OCI User Community Vision, Part III
Our User Communities Business Leadership in the North American Oil & Gas Industry
The questions to be asked are how does the North American oil & gas industry avoid the continuing disaster it has become? Why did business leadership fail? Why hasn’t it been corrected? Did producer firms adopt the cultural, IT, and organizational changes demanded? If not why not, and what motivation stopped these changes from happening? Has business leadership in oil & gas changed? Has it taken on a broader industry focus and away from the individual organization? Or is it that producers today have lost the script on business performance? What is business leadership and why has its loss been so devastating for all concerned? Why hasn’t the science and technological leadership of the industry expressed their dissatisfaction with all the others? Or are they satisfied with doing enough to get by?
A quotation from one of my favorite authors Victor Davis Hanson in his recent book The Second World Wars.
Thucydides’s ancient warning that “it is a habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not desire.”
It seems that I have not been able to get to the beginning of the discussion on the difficult topic of leadership. What I know is that Information Technology has made oil & gas organizations sink into a comfortable, fixed configuration. This works for one small group of people at the expense of everyone else. Producers' decision makers are conflicted and self-absorbed to the point of being caricatures of responsible, accountable and authoritative business leaders. Unable to make the necessary changes due to the conspiracy of the Greta Thunbergs, their investors, Joe Biden's and the monsters under the bed… They’ll “muddle through” as they always have, which has proven to be lucrative, for themselves, and somehow acceptable in the past. For them there is no demand for change as there are no issues.
Will our user community as configured be the means to provide business leadership in terms of the governing business model for North American oil & gas? We’re suggesting here that producers have difficulties making changes to deal with their organizations due to ERP software constraints. When ERP software defines process management, the only way to make changes is to change the software first. This knowledge has been used in current producer firms to ensure that nothing can challenge their management methods and ensure their positions remain secure. It is therefore essential to change the software used in the industry to deal with business issues and opportunities as they arise.
What People, Ideas & Objects recommend in the Preliminary Specification is that a permanent software development capability for our ERP system. This is in addition to our permanent user community and their service provider organizations. Our business model is based on change and discards ERP software firms' traditional means and methods of revenue generation. Post commercial release of our Preliminary Specification, we will see People, Ideas & Objects generate the revenues necessary to support our developers and our user community. This will be done through the changes we make to these systems. These will be funded through an assessment made to the producers based on the prior quarter's costs etc.
This change in funding brings about fundamental differences between our offering and what is traditionally undertaken. The first is that our user community remains independent. They will not, and never will be “blind, sleep-walking agents of whomever feeds them.” They will be driven by what is necessary to ensure that the industry and all of its secondary and tertiary industries are provided with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations everywhere and always. Capital markets will then be able to evaluate a producer's performance based on its knowledge and implementation of engineering and geology science and technology. Producers who cannot perform financially will fail, much like today’s producers. Secondly, People, Ideas & Objects itself will not be constrained by what we believe to be the two major ERP software providers' funding constraints of code and customers. As the customer base becomes larger over time, scale becomes more of an issue, as a result, software code becomes exponentially more complex and difficult to manage. Neither of these costs are fully covered in the Service Level Agreement from the point of view of support costs. And they leave nothing in terms of financial resources for changes, and certainly nothing for innovation or improvements. If our user community determines that some software process is redundant through a higher level of specialization, they’ll have only moderate to no vested interest in supporting it. Therefore, they will implement the change.
Producers will generally be unaware of any of these transactions. The People, Ideas & Objects cost model distributes these costs across the producer population based on the North American production profile that participates. Otherwise, as they do today, each producer firm will face these same costs of changes individually, within their own Information Technology empires. Producers' independently replicated, unshared and unshareable overhead costs are the secondary reason for their lack of profitability. By introducing our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas, we are enhancing the cloud computing paradigm. Taking a highly complex and difficult process that is capital intensive to build and maintain, that is costly to operate, which is not a producer's competitive advantage. Turning it into a shared and shareable variable cost. Variable based on profitable production.
We have been fortunate at People, Ideas & Objects to quantify the differences between our organizational method and current bureaucracies. Documenting the $25.7 to $45.7 trillion in our value proposition over the next 25 years makes our case for change. These differences are made up by having the $20 - $40 trillion in capital expenditures funded internally through an appropriate business model instead of the current expectations that investors will be available to continue to “build balance sheets,” and “put cash in the ground.” The $5.7 trillion is the differential between our determination of “real” profitability and the definition of profits used in the historical base case. The ongoing, never ending cash crisis, which will be resolved in our model, is included in those figures.
Another area that is just as material in terms of the scope of change that we’re unable to quantify or qualify. Are the differences that are attributable to the toolset that we employ within the Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations of automation, specialization and the division of labor, and the sharing model introduced by Professor Paul Romer's non-rival costs. These will add value to the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producer. Potentially of greater value than those benefits we can quantify today. It's interesting that producer officers and directors expect investors to invest in them when they themselves can't invest in their own organizations to enhance their own profitability. After the producer's financial records reveal a comprehensive disaster!
Recently we learned during Oracle’s 2022 CloudWorld conference that many of the same developments and features have become Oracle's focus. Finding “gaps” between offerings and filling them with automated processes is the direct application of enhanced specialization and division of labor that our user community is using and will apply in this community. Oracle Cloud ERP has accelerated these same principles across the generic business function and process landscape. This has brought about even higher levels of value to North American producers. Those producers who opt in to the Preliminary Specifications development will therefore have our user community developing this value adding process to the specific North American oil & gas and general business attributes and therefore covering the majority of a producer's accounting and administrative needs.
To suggest that administration and accounting in the oil & gas industry are static is disrespectful of the word static. These are the foundation of an organization where business leadership is derived and exercised and is therefore static too. People, Ideas & Objects do not understand engineering or geology and don’t pretend to. Leadership in these areas is constrained by the lack of effective business leadership in these producer firms and the industry. Relegated to complaining that investors won’t let them do this or that. If effective business leadership was enabled and permitted to flourish, where would the industries scientific research and technology be today? What would North America’s production profile be? Would they constantly look behind them as they seem to always do now? Why is this acceptable to them when it’s destructive to what they’ve built and leaves them with inadequate resources to do what is necessary and more? Would the development of profitable oil & gas operations everywhere and always provide them with the resources, capacities and capabilities to apply their sciences and technologies in a more competitive manner? Instead of dealing with this situation they’ll vilify and ostracize those that seek to provide them with the very solution! People, Ideas & Objects are not the enemy.
Let's add a bit more of the dynamic nature to our user community and their service providers overall structure that differentiates them from the static business environment that somehow became so acceptable. We believe, and it is our opinion, that the lack of investment in ERP systems over the past decades has left oil & gas companies with very poor systems today. And this has nothing to do with those ERP providers who have worked miracles in impossible financial conditions as producer officers and directors felt the need to ensure nothing threatened their status quo franchise. With IT developments over the past decades unrealized we can imagine how it stands today. However, the most accurate description that I can offer is that people are busy working for computers. We believe the shoe should be on the other foot and computers deployed to manage storage and processing. The work that is unique to humans is the work that involves these distinct competitive advantages.
Leadership, Issue Identification & Resolution, Creativity, Collaboration,
Research, Ideas, Design, Planning,
Thinking, Conflict & Contradictions, Observation, Reasoning,
Judgment, Application of Implicit & Tacit Knowledge, Quality,
Automation, Specialization & Division of Labor, Innovation, Integration,
And I’m certain there are many more. It will be up to our user community to ensure that we employ this advanced tool set in the development of the Preliminary Specification. This will be done through their service providers. This will be a challenging aspect of their work in terms of its execution. With the reorganization of the industry and the reduction in size of the prototypical producer, the service provider becomes a specialized provider who uses their division of labor to approach the entire oil & gas industry as their client base. This of course is an entirely different way of organization and perspective on how things are done. We actively recognize the industry culture through the Joint Operating Committee, not based on the producer's corporate compliance and governance culture. The scope of the change is tremendous. The size of the G&A resources being shifted in this reorganization is therefore estimated to be $10+ billion per annum.
It is these topics and areas of focus that will be the domain of business leadership within our user community. Very high level, once in a century type of work that an individual can highlight their career and establish a business in. The changes we are making are dramatic. They will have a material effect on the performance, makeup and manner of how North American oil & gas operates for the next 20 to 30 years. Foundational work that affects how the producer performs financially. Since all our organizations are a critical part of our society, healthy organizations lead to healthy societies which lead to healthy individuals.
Intellectual Property
Back in the late 1990s I was trying to determine what asset would be the most valuable in the future. I’d always put my efforts into software and was wondering if that was adequate for the future or was there something more? While contemplating the next stage of this adventure I realized that Intellectual Property was the only real asset in the 21st century. It was the only real asset that provided owners of any asset with value. Today the economic environment does not offer anything of the type of reward that Intellectual Property does, in my opinion. This is most particularly one that is inflation and interest rates desensitized. In the future all business will be based on some form of Intellectual Property.
At People, Ideas & Objects we believe that in order to obtain gainful employment people will need Intellectual Property to do their work. To better define this, have the right to do their work. This would be acquired through education and experience, but one would also have to have one of three levels of IP access. The first is outright ownership of their own Intellectual Property which is commonly known as copyrights, trademarks, patents and to a lesser extent trade secrets. Secondly, an individual or company is licensed access to others' Intellectual Property through a contractual arrangement. And the last will be as an employee of a firm that either has the IP or is licensed to use it. These three tiers of IP are distributed throughout People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers in the following ways.
I myself am the beneficial owner of the underlying copyright to the Preliminary Specification and its derivative works. I have licensed People, Ideas & Objects to commercially develop the ERP application, communities and all its associated needs. Our user community members are direct license holders of People, Ideas & Objects, either as individuals or as representatives of their service providers. They are licensed to prepare derivative works. They also sub-license on a run-time, read only basis the Intellectual Property that our user community member has licensed access to, which is unencumbered, to the staff they employ in their service provider organization.
To ensure this IP is held and developed in pristine condition. Our user community members are paid by People, Ideas & Objects for their contributions to the development of the Preliminary Specification and other derivative works. These include software code and binaries. It is in the process of this payment that we are purchasing the IP from each of our user community members in order to ensure that the entirety of it remains whole, and most importantly, available to our user community to prepare derivative works. If this was not done we would have an unworkable model. Due to the claims of individuals and trolls who hold up oil & gas producers' profitability for their own monetary purposes by withholding their IP. If you have your own Intellectual Property and feel that it should be recognized in oil & gas, the market is available for you to do so.
There are a number of conditions that must be met in order to participate in the People, Ideas & Objects user community. To begin with, we aim to provide the most profitable means of oil & gas operations to North American oil & gas producers everywhere and always. A task that enables others to rebuild the industry and sub-industries themselves. That is our objective. We are not providing producers with clean energy systems in any way. Our user community and their service providers earn revenues from oil & gas production. Therefore the license precludes user community members and their service providers from operating outside of the oil & gas realm.
It also precludes them from working in any area other than oil & gas ERP systems of People, Ideas & Objects. This includes our user community and their service provider organizations. Our user community is our primary competitive advantage and is therefore not accessible to our competitors or others in the broader oil & gas software industries or anywhere else. Maximizing producer profitability is an unending task that demands our focus.
We need to consider the possible contamination of this IP in a scenario that disrupts this community. If a licensed user community member or its service provider used this IP, and augmented their efforts with other software providers or vendors' products from outside of our community. This would be a can of worms that would demand People, Ideas & Objects terminate our user community license. This would enable us to protect ourselves from any allegation or potential claim of contamination. In a world where Intellectual Property is the domain where all value is generated, in situations such as we have, where it’s not enough to own the oil & gas asset anymore, it’s also necessary to have access to the software and services that make the oil & gas asset profitable. The basis of this industry-wide profitability is derived from Intellectual Property produced in this community. Value of this magnitude needs to be protected from incidental and minor actions that would appear non-consequential. However, it could be based on the actions of others outside the community who wanted to leverage the community's work in an unproductive manner. Our safeguard here is to state the risk to the community of a participant that may innocently fall prey to these actions. We advise them of the consequences in advance. That the loss of the license could be communicated to our user community members staff within their service provider organization. Those within that organization would be wise to consider the risk and consequences and ensure they and their service provider did not fall down that path. Sabotage by an employee is a different criminal act that has its own remedies and would not fall under these provisions.
With respect to Artificial Intelligence and its use. What the user community and their service provider organizations are doing are preparing derivative works of the Intellectual Property they are licensed for. Therefore, derivative works produced by Artificial Intelligence cannot be claimed as Intellectual Property of the developer of the Artificial Intelligence algorithm. And can therefore be used as productivity tools for the user community and service providers.
Membership in our user community will be maintained during the initial development period as a privilege and not a right. We need an environment within the community where community performance is maintained at the highest levels. If we have the solution for the greater oil & gas economy, a matter of opinion, then we have a commensurate obligation and hence the need to build a highly performative community. We therefore need to start by establishing the means by which our user community's performance is the overriding requirement. Methods will therefore be implemented to ensure that a lack of contributions, free riding, trolling etc is dealt with effectively. What I am suggesting is that in either of these or other possible scenarios, licensing and management of the IP in the structure of our user community allows that the community’s leadership can manage who contributes. If the community member is not able to do so, or is implementing a value proposition inconsistent with the overall objective, our user community leadership, under the license provisions will have the means to terminate the license. With the right to "cull the herd," our user community will be in a position to ensure quality and performance in every aspect of their work. Vetting cannot always determine the most qualified candidates. Successful implementation of IP and software in the industry is necessary for our user community and their service provider organizations to succeed as organizations.
Those that contribute are compensated appropriately and need to perform to ensure producers can rely on quality ERP systems. Members of the community themselves will know with certainty that they will not have to tolerate the inappropriate behaviors and antics of those that haven’t fully participated. They’ll also not have to carry any “dead weight” with them. If you want to belong to a high performance community, these are the methods used to establish other high performing organizations. Success must be a priority when the stakes are this high and the dependence is wholly upon our user community's performance. The mitigating strategy for our user community members is part-time participation during initial development and prior to service provider organizations. We are building upon the depth of industry knowledge necessary to ensure the full scope and scale of the application is conducted correctly and in innovative ways. There is an opportunity to determine if you qualify, can participate, if this arena is your calling. This is where you can make a contribution and a difference. There are risks, and I have worked to ensure that none are incurred unnecessarily. However, we should all agree the responsibility we have is substantial and the role our user community members have in this task is critical.
This is a challenging and difficult environment where the task appears impossible for many. And then it will attract exactly the kind of people who thrive in an environment like this. One of People, Ideas & Objects' first tasks is to establish the leadership group, which are full time positions. Then they can take our existing user community members and recruit the many, many more that will be needed. This will cover the entire scope and scale of the Preliminary Specification.