With the
Preliminary Specification, our
user community and the
service provider's operational in the oil and gas industry. Pricing of the commodities of oil and gas will be different than what is currently occurring in today’s marketplace. People, Ideas & Objects provide oil and gas producers with the most
profitable means of oil and gas operations. On the issue of pricing we ensure this profitability through two key differences in the way we operate the industry. The first is we enable the producer to use the “price maker” strategy of our
decentralized production model. Secondly we include all of the costs of production in the determination of the commodity prices. Capital, royalties, operating and overhead. Not just the royalties and operating costs to calculate the margins as is done today. It is these differences that enable us to make the claim that we provide over $45 trillion (thats correct with a T) in incremental value with our value proposition over the next 25 years. This post will detail how we earn that difference.
There are a number of fundamental changes that occur when the Preliminary Specification is implemented into the industry. The producer firm is organized to focus on their competitive advantages of their earth science and engineering capabilities, and their land and asset base. We do this by stripping out the administrative and accounting resources of the producer firm and establishing service providers who are focused on a single process and use the entire industry as their client base. The service providers are in turn able to focus on their competitive advantages of specialization, the division of labor, automation and making the computers work for us, as opposed to the other way around. This reorganization of the industry opens up many opportunities and enhancements to the way that the producer operates through the Preliminary Specification. The
decentralized production model is one area where our value proposition is affected greatly.
With this industry configuration in place, it provides the ability for each property to determine the actual cost of operations. The costs will include the capital, royalty, operations and overhead that is incurred in that property. Overheads are incurred by the Joint Operating Committee, not the producer firm. The overhead is incurred by the service providers who will conduct their services when they receive an activity from the property that starts their work, and subsequently issues their billing. For example, when there is production, the revenue accounting service provider will conduct their process in accordance with the needs of the producer, and then issue their billing to the Joint Operating Committee for revenue accounting services for that property. If the property is shut-in, then none of the service providers are receiving any information from the “task and transfer” network and no work is conducted by any of the
service providers. Creating a null operation; no operating costs, royalties or overhead are incurred during times when a property is shut-in. Only the cost of capital is uncovered. This increases the overall profit of the producer as it is assumed that the only reason the property was shut-in was that it was not producing a profit.
If each producer produced only profitable properties in this manner then they would only have properties that were profitable. ;) Their shut-in inventory would provide them with ample opportunities to innovate in an attempt to bring those properties back into production. On an industry wide basis the marginal cost of production would be determined. And the commodities prices would find their equilibrium. In the case of natural gas this would be at least double and maybe triple the price of natural gas in North America. On oil it would have a significant impact as well. This would not only make the producer profitable in the current environment, it would reduce their capital costs of the property by reducing the amount of losses that have to be recovered tomorrow on properties that are losing money today. We have valued this price making capability from our
decentralized production model at $5.7 trillion over the next 25 years in our value proposition.
The other critical aspect of our
Preliminary Specification that provides the dynamic, innovative and
profitable oil and gas producer with our significant value proposition is the manner in which we calculate the costs of the property. It is our assertion that the producers are being misguided by the SEC and accounting firms in their use of full cost and successful efforts. They are essentially bloating the balance sheets of all producers by implementing these accounting policies. Even with these poor prices the producers are able to report profits on operations because they include none of the costs of capital in their calculations. In determining prices we will use a more appropriate means to recognize the cost of capital in the pricing mechanisms used by producers. Then they will be able to capture these values in their price making strategies and recover their costs of capital for their investors.
Just because the industry is reporting accounting profits and stock traders are claiming to have made money, does not mean that oil and gas is a healthy industry. There is a difference between the two of these domains. The business of making money in oil and gas has been fundamentally flawed since the accountants implemented their accounting voodoo many years ago. Never recognizing the full cost of capital in a business is foolish and the investors in the business itself have been made to pay as a result. Until we include a capital allocation, on a reasonable basis, in determining the commodities pricing, this business will not be able to provide an investor with a return on their investment. It is stated that the industry requires $40 trillion in investment in the next 20 years. Where is this money coming from when all you have are accounting profits. With producers sitting on big, fat, bloated balance sheets holding onto capital costs that never see the income statement. Sure I’ll volunteer my capital, let me put my money down, where do I sign up. With the Preliminary Specifications
decentralized production model. The capital costs are considered and included in determining the commodity prices. Therefore the capital is being returned to the investors in the long term. The other $40 trillion in our value proposition. Today the bureaucrats say the investments are a sunk cost, and they don't consider sunk costs in their decisions. I suggest we don't consider bureaucrats in ours.
Preliminary Specification and
user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative,
profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects
Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me
here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter
@piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email