User Community Developments, Part XXXIV
We have frequently discussed the Preliminary Specifications standardization of accounting and administration that will be undertaken in oil and gas by our user communities service provider organizations. Every property would be subject to the same objective and standard treatment that is applied to any other property in North America. Natural gas is much more costly to account and administer for, due to its byproducts. Some properties are significantly more complex than others. These will be reflected in the unique cost structures of each and every property. In addition the administrative and accounting costs are all variable under the Preliminary Specification. Making all of the costs of the producers variable based on production. Enabling the implementation of our price maker strategy and ensuring the profitability of each and every producing property.
It will be the role and responsibility of our user community to ensure that the accounting and administrative aspects of each property are both timely and accurate. As well as the method of accounting that is applied is both objective and standardized throughout the North American producer base. As a result producers will know that their profitable production is profitable in direct comparison to all other production across the continent. (There will need to be some special consideration for the consistent full production of heavy oil as its scalability is not economic or viable under any circumstance.) It should be noted that included in those profitability calculations will be the actual prices that were received at the property. Any differentials would be applied however there would be no consideration for any hedging. That is a corporate activity that is something the producer may consider continuing if they so desire. It does not affect the criteria of whether or not to produce a property. The property will be the only basis of evaluation in terms of profitability.
In a world of ever increasing costs due to the advancing difficulty in producing each incremental barrel of oil and gas. The need to remain active and proactive on a costing methodology for how the capital is recaptured and its cash reused by the producer is of concern. Conventional oil and gas will be treated differently than what shale would or should be. With its flush production, steep decline curves and costly reworks this will take a more precise accounting than what has taken place to date. Our user community will need to apply their most advanced thinking in terms of what and how the costs of oil and gas exploration and production are realized. As we’ve also mentioned the recognition of capital provides a return of the cash that was previously invested. Providing a ready source of capital for the producer to reinvest for the future. With the capital expenditures that are forecast the need to source adequate levels of capital are necessary. The only source of capital available to the industry is the recycling of their capital costs on a higher frequency than the multi-decade basis they’ve done in this “build a balance sheet” era. Our user community will need to ensure that adequate capital resources are provided to the producers for this purpose.
Bureaucrats have been intoxicated with the cash flow from oil and gas production in the past decades. The industry is a capital intensive industry and therefore the return of capital that was previously invested has always been strong. The deferral of capital recognition for decades has been a result of the levels of cash they’ve been able to generate in these producer organizations. It has taken them significant effort to understand and develop unique and innovative ways in which to divert these funds into their own pockets. The issue that we have today is that with the Preliminary Specification the volume of cash coming into these organizations is going to be an exponential increase from the bureaucrats' days. Luckily we’re disintermediating them and won’t have to concern ourselves with their hands sliding back into the cookie jar. Where did all that value go? Nonetheless the cash that is generated will be substantial and the need to have better control over this will need to be instilled within the industry, producers and larger oil and gas dependent economies. We should build some software like the Financial Marketplace module of the Preliminary Specification that deals with this!
We’ve seen some discussion recently about production quotas with OPEC+ and Texas, and also some discussion about government imposed production allocations. Our White Paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale” discusses these in addition to our price maker strategy. These discussions are consistent with the Alberta government's production allocations that reduced the province's production by 350,000 boe / day since January 1, 2019. These are not the remedies we’re looking for. They are ineffective as they are unable to impose the production discipline that is needed in the marketplace. Producers shut-in the production to meet the quota and then begin to figure out how to get around the quota. In Alberta there are several ways of doing so. None of the production is evaluated as to whether it is profitable or not, and therefore it is all detrimental to the producers bottom line. Currently the Alberta based production is receiving single digit oil prices. Low prices as a result of continued overproduction as the government mandate has done little to solve the problem they were created for. The only method in which the market will institute any production discipline is through the use of profitability as the means in which a producer is evaluated upon. Then they are motivated by the value enhancement of doing so. The increases in value from implementation of the Preliminary Specification includes saving the reserves for a time in which they can be produced profitably, ensuring that the costs of the reserves don’t have to carry the additional burden of the successive losses that would be incurred if the property continued to produced unprofitably, the producer only produces profitable operations and no longer dilutes their earnings with unprofitable operations and the commodity markets have the marginal production removed from the market and hence the prices will find the market price. Our user community will be the critical resource to enhancing the profitability of the energy industry. Our methodology or price maker strategy has been known in oil and gas since at least 2007. If it were able to be implemented within the current configuration of producers, would it not have been done so by now? The fact is producers and the industry are not configured in any way to provide this information or this mechanism, it is impossible for them to do so. Only the Preliminary Specification can.
Global oil inventories are alleged to be at around 750 million barrels as of Monday March 23, 2020. Oil storage capacity is believed to be about 1 billion barrels. If the demand for oil has dropped by 20 million boe / day and overproduction is at 2 million boe / day. The remaining 250 million barrels of storage may be filled in as little as ten days, or the day after April fools. When storage is full will it be the coronavirus or overproduction and oversupply that occupies the minds of the producer bureaucrats? Will President Trump have time to hear the producers concerns then? What we will know is that oil prices will go negative, the differentiated prices are not that far from zero today, single digits and falling. Maybe producers will understand the best form of storage is the reserves themselves. For example, don’t produce unprofitable production. Maybe the North American producers will wake up to the fact that they’ve been unprofitable all these decades. Maybe they’ll realize they’ve been so unprofitable that they’ve consumed value and cash with each barrel produced. They were only viable when someone else was providing consistent cash infusions. Maybe they’ll realize that investors saw this a few years ago and got out. Maybe they’ll realize that OPEC is still making money as the low cost producers, and will continue to do so. Maybe they’ll realize with all the doors slammed in their face, that blaming everyone, cutting everything and everyone the time for a reckoning will be at hand? That having the ability to withhold unprofitable production is not market manipulation as they have always claimed but just plain business sense.
In summary what’s it going to take to make the transition from the current oil and gas industry to the one we’ve described in the Preliminary Specification. First of all there has to be a continental wide destruction of any and all value contained within the oil and gas industry. Check, complete and good job bureaucrats. There is development of the Preliminary Specification with its highly capable, dynamic, innovative, accountable and profit oriented user community and service providers with the software and software development capabilities that facilitate change. Ones with the power, control, Intellectual Property, budget, leadership, people, revenue sources, licensing, distinct and comprehensive competitive advantages, timing and accuracy of the costs of exploration and production, quality of service, objectivity and standardization of administrative and accounting services and lets not forget the responsibility and authority to get it done. This is a new capacity, capability and functionality in the oil and gas industry. It is not available today and needs to be purpose built to deal with today’s issues and tomorrow’s future.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.