Sunday, June 28, 2009

McKinsey: Bryan and Rumelt, Part l

It is astonishing to me the pace and depth of research and articles that McKinsey are producing in this current economic crisis. And in suggesting that the scope is limited to the current crisis would be short selling the leadership that McKinsey have provided since at least 2005. I began writing this blog at the end of that year and have published 54 other McKinsey article reviews since. All of these being of the highest quality of input that I have been able to find.  

UCLA Professor Lowell Bryan and McKinsey Director Richard Rumelt talk about the strategies needed to address these financial difficulties. And in the introduction it is noted as to how we found ourselves in this financial crisis. 
Factors that lead executives to take huge unsecured risks. Including the separation of risk and rewards and too much managing by the numbers. 
Definitely on topic, and when an article starts off with the comment;
Dramatic failure of management and governance. 
I'm sold. The commentators introduce a metaphor for what they see today by drawing on experiences in the development and operation of the Hindenburg. One of the authors had the opportunity to discuss with an individual who rode across the Atlantic on the Hindenburg. Noting the individual marvelled at the smooth nature of the ride. Which of course it did until it crashed. The point being that the viewing of irrelevant statistics, such as the Hindenburg's smooth ride, miss the level and type of risks of that mode of transportation being inherently dangerous. Management at the manufacturer of the Hindenburg noted that the crash would be someone else's problem. 

In oil and gas I have written about the disjointed nature of the industry in this blog. Running the Pig series which highlights 4 local producers who have declining reserves and production, yet at the height of their folly they had assigned themselves $3.6 billion "in the money" stock options. 

Yet there is a larger issue at play in the industry, and this article is directly on point when it mentions the Hindenburg's management suggesting the crash was someone else's problem. Oil and gas production in the world is not growing. We've known that since 2005, and may indeed be in the early years of an advanced decline. Energy is the oxygen used to power our economies, without it we are all dead. Yet my daily interaction with oil and gas managers reflects that this is not deemed as their fault. That is someone else's problem. 

Asking difficult question like "what are we doing" vs reflecting on irrelevant results are some of the points made in the McKinsey article. They also point out the disconnect between management and ownership and reference Adam Smith's agency theory. These points are exactly why I believe the two sources of revenues for this software development project are the oil and gas investors themselves and the governments that have royalties as part of their income. 

The last point I want to make in this first edition of the McKinsey article is around the 8:10 point in the audio. A comment is made that people don't know where they are going
... and they haven't got a business model and strategy for where they are going, they have a strategy and business model for smooth sailing. 
I believe the future successful producer will have to move from the banking mentality of predictable returns to an innovative stance based on the underlying science and engineering of the industry. My research shows that using the Joint Operating Committee provides the appropriate stance for the innovation and science to iterate within the commercial environment of an oil and gas producer. These are some of the attributes that are captured in the Draft Specification

Finally, the 1700's in England saw 6 million people living in poverty and sickness. In 1850 England had 24 million people living in prosperity. This contrast is the effect that the industrial revolution had on the quality of life. Recall that Professor Ludwig von Mises says the industrial revolution was the solution to the problems of society. I think it is reasonable to assume that today's problems, and particularly the problems that McKinsey notes in this article, will be the problems that are solved through the Information Technology revolution. Please join us here

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hagel & Brown, Shift Index.

Tonight I am in possession of an interesting paper that I'll evaluate in a future post. I felt it best that I point out this new paper so that others could get an early view of it as well. John Seely Brown and John Hagel are two authors that I covered in the Preliminary Research Report. There work is in the area of Web Services and its impact on business. 
The topic of the paper is the development of an index called the "Shift Index". I'll leave you with a quotation from Professor Scott Page who wrote the Forward.  
The Shift Index can be thought of as a new economy analog of the Composite Index of Leading Indicators, an old economy index that considers hours worked, unemployment applications, orders for capital goods, new building permits and the like. The Composite Index has its place, but its indicators don’t respond until months if not years into a shift. Walk through an innovation sequence: Bandwidth increases creating space for new social media. Entrepreneurs formulate ideas. Venture capitalists finance projects. Proposals prove viable. Finally, mezzanine funding spurs a ramp up in employment. Only then, in this last stage, does the Composite Index identify the shift. Using the Composite Index to track shifts is like driving a car by staring into the rear-view mirror. In contrast, the Shift Index lets us look out the front windshield. 
As important as the index may prove for strategic applications, it may have more impact in how it changes our conception of the economy. Interpreted through the lens of neoclassical economics, the Shift Index captures shifts in fundamentals, particularly on the cost side where technological changes allow firms to do more with less. But, the Shift Index, by name alone, calls into question the neoclassical mindset that focuses on re-equilibration.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jeroen van der Veer

We stand at the early dawn of a new energy future.
Comments such as this coming from the retiring CEO of Royal Dutch Shell are welcome and refreshing news to this community. We have a job to do and as van der Veer mentions a difficult one. Approaching these types of problems based on the way we do business today is going to leave us disappointed. Energy is reputed to be the second most complex industry to the space industry. As we increase the level of complexity and risk it is reasonable to assume the organizational methods should change. Particularly when we have Information Technologies as advanced and as mature as they are today. 
Indeed, fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas, will continue to provide more than half the world’s energy in 2050. 
This fact alone will require a tremendous volume of capital to discover, develop and produce these oil and gas resources. I don't think capital of this magnitude can be sourced from the traditional capital or debt markets. The resources necessary to fuel the industry will have to come from the prices these resources command in the marketplace. Price will therefore be the mechanism for rewarding innovative oil and gas producers.

Therefore we are challenged in transforming the oil and gas infrastructure and operations to a new competitive footing. One in which innovation is the key method of developing value. From the bureaucracies that have served us well in the past century, I can not foresee this challenge being met. I would argue that today's prices are reflecting that we are falling behind as a result of the organizational performance of the bureaucracy.

To help make this transition, interested people are invited to join this community. People who are working within the industry that know there is a better way in which to do their jobs. Taking the Draft Specification and adding to it the detail that is necessary for the global oil and gas industry to operate on the People, Ideas & Objects system. The community that forms here will be the beginnings of how the software gets built. And more importantly the Community of Independent Service Providers will provide the innovative oil and gas producer with the most profitable means to manage their operations.

Nonetheless, whatever the reality of our industry will look like. More energy will be needed to fuel the future. Energy is critical to our economic survival. And van der Veer reflects on the challenge ahead.
A growing population and higher standards of living for billions of people in the developing world will mean that we need all available sources of energy to keep the world’s economies humming. So, while the world races to build up alternative fuels, it must also find new sources of fossil fuels, including unconventional ones, such as oil sands.
Please join us here.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

May you live in interesting times.

Based on those charts of the Council of Foreign Relations the economy is in very bad shape, but if the economy can't source its energy needs, it will be far worse. A key aspect of this project has always included a strong element of industry renewal. The bureaucracy expired in its effectiveness and was the basis of my research into alternative organizational methods. In May 2004 I wrote the Preliminary Research Report which suggested the bureaucracy be replaced with the industry standard Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer. 

We see a number of producers cutting back on their production, particularly a number of North American gas producers. Cutting back on production is a serious action that I have not seen before in my lifetime, but a welcome development. Pricing of energy has become a critical part of a producers tactical approach to the business. As the referenced article suggests, the oversupply of natural gas is leading to a collapse of natural gas pricing. Having a system such as People, Ideas & Objects considers this scenario in the Draft Specification

Reducing production is an operational decision that has to meet the majority voting requirements of the Joint Operating Committee. What I have suggested is that there be a predetermined point where prices would invoke a percentage decline in production. This being done in an automated fashion based on the Technical Vision of this software development project. A reduction in production that is pre-approved by the JOC to ensure that the costs do not exceed the revenues of the property. A strategy that optimizes the reserves of the property for maximum return over the life of the field. Yes, game theory being incorporated in these decisions. 
Today we also have the alternative sources of energy that were to have replaced "dirty" oil and gas, fading into their appropriate and irrelevant posture. Time is of the essence and we have little slack time in which to deal with the decline in reserves, production and development of our long term sources of oil and gas. Action is necessary or we jeopardize our quality of life by leaving it in the hands of these bureaucracies. Please join us here

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Council on Foreign Relations on the e...

The Council on Foreign Relations publishes a Quarterly update on the Economy. Their June 5, 2009 update is entitled "The Recession in Historical Context." If anyone was thinking our economic situation was just another recession, they should read this report. It consists of nine pages and 22 graphs comparing the average post-WWII recession, the average pre-WWII recession, the Great Depression and the current economic climate. These variables are framed by the 4 preceding years before the recessions, and continue through for the 4 years after the recessions started. Data includes the mean and the out lying range of values and is consistent throughout the graphs, rich in information and quite frightening. Have a look.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Vicente Fox on leadership.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox was in Calgary to make a speech about the demands of the energy industry. In the process of identifying the issue, he make the perfect recommendation for the formation of this community. 
Former Mexican president Vicente Fox called for an energy "super-body" that goes beyond politics, ideologies and business interests to help create a unified global approach to the industry.
This can't involve just one person. It has to be a broad and diverse group of people that are able to take the necessary actions and make the necessary decisions. A community of people who are concerned about the future of our global economy. An economy that is dependent on a stable and secure supply of energy. Fox notes;
"(There are) too many interests, too many diverse positions, too many sources of information, What I would love to see is a leader . . . somebody should bring in some order into the conducting of the issue of energy in the future," he said in an interview before his speech. "I don't see that happening in energy."
According to Fox, assembling the talent of leaders, researchers, think-tanks and universities would help create a common purpose: "Getting energy to its optimum in the future so that energy fuels economies of the world, and so that economies of the world, being successful, fuel jobs and fuel opportunities for people."
Please join us here.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Interesting comments on Open Source

Open source software development provides solutions to the majority of the issues the business brings. Open source is the method of software development for People, Ideas & Objects. The value is attained through different groups seeing advantages from different perspectives. From a developer point of view, I found this series of quotes from a developer on the Google Chromium blog
With the release of Mac Chrome to the dev-channel, I wanted to talk about open source and expectations. What was the point of releasing at this stage, you might ask? It's clearly not finished. Clearly. It's missing a large number of features, some half implemented, others not at all. Why even bother? Doesn't it just make us look bad? 
Open source projects aren't simply about a runnable binary, they're about the community of users, testers, and developers who devote their time and skills to working on a product they believe in. They go hand in hand: there's no binary without the community and there's no community without the binary. At some point in the life-cycle of a project, you have to stop thinking solely about your small band of developers and start growing the larger supporting community that will become your users, testers, localizers, documentation writers, and possibly even new coders.
In "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", Eric Raymond writes:
"When you start community-building, what you need to be able to present is a plausible promise. Your program doesn't have to work particularly well. It can be crude, buggy, incomplete, and poorly documented. What it must not fail to do is (a) run, and (b) convince potential co-developers that it can be evolved into something really neat in the foreseeable future."
Eric Raymond is also the originator of the saying "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow". Writing software doesn't start off with the perfect piece of code. It develops over time and iterates through many people reviewing, contributing, testing and correcting throughout the lifetime of the code. Everyone can contribute changes, individuals who have changes test their code to make sure it doesn't "break the build" and then submits the change file to a committer to review it and commit it to the code that makes up the application. These iterations continue on through various phases of the development. The phases include alpha, beta and everything in between. I raise these points now as these quotes from the Google developer accurately reflect the development perspective. 
We're not done yet, nor is it ready for the average user. It is, however, ready for those who want to live on the bleeding edge and help lend their talents towards completing it.
Another pillar of open source, along with releasing early, is releasing often. To that end, the dev channel will automatically receive weekly updates as development continues. You will be able to see the product improving from week to week and help immediately identify when things break. Getting feedback on new features as soon as they are completed helps the developers know if they hit the mark and helps close the feedback loop with the community. The community benefits by being more involved and connected and promoting further transparency in the development process. This wouldn't be possible if we only teased users with releases at widely-spaced intervals when most decisions had been set in stone (end-users who want that can use the beta or release channels).
Please join us here.
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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A Roubini warning.

Click on the title of this entry to be taken to the Bloomberg "Editor's Pick" video page for a recent video of Nouriel Roubini. Bloomberg has changed their links in which to launch the default video player on your machine. I therefore don't know if the above link will work, if not please try to source the video from this web page. Additional information has been provided from this Wall Street Journal article picked up on Project Syndicate.

Professor Roubini has become famous over the past two years for correctly calling our current economic difficulties. His concern for the over-leverage of the shadow banking system pin points the root of the current difficulties. His remedies have to some extent been adopted globally and have caused the system to appear to recover. It is clear today that the perception that this nasty recession is over and the good times are just around the next corner. 

I have to agree with Professor Roubini that the complacency about our economy is dangerous. None of the remedies being prescribed in this Bloomberg video are in place today. None of the problems that lead to these difficulties have been solved. Roubini chases the issue back to the demise of Long Term Capital Management in the 1990's. This alone shows the extent of our problems. Too much money chasing too few opportunities are causing the bubbles and busts. So much of the world has been focused on housing, the most ineffective investment spending known to man-kind. As a result of this the complacency which Roubini speaks of, we have removed these difficult topics off the agenda. Leading us to fall into the same pit we appear to have just climbed out of.

The problem for us is that there are none of the tools that we used to get out of the pit the first time. We see the effectiveness of those tools in last weeks speech by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; being laughed at when he says to the Chinese their foreign currency holdings are "very safe". The credibility of the U.S. as a reserve currency is in jeopardy and the Obama Nation has no understanding of the issue, its scope or what integrity means. As I write this I am learning that the Supreme Court has refused to hear the case of the bondholders in the Chrysler bankruptcy. I'd be interested in seeing how this plays out in the market tomorrow.  

I have reviewed the works of Professor Carlota Perez on this blog before. Selecting the Perez label from this blog will aggregate the 26 posts where I apply her long term economic research to this software development project. She predicted the demise of the old economy based on her research. Stating that the long term cycle was a constant in the world economy. Where the old ceases to provide the necessary value attribution and therefore systemically fails, to be replaced by the new based on newer technologies.  

People ask me why am I so pessimistic. And I have to answer that I am overly optimistic. The bureaucracy that runs our industries is incapable and unable to provide value for society. Today there is not much disagreement. If we take the point of view that the bureaucracy may be the main form of organization in 25 years, people definitely agree with me that it's days are numbered. So how do we make the change from the bureaucracy to the Joint Operating Committee, augmented with today's information technologies? The short answer is we can't.

We see the calling for radical change as a result of the bankruptcy of the auto industry and banks already fading from the urgent crisis driven thinking of just a few months ago. Organizations are about as static of a body as one could imagine. Without the crisis situation lasting the entire time to make the transition, no change management program will work. 

Unless Schumpeter's concept of Creative Destruction is allowed to eliminate the old from the marketplace, and the new is built up brick by brick and stick by stick, no wholesale organizational change can occur. The need for the people to make the decisions that GM, Chrysler, and the Banks are finished, and they don't appear to be able to make these tough decisions. The competitive marketplace remains depressed while the new fills the void. And for oil and gas that new is People, Ideas & Objects. 

Back to the issue of my optimism. It comes about as a result of the new organizations effectiveness. Firms born of the new organizational structures will provide real value to society. The current bureaucracies have been destroying value for over ten years, in my opinion. New organizations will provide a new and prosperous economy and quality of life for everyone. If only we could get rid of these dinosaur organizations.
For those that may want to dive deeper into the research I have conducted on this point. The Preliminary Research Report introduced the Cognitive and Motivational Paradox', and the Duality of Technologies. These define the theories that change is constrained by forces that are hard to resist. On one hand the Motivational Paradox precludes the adequate resources are committed to the change when production from the current system is necessary. The Cognitive Paradox involves the way people see new situations. Placing a filter of the old ways over what is new.
In order to eliminate these paradoxes from this software development project. We need to walk a fine line. Ensuring that there is a break between the old and the new in order to maintain the appropriate focus on the tasks at hand. 

Not to go into too much detail but one of the key tools for eliminating the paradox is the vision of the system as detailed in the Draft Specification. The natural form of organization in the oil and gas industry is the JOC. In the past people had to interpret the transaction from the JOC to the bureaucracy and systems they operated within. With People, Ideas & Object the system interprets the business in the way that people understand the business, through the Joint Operating Committee. Therefore what the user will be able to do with People, Ideas & Objects is think more naturally then they do in their day to day activities today. 

The use of the economic changes and the move to a more natural way of working within the oil and gas industry are the two ways that I have chosen to fight these two well understood paradox'. Please, join us here.

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Monday, June 08, 2009

McKinsey on Risk

McKinsey Consulting are providing a 14 minute video of Peter L. Bernstein talking about risk. This is a fascinating and valuable video that I promise you will learn one or two things about risk. It's unfortunate that the video marks the passing of Mr. Bernstein, but I have put his book "Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk" in my library.

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Friday, June 05, 2009

What's holding the project back?

Well there is that budget. We currently stand with no commitments to proceed with the development of these applications. I have established December 31, 2009 as the start date for the Preliminary Specification, however, this will be delayed if the funds are not secured by September 30, 2009. Delayed for approximately one year, or the end of 2010. I see the producers, and particularly ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and Chevron having a role and responsibility to ensure this project does not get delayed any further. I will continue to impress upon them, and other producers, that they have the most to lose and the most to win in the new energy era.
The budget has been set for the Preliminary Specification at $30 million. This represents 30% of the study or definition phase of the project and 3% of the proposed preliminary budget of $1 billion. Companies may argue that these costs are too prohibitive. I would point them to the People, Ideas & Objects business modeland value proposition to show them how these costs are actually the least expensive IT expenses they've faced in many years. I would then ask them how efficient are their organizations today. Give them a copy of Adam Smiths "The Wealth of Nations" and highlight the division of labor and specialization theories. And lastly ask them how, in the near future, are the most efficient organizations going to spontaneously appear in a global economy?
Tying together the role and responsibilities with the budget needs is the plain hard facts. If we want to skip portions of the Preliminary Specification, then we can increase the overall developments time, accuracy and costs to accommodate that. The point being the most effective time and energy to get it right is at the beginning. Skimping on the costs here is the wrong direction to take. And what are we talking about, if we were to source funds from only the four companies mentioned this would be a one time cost of $7.5 million each.
And for that there is no guarantee. If we subsequently choose to travel further down the development road. The value for these producers will exist in the applications ability to meet their unique organizations needs and asset requirements. What I am saying is, the onus falls on the producer firms that commit to this project; to not limit their contribution just to capital. The effort and understanding of their operations must be represented and operational within the finished software. I see this responsibility being the subscribing producers as much as it is the user groups. Success will be a matter of the collective will of many people. Please join us here.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Exxon's Annual Meeting.

On MasterResource, "a free market energy blog", the author Robert Bradley has a summary of the ExxonMobil Annual Meeting. First of all it is satisfying to see an energy company that doesn't indulge in the politics of climate change or the folly of alternative forms of energy. Those within the industry that are in the know, know that the exploration and development business has entered a more scientific level of complexity.

The metrics of success and failure in the oil and gas industry have therefore changed. Metrics that will determine the winners and losers on a far different basis then the metrics that brought the industry leaders to their lofty heights. ExxonMobil's, BP's, Shell's and Chevrons. The Draft Specification is based on the understanding that I gained from over 30 years of oil and gas experience, the research into innovation and organizations that has been published on this blog, and a passion for Information Technologies.

If we approach the energy problems that we have today with yesterdays organizations and approach. Then it is reasonable that we will fail in this "new" business. If however, we understand that software defines and supports the organizations, then we need to build a software application that will enable the oil and gas producer to achieve the speed and innovativeness necessary to continue to succeed in this business.

I find ExxonMobil's CEO Rex Tillerson's comments in the Annual General Meeting refreshing. Comments that reflect his concern, focus and understanding of the energy business is consistent with the Draft Specification.

Comments such as;
Petroleum as a primary energy source is the future, not only the recent past. (Comment: renewable energies once had a 100% market share, corresponding to mankind’s energy poverty era.)
Although renewables and alternatives are growing, their overall piece of the energy mix will remain small until they reach the massive scale at which fossil fuels are used. And Exxon won’t invest beyond research until renewables are profitable without subsidies, Tillerson said.
The situation before all of us is very difficult. The solution starts with action, action by individuals who join this user group, and producers such as those mentioned in this article, working together to solve these problems. On a related note I am reminded of Ray Kurzweil's comments of how we solve large problems through exponential developments. Please join us here.

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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Google's Wave

With Google Wave I think we have a clear direction where the future of Information Technology is headed. There is an hour and twenty minute video of the Google Developers Conference announcement of their Wave product. Although it is early, I do not see to many hurdles to having the product shipping. Clearly the technology is not the key attribute of the value of the Wave product, its the implementation.

Lets quickly dispatch the techno speak with this one paragraph. Wave is open source, Java and uses the Google Web Toolkit. (Renders browser based code from Java.) All within the technology stack used by People, Ideas & Objects. The one technology that is not available is the W3C's HTML 5. I do not foresee HTML 5 having too much difficulty in being implemented quickly. HTML 5 provides some persistent data storage which is provided by the able Google Gears in the product demonstration.

So why is Google Wave an important technology for users and producers of People, Ideas & Objects. I will be augmenting the Draft Specification to include the video and this text. If we go back through this blog and the ideas that were used to build the Draft Specification. We focus on three key areas and some minor additional points. The three key areas in descending order of relevance are the Accounting Voucher Module, Military Command & Control Metaphor and Security & Access Control Module.

Recall in the Accounting Voucher we are capturing the changes in the business on a month to month basis. As "things" happen they are captured and recorded in the Accounting Voucher for future use. If this isn't making any sense then please review the Accounting Voucher part of the Draft Specification to better understand what it is that I am saying. The accounting changes that are captured in the Voucher are the discussions, documents and decisions that are made. The Accounting Voucher is capturing and recording the financial impact of these changes. It is the Google Wave infrastructure that we inherit, by using its open source code, and enhance it to incorporate the ability to capture these financial changes.

As the video reflects, we acquire these in a unique interface provided by Google. Representatives of the various producers on the Joint Operating Committee (JOC) interact on the topics of interest in the JOC. These are in documents, asynchronous communication, synchronous communications and in all the media available. The mode of these interactions are person to person, person to process, process to person and process to process as I noted in the Preliminary Research Report. A rich environment that provides the media, mode and method of communications that are necessary to support the innovative oil and gas producer.

The Military Command & Control Metaphor is used throughout the Draft Specification as the means to provide the dynamic resources provided by the producer members of the JOC. Much as the pooling of military resources is done by the NATO forces, the People, Ideas & Objects application is able to dynamically assign the corporate governance, authority, role and responsibility necessary to efficiently and innovatively manage the Joint Account. This Metaphor is used throughout the application, but most importantly one that controls the interaction of the communication and documentation contained within the Google Wave open sourced code.

Lastly I want to reiterate the importance of the Security & Access Control Modules use of Sun Microsystems Federated Identity software as the means to ensure these corporate governance needs are maintained in such a dynamic manner. I would encourage readers to spend some time in these elements of the People, Ideas & Objects application. It is an area that I think the innovation could and will prosper and is ripe for the users to exploit for their advantage; and please join us here.

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Changes at Shell.

A number of articles are appearing about the announced changes at Shell. A new CEO Peter Voser takes over July 1, 2009 and has announced a major overhaul of the firms operations. Fox notes:
Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell on Wednesday announced a series of changes to senior management roles and responsibilities, which it said were aimed at creating a sharper focus on operating performance and technology.
I interpret these changes as an admission that the engineering and earth sciences necessary for each barrel of oil produced are increasing. The Calgary Herald reported that Voser said:
"Organisationally, we are too complex, and our culture is still too consensus-oriented. Our costs are simply too high," Voser said in an email to staff, excerpts of which were seen by Reuters.
Details of the changes include the consolidation of divisions into operating units around geographical locations. North America being one in which I would assume Houston will take the lead role in. It is also reported that many lay offs will occur throughout the company. 
The Calgary Herald notes many of the differences between Shell, Exxon and BP's announced reorganizations. These are all ongoing and reflect different characteristics and management styles. 
Exxon is renowned within the industry for its strict management practices and insisting employees do not deviate from standard operating procedures. BP, on the other hand, had a risk-taking culture that allowed considerable freedom to managers of units or fields, and Shell had a culture of making decisions by consensus.
What does People, Ideas & Objects offer firms such as Shell, Exxon and BP.
It's interesting the three methods that are used by Exxon (Strict Management Practices), Shell (Consensus) and BP (Risk Oriented.) Neither of these management practices or strategies are precluded in the People, Ideas & Objects. It is very clear that a unique strategic identity is enabled in each producer through this system. This also does not preclude a strong governance structure. With the reduction of the hierarchy an alternate form is required and one has been developed. That is the Military Command & Control Metaphor used within the Joint Operating Committee affording the pooling of resources and reducing the redundant capabilities built within each silo'd oil and gas firm. 

Lastly I would point to how this project is a commercially viable one by pointing out the business model of People, Ideas & Objects and the Community of Independent Service Providers. And the Technical Vision  of where the Information Technologies promise the greatest value and how this product is supported technically. 

These firms are a part of the global oil and gas industry and therefore part of the focus of this development. I encourage you to forward this post to the people you know at Shell, Exxon or BP and have them read for themselves what is possible. I would also encourage you to get involved in moving this vision forward by joining in this process

Saturday, May 30, 2009

For the last time. 

This royalty "debate" in Alberta has to stop. We consistently are told by the Calgary Herald, who for some reason are beholden to the venture capital groups, that the Provinces royalty regime is the reason for the economic difficulties. Are we to assume then, that the Alberta Governments royalty regime is the source of the global meltdown. 

The issue is there's money on the table. Billions and it belongs to the resource owners, the people of Alberta. It goes back to the battle of Alberta in 1972. Our Premier Peter Loughheed was not going to allow the Federal government, represented by Canada's version of Obama, Pierre Trudeau to abscond with the resources that belonged to the people of Alberta. Trudeau mania, as the Obama nation will do for the U.S., destroyed Canada. Loughheed was successful and the bitter Trudeau in retaliation changed the tax laws to disallow Alberta royalty payments as deductions from income taxes. Never before has a tax been implemented is such an unfair and unreasonable basis. 

Fast forward to today, our new Prime Minister Stephen Harper from Calgary quietly reversed this injustice two years ago. The tax deduct-ability of Alberta Royalties was brought back in line with all other industries and jurisdictions. Therefore creating a huge after tax benefit for the producers. What is not remembered is that the Alberta government had to reduce their royalty take in order to remain competitive in the industry. Not reducing the royalty take would have left Alberta a ghost town.

Enter the 1980's and Trudeau is up to no good again. This time implementing the national energy program. This much hated program disallowed producers from selling their production at world prices, and received a regulated price dictated by Ottawa. A wellhead tax of 12% and the discriminatory ownership rules that disallowed anyone but Canadians owning oil and gas producers. Lougheed countered this, again, with the Alberta Government granting up to 35% of capital costs to producers that remained active. This also stopped the province from housing only ghost towns. 

In the 1990's we found ourselves in debt and had a budget deficit of mammoth proportions. Our new Premier Ralph Klein implemented an austerity program that enabled us to live with in our means and indeed reduce our debt. Note at no time were the producers subjected to any changes in the royalty framework or taxes in order to balance the budget. This was done on the back of taxpayers who went without education and health benefits. Civil servants by the truck load were laid-off and eventually the government finances recovered. 

In this past decade the province has prospered due to their fiscal house being in order. We became debt free and were the benefactors of an appropriate fiscal discipline and increasing energy prices. What throughout this period back to the 1970's provided was a stable royalty regime for the industry that existed since 1972. My math may fail me but that is 37 years ago. Has the industry changed? Does the Alberta government have to keep its hands off the windfall the producers are realizing from the federal tax changes? I wouldn't think so either. 

What the Calgary Herald seems to be unable to comprehend is the royalties are the fair value consideration the producer pays to earn title to the product. It is not a tax. Royalties belong to the people of Alberta and the producer must purchase those commodities from the people of Alberta. The Alberta Government acts as an intermediary to administer and distribute this value back to the rightful owners. I have repeatedly made comments to the Calgary Herald over the past year about these points and have never seen any of these facts appear in the paper. I find it ironic and typical of the Herald is not permitting any comments on this point in today's' on-line version. 

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers have been running this campaign for the industry. Recent defections of their members are showing that cracks are appearing in this facade. Husky and Paramount have both ceased to be members of the association. It is not clear why they declined their membership, but the "rumor" is it's over the handling of this royalty situation. Paramount' founder and leader is on record as saying the royalty changes are positive. Therefore, I think the Calgary Herald, who are soon to meet the great printing press in the sky, will have the Calgary people cheering their demise for their representing only CAPP's point of view to the real owners of the oil and gas resources. 

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Sources and costs of energy.

Reason Magazine have published a summary of the various costs, advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of energy. This summary is very educational and shows in stark terms the energy problems we face. It makes it clear where we should putting our capital and our efforts. It also shows that when man attempts to best mother nature, it usually turns out bad. Have a look here.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcoming Jeff Rubin to the club.

Today's Calgary Herald has an article on Jeff Rubin former Chief Economist and Strategist at CIBC World Markets. He has been prescient in his predictions of oil prices over the last two years. Accurately predicting both the rise and recent fall in the prices. The statement that he makes is as follows:

Everything we have taken for granted is about to change. Our cars, our homes, our whole world has been getting bigger in the cheap-oil era. Now it is about to get smaller - and, greener. Much greener.
Rubin's problems, and his joining the "club", is as a result of the recent publication of his book.
Why Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the end of globalization. 
Seems his employer didn't want to have anything to do with the book!
Rubin, who spent 20 years at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce unit, said he quit to publish his book after the Bay Street firm didn't want to be associated with it. 
I went through the same process in May 2004 when I published the Preliminary Research Report. The report that is the basis of this software development project; and is where it was proven the Joint Operating Committee is the natural form of organization for the innovative oil and gas producer. As a result of the publication of this report, I have not worked in the oil and gas industry for five years. I know what it's like to be ostracized for your ideas. It's not the most enjoyable process, it is however, very liberating. 

As more voices start down the difficult road that I, and now Jeff Rubin have taken. It's important that the people who join this development are not subjected to this archaic and destructive process at the hands of the vested interests. I have set up the system here in such a way that the only way your employer can know you are participating in this development, is that they are here too. So please follow this process and join us here

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Monday, May 25, 2009

A Failure of Capitalism.

A fascinating debate is taking place over on Professor / Judge Richard A. Posners second blog . I mention his "second" blog as his first is a weekly debate between himself and Nobel Prize winner Gary Becker. Each week they debate a finer point of economic interest on the well read Becker-Posner blog. Posner's second blog is an extension of his recent book "A Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of 08 and the Descent into Depression."

In this blog he has solicited some interesting commentary and dialogue. Recently he received a comprehensive reply from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Greenspan's points are here, here and here. Posner responds to Greenspan here . 

I highly recommend that you subscribe to both of Posner's blogs and read the debate that is taking place around this fascinating time of economic renewal. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Exploration facts.

There's news from Reuters and the Calgary Herald that Canadian oil and gas companies costs of finding and producing oil are expected to fall this year. What has to be record prices is the announcement that the cost of replacing one barrel of oil rose to $22.72. It does not mention whether this was attributable to the higher level of engineering and earth science per barrel of oil, or, the lower volume of discoveries of reserves from exploration and production activities.

Irrespective of the specific reason why the price is rising, the same costs in 1999 were only $4.38. (All prices are reflected in Canadian dollars.) What the two articles subtly suggest is the costs associated with drilling and field work were up substantially. I have mentioned many times that the oil and gas company manager operates more as a Seal trainer then someone interested in developing the business they are in. They are only more interested in making themselves look more important by doling out the fish food to the service companies based on a "what have you done for me lately" basis. Between holding their captive audience over lunch to hear how wonderful they are, and talking to the press about how greedy the service industries have become, these oil and gas company managers pretend to have a full slate of work. Nothing could be further from the truth and I would suggest, again, that these people be shown the street as soon as possible. 

I have addressed these issues in the Draft Specification. The ability to develop the service industry is a critical part of an innovative oil and gas industry. The constant boom and bust cycles, and the "this quarter closing" ritual have made it difficult for service companies to develop any long term vision. Make hay while the sunshine's and hunker down when the storms role in are the only two operational strategies. To move forward from an engineering and earth science point of view. The oil and gas companies must approach the service industries with an eye to developing usable and innovative technologies together. The companies receive 100% of the revenues associated with producing oil and gas. When it comes to paying the royalties for those that are entitled to them, or the service companies that help in the exploration and development, the oil and gas company manager treats them as if they are a leach on their otherwise unearned fortune. The Resource Marketplace Module and Research & Capabilities Module address these issues and offer a solution of how the oil and gas and service industries can achieve greater throughput, innovation and capabilities. 

To speak to the elements in the main part of the Reuters and Herald articles. I suggested in the Preliminary Research Report that the engineering and earth science costs per unit of production were going to escalate as a result of the lapsing of the cheap energy era. This difficulty is showing itself in the five fold increase in costs over one decade. If anyone believes this trend will continue, that would bring a $110 / barrel of oil cost within the next decade. I happen to believe the number will be substantially more then five fold, although I have given up my gambling and fortune telling careers.

The power hungry primates that serve as managers at the Canadian oil and gas companies will have much larger budgets to play with. People, Ideas & Objects research shows that oil and gas companies are organizationally constrained. For them to increase their throughput requires more resources. Consistent throughout the Draft Specification is an understanding that re-organization is the only proven method of increasing productivity. Adam Smiths pin shop proved this in the 1700's and we have benefited from specialization and the division of labor since. The need is evident to me. Please join me here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Google's Schmidt

Eric Schmidt is the CEO of Google and is making the keynote presentation at Carnegie Mellon Universities Commencement Ceremony .

Contained within this address is a summary of how an individual can compete in the future. I think Schmidt accurately details what it is that will provide an individual with the necessary tools to build value for themselves. Just as buying a house was a good investment in the past, these tools may be the key to your future. This summary includes:
  • The culture of Carnegie Mellon is one of getting things done. And how the importance of getting things done is in today's marketplace. 
  • You think friend is a verb.
  • George Bernard Shaw "all progress is made by unreasonable men".
  • It's all about opportunity and you make your own luck. 
  • You can not plan innovation, you can not plan invention, all you can do is try to be in the right place and be ready. 
  • If you live your life and forgo your plan, you can also forgo fear. In some sense you have been penalized for making mistakes. Now you have to go out and make them, because mistakes enable you to learn and to innovate and try new things. And that is a culture of innovation that is going to create all the great opportunities. 
  • Do things in a group, don't do things by yourself, groups are smarter, groups are faster, groups are stronger, none of us is smarter then all of us. 
  • Some truths endure. Leadership and personality matter. Intelligence, education and analytical skills matter. 
  • In a world when everything is remembered and kept forever, you should live for the future and the things that you really care about. Curiosity, compassion 
  • Resilience in the human spirit is amazing. It is what got us through WWI and WW ll.
  • You'll find today to be the best chance that you have to be unreasonable. To demand excellence, to drive change to make everything happen. 
Schmidt's comments about being unreasonableness resonate with me. I wrote the following on this blog back in April 2006.
"There is a saying by George Bernard Shaw...
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
I am an unreasonable man".

And I would invite those interested in this software development project to take these points from Dr Schmidt, and join us here in this most unreasonable of tasks.
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Sunday, May 17, 2009

More comments on the 36 hour work day.

Last year I noted the pace of development of this software's development was accelerated through what I called the 36 hour work day. A global application developed by the global oil and gas industry has the benefit of accessing more regions simultaneously. Earlier I wrote the following;

Lastly I want to add fuel to the fire of my adversaries by noting that the compression of time is something that will be implemented in this application. Instead of budgeting for four years, I think it can be done in two and half years to initial commercial release. (Maybe even less!). We are approaching a systems use that may start the day in Russia, China and India, move to the Middle East, Europe and then the United States. Users from these regions will be able to collaborate in an asynchronous manner. Hence providing for potentially a "day" of user driven development that totals 36 hours. 
The more that I have thought about this type of development, the more I have difficulty in recommending any other method. Software development has been, for at least a decade, a collaboration by individuals and groups that are scattered around the world. Many never meet, ever. Whether the development team is just outside the door to your office, or the other side of the globe. It makes no difference in the methods used to develop the applications. The Open Source model has proven time and again to be the superior means to develop software. 

Since I first wrote about this concept the main issue that I have focused on is the User / Developer interactions, and I have the following comments. The Draft, Preliminary, Detailed and Final Specifications aggregate the industries knowledge in the form of wiki's and globally accessible medium. Starting with the text of the Draft Specification, Users will build the detail, UML, diagrams, voice, picture and video mediums to express their understanding and needs of the system. As the Developers interact with the Users through these rich media, it matters not where the individuals, teams and groups are located. All will have the current understanding available to them, and more importantly the history of how these decisions, standards and specifications were determined. A rich, searchable environment that defines the key attributes of the innovative oil and gas systems necessary to support the innovative oil and gas producer. 

And it won't stop there. The code that is developed based on the Users specifications is accessible by the Developers and Users of the systems. This is done for a number of reasons, firstly to ensure that the systems are doing what is expected of them. The days of attaining assurance of the software vendors code accuracy and consistency. Assurance being attained by the size of the software developers balance sheet and cash balance I expect is over. These assurances don't provide any value in comparison to the variety and volume of eyeballs that can and will access the code the applications are derived from. Reading the code that makes up the application is reviewing the facts. Facts that Oracle and SAP don't provide for, I wonder why that is?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

McKinsey, Averting the Next Energy Crisis.

Let me make it clear. The reason that I have pursued this issue over the past five years is due to the extensive nature of the threat. Our energy supply and demand balance is in serious jeopardy of becoming the biggest issue man has ever faced. When I look around I see a handfull of people at People, Ideas & Objects and McKinsey working on this problem. We have received no support and have consistently been kicked to the curb as a lunatic Cassandra, Chicken Little, Boy who cried Wolf or what have you. Now our lone voice is joined by a chorus of people calling for action.

First up is McKinsey, (Click on the title of this entry to be taken to the report.) At 150 pages this article deals with tthe demand side of the equation. This should be mandatory reading for the many reasons captured in this quotation.
It would be all too easy to respond with complacency to a short-term easing back of energy-demand growth. Once the global economy begins to recover, energy demand will bounce back too, imposing costs on consumers and businesses and on the climate in the form of CO2 emissions. There is even potential for oil market demand to grow more quickly than supply, risking another oil market shock. In these circumstances, losing the momentum on action to rein back energy demand could turn out to be a high-risk strategy -- particularly given early evidence that policy to boost the economy's energy productivity is already having an impact. p. 18
Fair comment from a demand point of view. For an understanding of the supply side concerns, the pre-eminent authority on that topic is Matthew Simmons of Simmons Consulting. He has a 49 page slide presentation that reflects the appropriate concern. On slide 45 he calls for the need to go to an "immediate war footing" with the following actions. 
  • Step one: Enact genuine "data reform" on all key producing oil and gas fields. 
  • Step two: Begin blue prints for rebuilding our energy infrastructure. (Where I think the Draft Specification fits in.)
  • Step three: Get oil and gas prices high and create a floor. 
  • Step four: Adopt global Plan B to reduce our oil and gas use ASAP. 
Here we have the number one consulting group in McKinsey, and arguably the number one oil and gas consulting group in Simmons both warning in the most dire terms regarding the situation that we find ourselves in. 
Who else is warning us about the concern for the energy industry? Bloomberg reports that oil executives tell the Obama administration "to get real on energy independence". Rigzone quotes the CEO of Chesapeake that we are;
Current low natural gas prices are setting the stage for a dramatic price rebound that should begin this fall or winter, Chesapeake Energy Corp.'s chief executive officer told analysts Tuesday. 
I hold the CEO of Chesapeake in high esteem. Recall he is the individual who,in three days last September, lost his $2 billion fortune in a cascading series of margin calls. An individual driven by more then just the financial rewards of the business. 

The prices of oil and gas have only recently collapsed, however, we see the long term damage this has done. Many projects are cancelled and will return slowly. Here Reuters reports that Shell has shelved their Beaufort exploration program. As I have mentioned before, I'm a Shell brat, and I recall when my dad was seconded to an industry joint venture to build a pipeline to bring this gas to market. This was during the mid seventies, and we're replaying this history again. 

Where is this all leading? To a very dire situation with tragic consequences for society. Those are my words and the motivation that has fueled this desire to reorganize the industry around the Joint Operating Committee. As the chicken little who has been squawking about this issue for over five years, I am pleased to see the quality and quantity of similar calls to act on this critical issue. I'll leave you with one more voice that should be considered. This one is from The Rand Corporation. Yes, that Corporation. Which is described as the "original non-profit think tank helping to improve policy and decision making through objective research and analysis." On Monday they released a report regarding the scope of the energy issue. Here's what they have to say. (From Reuters).

HOUSTON (Reuters) - The greatest threat to the United States from crude oil imports is a long-term disruption of world supply and the higher costs associated with that loss of imports, according to a RAND Corp study issued Monday.

"The fact that the United States imports nearly three-fifths of its oil does not pose a national security threat," said Keith Crane, the study's lead author and senior economist at RAND, a nonprofit research organization.

"There is an integrated world oil market, and embargoes do not work. But a large, extended drop in the global supply of oil would trigger a sharp rise in oil prices and significantly affect the United States, no matter how much or how little oil the United States imports," Crane said in a statement.
If we believe that the same ideas and approach that brought us to this point is the solution to this problem, then I leave you with that task. If however, you agree that this is an issue that can be solved by first re-organizing our approach to the business of energy, then please join us here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Exclusively oil and gas.

I've been spending some time thinking about the competition and their offerings. Specifically SAP and Oracle who are the predominate software systems used in oil and gas. There is also a large number of boutique software developers that have provided small numbers of producers with niche offerings. I don't normally spend time evaluating the competition, however, these are my thoughts regarding the impact our current economy is having on the software development business.

Capital expenditures are being reeled in at most if not all the oil and gas producers. This therefore applies to the software development groups that provide products and services to the oil and gas industry. Many are small vendors and will be unable to sustain any decline in revenues operations for long without continued support from the producers. That support is / will be waning as the lay-offs and losses continue to pile up in the industry. 

Generally unlike the large international software companies, the small software vendors are unable to rely on other industries, not that other industries are any better off in this economy. Suggesting that whether a vendor chose to focus exclusively on oil and gas or not, the effect in this current market is the same irrespective. 

SAP and Oracle have pursued the one solution fits all industries. This strategy leaves many in the oil and gas industry wishing they would build some functionality for energy. I doubt they will be able to address the unique needs of the industry as it exists today. Oracle is having difficulty in offering the many solutions they have purchased to customers. Oracle is not offering an integrated solution. Its integrating previous acquisitions. 

So much of these current economic difficulties are as a result of the "old" ways to sustain and provide for societies needs. Currently a bear market rally has everyone believing the good old days will soon be back. Nothing could further from the truth. This next downswing will be quick and decisive in communicating the scope of the economic damage that has occurred. It will also be dramatic enough for people to permanently change their expectations of the future. One in which they will begin to look for the things that will sustain them in the future. New projects and businesses like People, Ideas & Objects . 

Spending any more time on the competition is a futile exercise. I prefer to highlight the advantages the producers will attain by joining the community here. 
  • A dedicated software developer working exclusively with oil and gas.
  • Focused on the Joint Operating Committee to facilitate speed and innovativeness.
  • Unconstrained by the traditional software paradox of code and customers.
  • Providing a competitive value proposition and business model .
  • Offering a compelling vision of how the industry could operate more efficiently. 
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Auditor comments on royalties.

An article appeared in last weeks Calgary Herald that shows that all is not well with Alberta Royalties. The Auditor General will be reviewing the systems that collect oil and gas royalties.

Alberta's auditor general is examining the province's new royalty structure to ensure it's delivering desired results, after the old regime didn't collect a fair share of revenue and failed for six consecutive years to reach the bottom end of government's targets.

Fred Dunn told the legislature's public accounts committee Wednesday his office is hoping to report in October the results of a systems audit on the new royalty framework that will identify whether the structures are in place to en-able Albertans to collect the royalties they're due.
I can tell you that the report in October 2009 will reveal one gaping whole that the Alberta Government should close to ensure royalty compliance is achieved. It is this gaping whole that leaves an industry to scream blue bloody murder when changes are introduced. A situation where the opaqueness of the industry only frustrates dealings with the government.

I have first hand experience with this situation. In 1992 I started Genesys Software Corp to address the governments Royalty Simplification initiative. A new and comprehensive system that would ease the royalty calculations and simplify the administration for both government and industry. The problem with this system is the same as the Auditor General will be talking about in October. And that problem is the industries refusal to spend any money on developing in-house systems to meet the royalty obligation.

This situation is also the reason that I am turning to the various governments to fund the development costs associated with meeting their royalty compliance frameworks. I as a software developer was expected in 1992 to raise sufficient capital to implement the regulations on behalf of government for industries compliance. In retrospect I do some very dumb things. I can look back on this in hindsight and say that industry expected someone to build it and they will come. What I have learned is this scenario meets the industry needs for royalty compliance. Knowing that no one will be able to meet the industry expectations; companies can rest assured they will never have to implement any system of royalty compliance.

I may have periods where my intelligence is questionable, however, I do not tend to make the same mistakes more then once. My current thinking is that in the virtualized Joint Operating Committee, the royalty holder(s) will have a seat at the table. This transparency will show the extent of the efforts producers take to explore and produce oil and gas, and provide a better means of discussion between royalty holder and producer. Discussions that are based on the facts involved in each JOC. Discussions that involve the innovative oil and gas producer and the royalty holder who wishes to better understand the business they are in, and the specific nature of the JOC.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Some time off.

I will be taking some time off for the next two weeks. I'll resume posting on May 12, 2009.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Operational Control with Accountability

In an April 16, 2009 podcast on Bloomburg, Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz said;

... I think the depth of the problems remind us of how badly the system functioned before 2007. I mean I think this is the real lesson here, the lesson is not that we've had a little trauma today, the lesson is the system didn't work before the trauma, and it was the failures that were working before the trauma that have lead to the trauma. 
A certain eloquence is the liberty of economists who win the Nobel Prize. We have been in a very backward economy from at least the mid 1990's, in my opinion. If you can imagine trying to raise funds to eliminate the bureaucracy when employees homes were hitting the stratosphere along with there stock options. Some guy suggesting failure of the oil and gas firms. And the need to build systems to support a more innovative and scientific focus; received the old heave-ho. 

But times are changing, people are not so much sold on their home, stock options, retirement and other pipe dreams. The security that was attained by having shortages of eligible workers in the industry, provided a false and diversionary motivation. They now see the writing on the wall and it is here at People, Ideas & Objects where they see a more realistic future by participating in the Community of Independent Service Providers. This is at least an alternative future they are now willing to consider. 

The number of issues that were clearly evident to Joseph Stiglitz will be captured in many of his future papers. One of the issues that I was seeking to resolve is the separation of accountability and operational control. Once you remove the accountability for decisions, you lose the ability to learn from the success and failure of those decisions. Learning is the key to innovation. Where are the decisions made in the energy sector?

If we recall, it is the Joint Operating Committee (JOC) which holds the authority for the operational decisions. For the past number of years I have marvelled at the skill and audacity of the CFO's of the producer firms standing up and stating that the firm would grow production by 10%. This always struck me as comical as the individual generally has no authority to make that promise come true. How is a CFO going to increase production by 10% in the current fiscal period? If they were legitimately able to attain what they boasted, why have they stopped the bravado? We certainly could stand to have a number of CFO's stand up today and state, unequivocally, that production would increase. Please join me here

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