Year End Closing
Where we currently stand to in the oil and gas industry is far from where we need to be. The deterioration of the capacities and capabilities can be felt draining from the industry in the past six months. Things that should be getting done are not even on the list of things to do. This of course is the old business model working as it does. Let the industry deteriorate until such time as shortages are created and then we’ll move to rebuild what was lost with other people’s money, again. The only thing the producers have today are spectacularly large balance sheets. These represent the money from the last time they fleeced the investors. The actions of the investors in the past few years shows that they’ve caught on to the game, and they don’t like it. They might sit this round of financing out. And therefore the producers will decay even further as shale’s flush production continues to overwhelm the commodity markets price mechanisms. The only way out is for producers to select the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy. That way an industry wide method of production allocation, based on the equitable and fair basis of profitability of each and every Joint Operating Committee, can be used to determine which property produces and which property remains shut-in.
Until this scenario plays out People, Ideas & Objects and our user community have work to do. The forces of creative destruction in the industry are well in play. We need to commence work now in order to offset the difficulties in the industry. As they depreciate we’ll rise to recover from their failures. Eventually taking over from the ashes of what will be left of the producer firms that exist today. That is how creative destruction has worked in the past and how I expect it to function here. There will be many producers that might make the transition, however picking the winners and losers is a sport that Las Vegas would be more interested in. Our job is to get moving and to make sure that society does not have any difficulty in sourcing their needs of oil and gas.
It will be a cold, literally, hard slap in the face to those alternative energy and climate change people. They will think that the decline in oil and gas is an opportunity to build more wind and solar. I am always amazed at the extent that people can convince themselves of such foolishness. Those who think that they can just switch to wind and solar are fresh out of the looney bin. The oil and gas industry produces so much energy, and so much of it is used in industrial purposes that it would take centuries for wind and solar to catch up, let alone take over. Ever see a chemical plant next to a hydro dam? And you won’t. Society is not hooked on oil and gas. Oil and gas is the blood that makes society run. Let's not kid ourselves into believing in myths and fairytales before it's too late. Your participation in our user community is the mitigating factor and the destruction of this myth.
I will be taking the rest of the year off. I need to prepare for the early part of 2016. Producers will be once again preparing their annual reports for what has been a bad year in a dismal industry. They have no profitable operations anywhere. They have no financial resources and they are desperately short of cash. They need to show their investors and bankers, and most importantly their prospective investors and bankers, a plan on how they’ll turn this situation around. As we know they don’t have one and they’ll be unable to come up with anything in the next few months. What I suspect will happen is we will see the rats jump ship, so to speak. The bureaucrats will seek greener pastures knowing that the difficulties in oil and gas are beyond what they can resolve. After all that is their history and pedigree. Expect the announcements of retirements and resignations to begin once the bonuses have been distributed. That’s right bonuses. I am looking to return on January 11, 2016 and expect that posting may be light for the first four months of next year. This is crunch time for us. We must make this real. A decision has to be made to proceed with the development of the Preliminary Specification. I am looking to the investors and bankers that support the oil and gas producers to make that decision. So for now have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and will see you in 2016.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.
Until this scenario plays out People, Ideas & Objects and our user community have work to do. The forces of creative destruction in the industry are well in play. We need to commence work now in order to offset the difficulties in the industry. As they depreciate we’ll rise to recover from their failures. Eventually taking over from the ashes of what will be left of the producer firms that exist today. That is how creative destruction has worked in the past and how I expect it to function here. There will be many producers that might make the transition, however picking the winners and losers is a sport that Las Vegas would be more interested in. Our job is to get moving and to make sure that society does not have any difficulty in sourcing their needs of oil and gas.
It will be a cold, literally, hard slap in the face to those alternative energy and climate change people. They will think that the decline in oil and gas is an opportunity to build more wind and solar. I am always amazed at the extent that people can convince themselves of such foolishness. Those who think that they can just switch to wind and solar are fresh out of the looney bin. The oil and gas industry produces so much energy, and so much of it is used in industrial purposes that it would take centuries for wind and solar to catch up, let alone take over. Ever see a chemical plant next to a hydro dam? And you won’t. Society is not hooked on oil and gas. Oil and gas is the blood that makes society run. Let's not kid ourselves into believing in myths and fairytales before it's too late. Your participation in our user community is the mitigating factor and the destruction of this myth.
I will be taking the rest of the year off. I need to prepare for the early part of 2016. Producers will be once again preparing their annual reports for what has been a bad year in a dismal industry. They have no profitable operations anywhere. They have no financial resources and they are desperately short of cash. They need to show their investors and bankers, and most importantly their prospective investors and bankers, a plan on how they’ll turn this situation around. As we know they don’t have one and they’ll be unable to come up with anything in the next few months. What I suspect will happen is we will see the rats jump ship, so to speak. The bureaucrats will seek greener pastures knowing that the difficulties in oil and gas are beyond what they can resolve. After all that is their history and pedigree. Expect the announcements of retirements and resignations to begin once the bonuses have been distributed. That’s right bonuses. I am looking to return on January 11, 2016 and expect that posting may be light for the first four months of next year. This is crunch time for us. We must make this real. A decision has to be made to proceed with the development of the Preliminary Specification. I am looking to the investors and bankers that support the oil and gas producers to make that decision. So for now have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and will see you in 2016.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.