… is a sign of insanity. One could argue therefore that our marketing program was a sign of insanity. Launched in September 2012 and focused on the CEO and CFO’s of the top 100 producers in the North American marketplace. This marketing program is similar to the ones that I have been involved in before. Whether that is through my efforts here in People, Ideas & Objects or my predecessor efforts in Genesys Software Corporation. Many times the industry has been approached and the result have been the same. There is a systemic and cultural predisposition for the oil and gas industry to summarily ignore Information Technology when it comes to ERP systems.
So why would we launch another marketing program to only run into the same systemic and cultural predisposition. The expectation, the purpose behind our marketing program, was to document the existence of this predisposition and therefore it was not a sign of insanity as it was not expecting to be fruitful from a funding point of view. We’ll get more into the logic that we would be doing such an illogical task in future posts, but stay with me until we get to that logic.
It is also at this point that IBM saw the writing on the wall in 2005 when they marketed a fairly significant development to their industry leading Qbyte application. When they were faced with the same predisposition in the marketplace from the producers they chose to leave the marketplace and sell the Qbyte application in absolute frustration over the inability of the producers to deal with this situation. I can appreciate their frustration and share their concern. The oil and gas producers will never involve themselves in any development of an ERP system, ever. That leads me to state that they also have an unsustainable business model, which we will also be talking about more in future blog posts.
People, Ideas & Objects face the same situation that IBM faced in 2005. People, Ideas & Objects have however two significant advantages in that we have a holistic vision as reflected in the
Preliminary Specification, and we’re not quitting. This might seem futile however, remember the purpose in the marketing program was to document the predisposition of the systemic and cultural ways of the producers towards ERP systems. I now have that documentation. And we can as a result turn to our natural source of funding for the Preliminary Specification and its development, from the oil and gas investors.
Throughout the business community we have seen industries with unsustainable business models refuse to change. And those that have chosen not to change be disrupted by new technologies. People, Ideas & Objects are the technology that will disrupt the organizations that now operate within the oil and gas industry. They are operating in an unsustainable fashion. The alternative is the Joint Operating Committee owned and operated by the actual oil and gas investor. When we move the compliance and governance frameworks from the hierarchy to the legal, financial, operational decision making, communication, cultural, strategic and innovation framework of the Joint Operating Committee we achieve an alignment where speed, innovation and accountability are the result. We also obtain control over the operational concerns of the producer and are able to approach the issues of the day such as low natural gas prices and the shortages of key personnel such as geologists and engineers.
We will be talking more about the unsustainable nature of the current producers business model. We will also be talking about how People, Ideas & Objects provides the oil and gas investor with a means to manage their oil and gas assets. This series of blog posts will discuss the Preliminary Specification and the business model that the oil and gas investor will use, and why they should develop the Preliminary Specification as their alternative to the current producer firm. It’s a time of disruption. The producer will not change and the marketplace has changed.
Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects
Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me
here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.