To The User Community Members
Making a clean break with the status quo helps in many ways. It helps you the user community participant the most. No longer will you need to consider the situation that exists today, or the concerns of how things are done today. Ours will be a clean slate approach where the optimal solution can be adopted. No compromises with the ways and means of the “thats how we did it in the past” or the “but we don't do it that way” type of arguments. Those won't stand and we can move on from those and formulate new processes and new positions for the oil and gas producers based on the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.
When we take the Joint Operating Committee and make it the key organizational construct of the dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer. We introduce conflicts and contradictions between it and the bureaucracy. If we try to reconcile these conflicts and contradictions then we are moving away from the purer sense of the opportunity of what is at hand here at People, Ideas & Objects. By stating we will not be working with the bureaucrats we have eliminated the conflicts and contradictions that we would otherwise have had to reconcile. Your job in designing and developing the Preliminary Specification into the software that you will use as service providers will be able to be developed quicker and more easily with a more consistent approach to the Joint Operating Committee. The natural, cultural ways and means of the oil and gas industry.
Its when we try to add humans to the mix that the problems come into play. And we will have those problems. What we won’t have is the problems of humans that are stratified in a hierarchy with their unnecessary rules and regulations that are necessary to make that entity function. I feel it is my job to remove as many of the obstruction from your path as I possibly can. In terms of obstructions, the bureaucrats and their way of life are the biggest obstructions known to man. That we can eliminate them is cause for celebration. Everyone should get up and quietly do a happy dance.
Declaration of the death of the bureaucracy may be seen, and may come to be, premature. It will be inevitable though. Our time is coming and our patience will be rewarded. We have shaved years off of our development time today, and 10,000 man years of frustration and heartache from our user community. Bureaucracies do not change and their ability to adapt to the current environment is well beyond what their cash and capital reserves will allow. The investors have been on strike for a long time. At least as long as 2008. Bureaucrats have been living off borrowed funds since then. Banks have not been loaning any money any more as they knew the game was fixed and they were the mark. That left the junk bond market as the only place to get funds. The primary source of funds of all healthy industries. Bureaucrats used $1.2 trillion of junk bonds in the past two years. Now that path is closed as well. Therefore they are left with the money they are able to earn in the marketplace. And they will produce as much as they can to try to generate as much cash as they can before they all go broke from low commodity prices. The ultimate example of circular thinking on a grand scale.
The business model of using other peoples money is at the end of its road. They've destroyed both commodity markets, all the credit markets and the investors faith, what else is there. They never knew how to produce a real profit. Only accounting profits based on full cost accounting where everything, including royalties apparently (remember PennWest), are capitalized. If you gave five people ten million dollars each. Where only one was a brilliant geologist who found nothing but oil and gas. And four people who knew nothing about oil and gas. When you came back a year later and looked at their financial statements they would all look the same. You would not be able to tell who was the superstar geologist from the financial statements. What kind of accounting is that? I digress. The point is that the business model was never sustainable and the day in which its reckoning is upon us. The Saudis know it, I know it, and a few more people are beginning to realize it each and every day.
People, Ideas & Objects provide a viable alternative for which we can rebuild the industry. One where we provide the producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. The user community is our focus and the key to our quality. With this decision to ignore the bureaucracy we are able to move faster with less constraints. And for that reason alone its a good decision.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.