The Preliminary Specification Makes Shale Commercial
You can imagine the response that I received from the majority of the people who I mentioned this to. Running around stating that the Joint Operating Committee was the answer. In hindsight I think they were wondering what the question was. Most just thought I had really lost it. There were those of the major independents who understood the implications of identifying and supporting the Joint Operating Committee in the software of the industry. It didn’t matter which way a person saw the foundation of this initiative, they didn’t want anything to do with it.
Realizing my slight communication error. Since I was the only one with the vision, I was the only one who could clearly see the solution and how the Joint Operating Committee was part of that. In order to define the solution people would need to see the system spelled out and understand the implications of what it would do. I therefore began the research into doing that, and on December 13, 2013 the edited version of the Preliminary Specification was complete. In hindsight I am surprised that I have survived. What we have now is I think best described in the following paragraph of the abstract of the Preliminary Specification.
What we have discovered is that the Preliminary Specification certainly resolves the administrative and accounting issues when the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic frameworks are aligned with the compliance and governance frameworks. However, when it comes to the operational concerns of the oil and gas industry, it also provides the frameworks and means to solve those problems as well. Whether it is the ability to agree amongst the partnership and reduce production during commodity price declines, or moving the industry to a decentralized production model, where production and administrative costs more accurately match revenues. Or where the innovation is generated through two major processes in the Preliminary Specification, which do not directly conflict with tight operational control. Or how the division of labor and specialization are enabled, defined and supported through the software to provide for the industry to expand its output from the limited resource base of earth scientists and engineers. These are just some of the features of the Preliminary Specification that impact the operations and enable the producers to enhance their organizations. And although they have been used to highlight today's operational issues they will also provide solutions for tomorrow's issues and opportunities.
This work having been completed, it was necessary for the situation in the marketplace to develop for the Preliminary Specification to solve. It's always good to be lucky. Natural gas prices began to decline in 2008 and oil began its slide in 2014. Creating a unique situation where both sides of the business were not performing. But this downturn is so much more than that. Shale has introduced a whole new dynamic into the oil and gas marketplace. It needs to be asked if shale is commercial? Clearly it isn’t. However the production from shale makes up such a large percentage of the deliverability that to eliminate it from the market would increase commodity prices to such highs that the economy could not withstand them. Therefore a means of production discipline is needed amongst the producers to ensure that all production is produced profitably. Then and only then can shale be considered commercial and we will proceed with the energy resources that society will need. The Preliminary Specification makes shale commercial. That is a bold statement, and I’m glad that I can write that.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.