The Geologist is in Flight
I’ve been trying to find an analogy in business that would capture my overall sense of the difficulties that are present for the North American oil and gas producers. I don’t know of any other industry that has had the luxury of destroying capital for four decades and keeping their investors on the hook for their wild spending and ludicrous business ideas. Can we all please stop saying “building balance sheets” and now “protecting balance sheets.” I don’t know what these things mean in terms of organizational goals and objectives. Producer balance sheets reflect the disaster that the industry is in, what are you building, what are you building on and what are you protecting? Generally producers have no working capital, disproportionately high property, plant and equipment, or as we call them the unrecognized capital costs of prior production, massive amounts of equity have been historically raised, all of which has been lost and bank debt leveraged to the moon when you realize those capital “assets” don’t generate any earnings, but in fact demand cash to produce. What good are these “balance sheets” that producer bureaucrats have built now that their irrelevance stares back at them in the mirror? The perfect analogy that I came up with to capture this moment is none other than BreX. Which can be somewhat understood by watching Matthew McConaughey’s 2016 movie “Gold.” Eventually everyone suspected there were problems with BreX and were curious about what was going on, rumours were running rampant. Then everyone knew. Initially it was the Chief Geologist who had jumped 500 ft. from a speeding helicopter in Indonesia. It was soon learned definitively that the Indonesian army tossed him out. Unhappy with their country being used by gold scammers who had perpetrated a fraud in their country. Therefore the shorthand term for the point at which we’re in is “The Geologist is in Flight.” Everyone’s aware of the problem, no one has the definitive news that this was always for the best interests of the insiders, or as we call them here at People, Ideas & Objects bureaucrats. The major difference between these two is that for BreX the gold was never there, while the oil and gas commodities are there but completely worthless, demanding cash to produce and will always be so in the hands of these bureaucrats.
Now that the geologist is in flight, producers don’t have any money, no one will give them any money, they don’t make any money, they claim to be out of the oil and gas business and have moved to the clean energy business. What is it that they're going to do? Their financial status is abysmal and any discussion with those that are operating the industry leaves one with the full understanding that they’re either naive, deluded or criminal. Naw, they’ve kept this going for at least the past 34 years as we noted in our August 10, 2020 blog post. These people have skills! When challenged by People, Ideas & Objects about their guilt and culpability in our June 2, 2020 blog post they did the only prudent thing that executives would do, increased their officers and directors liability insurance. (Please note it’s early September and still no alternative actions have been taken to rectify these issues.) The July 26, 1986 Calgary Herald ( news article documented a critical issue in oil and gas that is wholly consistent with the issues we’re dealing with today and have been present every day since July 1986. We also have the fact that the Preliminary Specification has been available since its publication in December 2013 which identifies the solution to 1986’s issue and quantifies the damages these deviants inactions have cost all those that have unfortunately been involved in the industry. You can’t make anything of these producer firms in their current condition. Notice how since the second quarter reports there’s nothing at all being said by these bureaucrats. Not even any excuses, nothing. They’ve turtled and will remain that way until they're removed.
The stated position of the bureaucrats for not proceeding with the development and use of the Preliminary Specification has been that our decentralized production models price maker strategy is collusion. Misinterpreting “price makers,” as the economic definition notes, which is what the oil and gas commodities fall under, not “price takers” as the industry is currently assumed to be. And therefore, instead of discussing this topic or researching it they’ll run the industry down to the state that it’s in to ensure they’re not seen as what? What the Preliminary Specification does is provide a detailed, standard, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles type of financial statements to each Joint Operating Committee. If the property produces a profit then it will continue to produce. Otherwise it will be shut-in until such time as it can return to profitable production. Our method ensures that producers achieve the most profitable means of oil and gas operations by no longer producing unprofitable properties, reserves are saved for a time in which they can be produced profitably, those reserves do not have to carry the incremental losses as an additional cost to be recovered in the future when they continue to produce unprofitably and the commodity markets have their marginal production removed from the market. That’s what businesses do. Instead we’ve seen 34 years of overproduction, which is unprofitable production, continue until the oil and natural gas markets have fundamentally collapsed on a global basis. The bureaucrats actions over this period have not proven they’re above questioning? Their excessive executive compensation was allowed because “the business was difficult.” Now we see that they never had any concern for the business whatsoever, only for their pocket books, and have done so in blatant disregard to this well known, chronic, devastating issue, and in later years, the solution in the form of the Preliminary Specification. And on the contrary, they are wholly culpable and guilty. They did have a wide range of viable scapegoats though. To ask where the CFO’s are in this debacle is the appropriate question. They allowed this to develop. Covered their personal risks by increasing their officers and directors insurance coverage and quickly resumed their comfortable positions on their couches, dreaming of new and enhanced means of executive compensation.
Most of the deterioration and destruction of the industry has occurred while commodity prices were at least 50% higher than what they are today. The clarity in which this is now obvious, that producers never made any money, has only become evident since the investors ceased propping up the bureaucrats' ponzi schemes. People who are working in the industry and to a lesser extent those that are in the greater oil and gas economy. Will soon realize the extent of the damage done will not be overcome in a couple of quarters. We will need at the absolute minimum a full decade in order to heal this damage, it’s that extensive. No one will help the industry. It has to be done by itself. The bureaucrats running the industry have never run a legit business, and don’t know how to. The people who were interested, experienced and talented in the work of the industry will be leaving or have already left, no one appears to be coming in to take their place. The service industry has turned its back on the producers. Investors and bankers? Has anyone seen any of those people lately, or is able to provide an understanding of what they think?
The producers will need to be processed through the reliable and thorough process of creative destruction before anyone will be interested in anything that happens in the North American oil and gas industry. The lawyers will soon be taking care of the bureaucrats and their now lofty and lucrative insurance coverage. But remember litigation is never about the money. Then and only after a reasonable period of healthy, stable profitability with well managed organizations that are fully committed to profitability will they return. The BreX fraud was exposed through the eventful tossing of the Chief Geologist from an Indonesian Military Helicopter. It was at that time that people knew intuitively the rumors were true, that it was a fraud and the end had arrived. The quiet we hear in oil and gas is just the wind surging past the geologist in mid flight.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz, anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.