Our Oil and Gas White Paper, Part XII
All of these components of our competitive advantage require the software known as the Preliminary Specification to be built and operational. As we’ve learned in the Preliminary Research Report (2004), software defines and supports the organization. What we also learned at that time was the producers response to that knowledge was they would not change their software, and hence, there would not be a threat to the manner in which they managed the oil and gas producers. This has been the policy of the producers since that time and they’ve been able to ensure that they’ve been handsomely compensated at the expense of everyone else in society. We believe the current bureaucracies within the producers are only riding out the last few minutes of their prosperity before they exit. That would be consistent with the history of organizations going back to the 1930’s. Without the software to run the industry and producer firms profitably, as described in the Preliminary Specification, it will not happen. We have declared the economic concept of spontaneous order null and void as a result of the role that software occupies organizations in the 21st century. In order to change the organization you must change the software first. Otherwise any attempted changes will only see the organization regress back to the way that the existing software manages the organization. This provides further support for the defined software development capabilities that People, Ideas & Objects are offering with our user community who hold the power and control necessary to make changes to the software and services used in oil and gas. Without these oil and gas will remain stagnant.
Hosting of the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification applications and modules, and Oracle modules, will be via cloud computing architectures. This provides a more cost effective solution to the industries needs as the budget requirement for hardware and support will be on an as used basis. We will also have the resources and capabilities to meet the producers demands of our software during month-end closing etc. In addition throughout this sub-industry that we’re creating between the Information Technology firms and the producers. We will be using Google’s Apps for your Domain based applications and collaborative environment. These enable us to be far more flexible and productive in the tasks that we need to undertake.
These are a summary of the six aspects of our competitive offering for the oil and gas industry. They are structured to provide the producer and industry with a profitable operating base in which to approach the 21st century. However, what we know is that by using the Joint Operating Committee, the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic framework of the industry. We enable our software to approach and undertake the administrative, accounting and operational issues that the industry faces today and for the future.
Security & Access Control
What we have with using the Joint Operating Committee (JOC) as the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer. Is the interactions of many producers and suppliers who are involved in the day to day commercial and strategic concerns of a Joint Operating Committee. What we need to concern ourselves within the Security & Access Control module is that the right people have the right access to the right information and data with the right authority at the right time and at the right place.
Throughout the Preliminary Specification we discuss one of the premier issues of the oil and gas industry. That being the demand of the earth science and engineering effort is increasing with each barrel produced. This is best represented in the steep escalation of exploration and production costs involved in oil and gas. At the same time the critical earth science and engineering resources are somewhat fixed and are difficult to expand in the short to medium term. Add to that, an anticipated retirement of this brain trust in the next twenty years, the depression we are in is stalling the careers of recent university graduates, the expected production profile of the North American continent and the problem becomes of critical concern.
There are few short term solutions to the short fall in geologists and engineers over the next twenty years. It takes the better part of that time to train them to operate in the industry. What we do know are several “things” that are being applied in the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Key to a number of concepts application are what we call the Military Command & Control Metaphor. Which is a method developed in the Security & Access Control module of imposing command and control over any and all Joint Operating Committees, working groups, producer firms or organizations the producer may need to add structure to.
The concept of specialization and division of labor is well known as a principle of economics that brings about greater amounts of economic productivity from the same volume of resources. Given that the volume of earth science and engineering resources are known for the foreseeable future, specialization and the division of labor will provide us with a tangible means in which to deal with the productivity of the oil and gas industry. In today’s marketplace to approach a heightened level of specialization and division of labor, particularly from a scope and scale point of view, without the use of software to define and support it would be downright foolish.
The pooling concept is the solution to the current desire that each producer firm acquires the earth science and engineering capabilities necessary to deal with all the needs of their “operated” properties. This creates unneeded “just-in-time” capabilities for these scarce scientific resources. When each producer within the industry pursues this same strategy substantial redundancies are built into the industries capabilities. Redundancies that are left unused and unusable. What is proposed through the People, Ideas & Objects software application modules is that the producers operational strategy avoids and eliminates the “operator” concept and begins pooling technical resources through the partnership represented in the Joint Operating Committee. That way the redundancies that would have been present in the industry can be made available to the producers and used by the producers through an advanced specialization and division of labor.
What these concepts require therefore is what the Security & Access Control module is designed to provide. The system must provide the right access to the right person at the right time and the right place with the right authority to the right information. With the Military Command & Control Metaphor there will also be the manner in which the technical, and all the resources that have been pooled from the producers, interact with an appropriate governance and chain of command within a Joint Operating Committee that spans many producers.
Oracle’s products provide a strong layer of mission critical capabilities in the Security & Access Control module. Although this comes with additional costs, I am certain that no one will argue with the quality and secure knowledge that these products bring. I also am proud that I maintain the two ugliest websites in this blog and our wiki. This is for two reasons the first being, I’ve provided a solution to what I see as the issues to oil and gas without any support from the producers. On the contrary it has been a protracted and ugly fight since August of 2003. If the best ideas are being expressed on the ugliest websites I hope the bureaucrats are adequately humiliated. Secondly these sites are both hosted by Google. Which provides me with a technical infrastructure that is more or less impenetrable from a security point of view. Our websites are not generally allowed past the producers firewalls but they also are not subject to any denial of service attacks or malicious behavior. As far as I’m aware we have a 100% up time record. By using Oracle and Google in the configuration for the sub-industry and also the delivery of our products we gain the same kind of advantages from a security and access control point of view.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.