow that up as fast as possible. We recommend a 65% Pro-Forma reduction in property, plant and equipment to be written off to depletion to better reflect the proper performance of the management of these assets. Therefore making the debt outstanding achieve stratospheric proportions in terms of leverage. Alternatively you could line up behind the billions of other shareholders that were signed up during “the good days” in the industry and make out like a bandit with that alleged upside and your 0.0000000001% of the company. There is an abundance of riches for everybody who wants to participate in oil and gas. It’s just I don't know where you can today.
As we’ve noted in this series. We offer a reconfigured industry, based on new ownership, new business opportunities, in new producer organizations. The way the producers are configured today, their banks readily see the process of bankruptcy has become a critical part of the bureaucrats business model. Where the officers are reinstated each and every time. Where the prior organizations money that was loaned is washed into shares of the new organization which are then consumed in losses that create a subsequent bankruptcy. A bankruptcy based on the new money the banks loaned the new producer. Banks are being offered an alternative to stop this nonsense where they just seize the assets and manage them in the interim while People, Ideas & Objects et al build the Preliminary Specification. After all, how could they manage them any worse than they currently are? Then they can find a ready market of investors who are willing to buy the assets and manage them profitably from a real profit perspective. Something they’ll be able to do with the focus and drive of profits throughout our software and its user community.
Granted, the sample of producers that we analyze have been able to draw down their bank debt from $150.0 billion in December 2016 to $151.3 billion in the third quarter of 2020. That $1.3 billion increase is nothing to sneeze at. However that was with the risk profile that was present in 2016, what’s that risk profile today? Will the banks ever see any of this money? And what are those assets worth in these bureaucrats' hands? Those debt values quoted are the amounts of the People, Ideas & Objects sample of producers which represent approximately 9 mm boe / day. With the North American production deliverability making the total bank exposure as much as $650 billion dollars, would this be a material issue to the banks? This chronic unprofitability of the producers is an issue that’s putting these banks in jeopardy. Banks should also review our prior series entitled “New Cost Structures'' where we identify four categories of new costs that will swamp the producers in the next decades. None of these trillions of dollars in costs are able to command a return on investment and as such will “need to be absorbed by the producer.” As they say on the street. Without the Preliminary Specification these producers have traditionally stored their costs on the balance sheet in property, plant and equipment and have never passed any of their costs on to the consumers as it is.
Motivating the bureaucrats to act to rectify these issues through the identification of their personal risk and the potential costs to their personal fortunes as a result of their inactions may spur some into action. I doubt it though. How People, Ideas & Objects will have our budget funded is just as difficult a question as it was decades ago. That doesn’t make its pursuit wrong. My pursuit of this has benefited the industry by providing a timely solution to the issues that I believe it faces today. Issues that are terminal to the industry's health. Issues that the bureaucrats have proven time and again, and I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt here when I say this, don’t know of and can’t understand.
To summarize briefly what it is we’re offering the industry and what it is we’ve pointed out in this series. People, Ideas & Objects competitive advantages are its research, Intellectual Property and our user community. The user community is our primary focus and is the means in which we’ll deliver quality software. There is no possible method of delivering quality software today without the direct and significant involvement of the user community. Our user community will be the ones that expand and fill out the Preliminary Specification in its first commercial release and iteratively build on those developments over the next few decades. We are providing the oil and gas industry a permanent ERP software development capability. Each of these user community members will also be the principal in separate organizations and be licensed as service providers who will provide the People, Ideas & Objects software and services to the industry. Service providers will deliver their tacit knowledge as services to the producers along with the People, Ideas & Objects softwares explicit knowledge. It is the unique competitive advantages of the user community and their service provider organizations that will make a marked difference in the performance of the oil and gas producers. First they are focused on providing oil and gas producers with profitable production everywhere and always. Their competitive advantages are comprehensive and fit in with the manner in which work will be done in the next few decades. The competitive advantages that include their administrative and accounting expertise, analytical tools of conflict and contradiction, continuous application of specialization and the division of labor, leadership, issue identification and resolution, creativity, collaboration, instill quality, automation, research, ideas, design, planning, thinking, negotiating, compromising, innovating, financing, implementation and integration to highlight some of them. Key to these competitive advantages is the unique means in which they have to implement them. Please see the user community vision for how we enable that.
We noted the issues producers face in the marketplace today. We’ve noted the definition of our software solution in the Preliminary Specification and the configuration of the user community and service providers. There are also external forces related to Information Technology, Intellectual Property and disintermediation playing out in the greater marketplace today. As they are or have played out in all industries. The message from these is that there are new business models based on the Internet that are being formulated and built that will wipe out the inefficiencies of the bureaucracies that brought us to this point. Standing in the way of disintermediation has been unsuccessful to this point for any of the industries that have been faced with the power of its bureaucratically destructive force. However, with each victory over the inefficiencies the industries that have not been disintermediated learn and grow smarter in how to resist the forces of disintermediation for longer and more effectively. Opposition to disintermediation is now far more sophisticated than what the record store manager faced with Napster and the recording industry realized from Steve Jobs iTunes.
Throughout this series I’ve been able to touch on the reasons why the industry we’re building out of the ruins of oil and gas producers will be successful. The processes that we are implementing, the people that we will be needing and what they’ll be doing. And more than anything how the industry can begin the pursuit of profits everywhere and always as its primary responsibility. A responsibility that looks to provide a return to the investors as shareholders of the producers. But as we can all see and now know intuitively that without profits, and without satisfied investors nothing positive comes about anywhere else in the industry. Disaster and destruction are the consequences we’re all faced with whether that is a shareholder, as someone who has selected oil and gas as their career choice to pursue, or have established a business in any of the industries in the greater oil and gas economic structure. Producer profits are what drive the success of it all. The dependence on shareholders and investor money eventually always runs out due to the fact that it is very limited. And that investor money is always open to direct competition from other industries that everyone has to compete to profitably win and succeed against.
I’ve now spelt out briefly the means and processes of successful change by People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations. It’s now the bureaucrats' turn to do the same. Or have we already heard it in their litany of excuses, blaming and viable scapegoats of the past decade. In the fake performance they’ve told us in their financial statements. The financial statements that “were in full compliance with the regulations” and that the “auditors signed off on.” Nonetheless, what is the plan and where are the bureaucrats taking us too in this enlightened world of theirs?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.