How Does the Industry Change?
The overall guiding principle in making these changes is to provide the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. This spells out part of the key motivation for people to get involved in the development of the software, participation in the user community, development of the service providers, the app marketplace and implementation of the changes within the industry. There is also motivation for all of the people that are involved in those groups to do so. We are establishing in some cases sub-industries with multi-billion revenue streams where no businesses currently exist. In other words there are substantial financial rewards available to those people as well. Change for the sake of change is not what People, Ideas & Objects are about.
If we had to quantify it today it would be along the lines of, “The new manner in which to operate the industry profitably, for all concerned, for the 21st century” as the overall objective. To take what I perceive as a failing industry. Failing in the sense of performance, leadership, accountability, innovation, strategically and tactically. Some might argue that the industry has performed well in terms of the past few years with the discovery and production of shale reserves. However, they are not making any money on those reserves, and they have no prospects of making any money on those reserves. Many would disagree with my assessment of a failing grade on all these metrics. I however stand on the fact that I am able to provide our value proposition through the proposed Preliminary Specification as evidence of the current industries failure.
It may be difficult to see the problems that I see. However, I have been in accounting and audit in oil and gas long enough to know the tricks of the trade to know that the industry is not making any money. Capitalizing royalties in Canada only shows the level of desperation. I see a dead industry that nobody has told that it has died. A ghost going through the motions not realizing that its not really there. No future, no plans and no energy to undertake any new direction or initiative. Dead. Driven by a self interested bureaucracy that in 1950 would have been considered progressive, but in 2014 is primarily responsible for the deforestation in North America. Other than the vast amounts of paper it consumes not many can point to anything that the bureaucracy does. If given another five years the bureaucracy will have the opportunity to upgrade their summer cabins. Which is the only thing you here in the coffee shops and the elevators. The business of the business is dead.
People, Ideas & Objects as a change initiative is therefore more of a survival of the industry than it is anything else. What will you do with the oil and gas industry when it is in the state that it is in? Who is responsible and what actions can be taken to deal with them? What effective actions can be taken to change the course the industry is currently on? Good luck thinking of something. I’m sure the bureaucracy will have as much fun with you as they have had with me. To put the industry on the appropriate trajectory, one with a heartbeat, needs some serious action. I propose the Preliminary Specification, the user community, the service providers and app marketplace. And that way we can have the dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas industry we need for the 21st century.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.