Everyone in the Pool!
A few issues have come about in the user community that need to be discussed in the broader community of the oil and gas industry. For those people who may be considering joining the user community and have questions of their own. These issues involve two areas of concern and their impact on the dynamic nature of the user community and hence the overall oil and gas industry. The user community in the Preliminary Specification is being seen as the leader in how the industry will evolve and manage change on a day to day, and long term basis. It is also seen as the leader of how the big issues such as overproduction can be resolved through solutions such as the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy. The user community members are the ones that have the sole ability to make changes to the Intellectual Property making up the software specifications. They’re the ones who’ll have the hands on knowledge and experience of managing their process across the industry in their service provider organization. They’re the only people who our software developers will and can take their input from. Therefore in a dynamic and changing environment such as our user community and the software we are delivering to industry. Where specialization and the division of labor, innovation, change, automation of the business process, issue identification and resolution are part of their day to day activities. It’s not difficult to see that the scope and scale of their work might decrease over time as a result of their own efforts to ensure producers maintain their optimal profitability.
Efficiency and effectiveness to increase the productivity of the administrative and accounting of oil and gas, to ensure the oil and gas industries short, mid and long term profitability is the objective we’re all working towards in this People, Ideas & Objects initiative. The results mentioned are somewhat counterproductive and counterintuitive to the best interests of the user community and those they employ in their service provider organizations. Which is true, so how is this resolved? I’m not suggesting the resolution here. That will be for the user community to determine themselves and in their own way. They’ll be far better equipped to understand and resolve their issues than any other individual. I am only raising the issue for discussion as I would find that a recreation of the bureaucracy in a milder form would not be acceptable. It is the purpose of a high performing community and its organizations to ensure that their overall objectives are maintained and continue to be their primary focus.
These are classic issues that we’ve been faced with throughout the last number of generations. The speed in which society has changed has raised questions of how many jobs will be lost to computers or robots. Or worse we’ll become drones at their beck and call. We can look back in retrospect and see that the issue isn’t the quantity of jobs or quality of them. We’ve populated the earth substantially in the past few generations where poverty and hunger have declined precipitously. The quantity of jobs in the western world is abundant however it is also the increase in the quality of those jobs. These innovations have generally freed us from the menial work that need not occupy our day to day. And although today’s producer bureaucrats seek to continue to have us print out the single data element of interest and ceremonially walk it across the building so that others can key that information into their system. There is a lot of redundancy in oil and gas administration and accounting. And the issue is more prevalent today as the change dynamics being introduced by software are beginning to push the envelope of possibilities and increase the concern of how it will affect people's lives.
There is an investment being made by those in our user community that began many years ago with their commitments to their chosen profession, their education and then the oil and gas industry. To now commit the required level to the user community is being seen as a serious mid-career change. First I’m glad that people are seeing it this way, second they are expressing the risk associated with the building of this business opportunity, particularly in the service provider operation that will be the substantial part of their future revenue of each of the user community members. There are no guarantees in life and even fewer that exist in the People, Ideas & Objects user community. I would be dishonest to suggest otherwise. If living by your wits is not part of your DNA then it will be difficult for you to prosper here. A dynamic change oriented environment doesn’t come about through the implementation of bureaucrats.
The process of specialization and division of labor is a particularly valuable Organizational Construct that has been adopted in the Preliminary Specification. The simplicity of the theory's implementation is the means in which we achieve the dynamic nature of the user community. The simple filling of gaps is that process. As time passes society evolves in the way that it determines is best. Over time gaps between the offerings of two firms begin to be seen by entrepreneurs and are then filled through some innovative new product or service offering. (People, Ideas & Objects see a gap between the oil and gas industry and the tier 1 ERP providers such as Oracle. The inability to communicate creates this gap and it has only broadened.) Those that fill the gaps are establishing themselves a new business that they’re able to make viable as a result of the wits they’re endowed with. This is the process that we’ll be relying upon to maintain the user community and the overall objective of ensuring we provide the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Gap filling will be part of the day to day process management of the user community member as the principles involved in their service provider organizations. Producers have to only look to the user community to interact with in terms of having their software and services provided, enhanced and issues resolved. Who is it that they talk to today to have these taken care of? As time passes anyone in the industry may see new gaps forming and filling the gap is part of the role that we are depending upon our user community members to undertake. They, and only they, have the access to the People, Ideas & Objects developers to make the changes to the software and are the principles in the service provider organizations that deliver the software and services to the industry.
The other issue that’s been raised is that no one can accurately predict what will happen. If a user community member is managing a process that is heavily influenced by government regulations then one day those regulations are repealed then their entire investment is lost. The people they employ in the service provider are potentially lost. And that capability of those individuals is no longer available to the producer firms. This could also occur purely out of the drive for efficiency. This is an investment that I would suggest can’t be left to atrophy. In an environment where Intellectual Property is a distinct competitive advantage and the overall value that is delivered to the producers. The individual hit to the user community member is of course devastating. The concern that I have is the influence this has on the risk profile and orientation of the user community members and their service providers staff. This will cause them to look at any opportunities differently and stay silent on anything that may be detrimental to them. A contrary point of view of what we are fostering of achieving the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.
Conceptually there are 3,000 user community members needed for the development of the Preliminary Specification. One for each of the major processes under management by the application modules. These include the Oracle Cloud ERP modules or elements of both. Therefore there are approximately the same number of service providers. We are replacing the administrative and accounting of the producers and reallocating that work to the service providers. The scope and scale of these service provider operations is therefore of substantial revenue in terms of what it is designed to replace. The amount is unknown because the costs are not broken down in financial statements. The amount of overhead allowances, capitalization and other aspects of those reported costs would need to be considered. We can all however see it’s not small. How the service provider organizations are managed is upto the user community member. For example where they’re located, are they working from home etc. We see the user community members as part-time and interacting with the 600 developers needed for this initiative. Therefore approximately 20% of their time is spent with developers. People, Ideas & Objects pay a fee for the title to the Intellectual Property they develop iteratively off the Preliminary Specification and assume that fee covers all of the costs associated with the user community member to do their job. The service providers generate their revenue from the fees they’ll charge the producers for the software and services they’ll deliver. For example the fee to determine elements of the production allocation process. These fees will be charged to the Joint Operating Committees, mostly, and will be variable based on profitable production.
The question therefore comes about who is the net benefactor of the drive for enhanced profitability of the producers and oil and gas industry? Is it in their best interests to have these communities looking to replicate the bureaucratic process of self-serving motivations that have so comprehensively destroyed the industry today? Or, should it be the user community's understanding of the larger role they take in the industry? That the destruction of real profitability by the current bureaucracy circumvents the value generated by not only producers but all those associated in the service and tertiary industries. The user community members role is to be the score keepers and to be the objective, accountable and responsible to all of the stakeholders that depend on the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. And therefore, ensure that those user community members and the investments that have been made in their service providers are kept whole during times of any transitions from regulatory or efficiency changes. Where they’re able to turn to the community at large and seek out new gaps to fill or new regulatory requirements in the software and services that are needed. The funding for these transitions may be funded by the user community members making small monthly contributions to that fund. And conversely once the service providers are established a separate and much larger fund for that purpose. Revenue insurance for lack of a better term. This however does not mitigate in any way the investment of time, energy and money that the user community member will have to make in order to establish their service provider organization. As the title of this post denotes, the water’s warm, and everyone in the pool!
This is a democratic process where the end user has the say. This is not a top down dictation of the way it must be or what the outcome will be. There are no guarantees and there are nothing but risks as we pass into this future. The framework described here is as the user community member deals with the details of the day to day aspects of the truth that they discover. They are the ones trusted to deal with the issues and opportunities they’ll find in the domain of their processes management. Intelligent people doing intelligent things. Not having to look over the shoulder for the competition who somehow are selling the same service at half the cost. An impossibility in the People, Ideas & Objects environment being created here as the licenses granted to the user community members and service providers will be for their exclusive responsibility and authority for the domain of their process. Yet competition between these service providers will never have been so strong as it finds new and innovative ways to configure their offerings in the market. Using their competitive advantages of leadership, issue identification and resolution, creativity, researching, generating ideas, designing, planning, negotiating, compromising, financing, reasoning and judgement to name just a few. If you find this too risky and unworkable. The objective of profitability everywhere and always seems unattainable. Find that these ideas are naive, altruistic and impractical. Then you’ll determine they’re not for you. And I can assure you that you’ve made the right decision.
On the other hand we have no shortage of work to do. Much needs to be done in the next few years. The Preliminary Specification needs to be built. The engineering and geological explicit knowledge needs to be captured as Intellectual Property and developed. New oil and gas firms need to be formed, capitalized and organized. Assets need to be transferred to these new producers in innovative, strategic and tactical ways. In this process we’ll all be helping the current producers to travel faster down their chosen journey to clean energy by disposing of dirty oil. This transition to the Preliminary Specification is something that must be done to deal with the financial difficulties the industry is plagued with from the current administration. This also needs to be done as preparation for the future. And to learn from the experience of this transition as we’ll be faced repeatedly with situations that share this same scope and scale of change in the near future of this business. We’ll therefore be somewhat prepared and experienced in challenges of this nature. Please review our Production Rights to see how everyone can participate in making this new oil and gas industry happen. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering?
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects have joined GETTR and can be reached there. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.