Operations Management
I am pleased to present the 14th module of our Preliminary Specification. Operations Management should be seen as an entirely different module from the Preliminary Specification. Other modules enable producers to capture, analyze, and report on their data, gain insight from them, and make informed decisions. The Operations Management module enables producers to actively engage with their producer and Joint Operating Committee organizations. To conduct their operations based on the decisions they make, the strategies they employ, and the unique competitive advantages that come from their land & assets. As well as coordinating the markets' earth science and engineering capabilities.
The Operations Management module is at the crossroads between two separate and distinct operations and corporate groups that have developed over the past decades in oil & gas. These two groups work at opposite ends of the producer firm where the corporate silo is interested in the SEC, regulatory and tax requirements. They have not fulfilled their role in providing valuable operations information on an overall producer basis or to each Joint Operating Committee. Operations and technical environments have sought to mitigate the lack of business knowledge, understanding and information passed into operations. This in many ways has created the broad industry issues that have manifested themselves.
We're rebuilding the oil & gas industry through the development of Preliminary Specification and Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. End-to-end planning, implementation, and optimization of the exploration and production process need to be undertaken and implemented. That will be done through the producer and Joint Operating Committee in this Operation Management module. This module more than any other is a producer-facing module. The key difference between what may exist today is that the Preliminary Specification will be populated with actual, factual accounting and administrative data and information. Not recycle costs or other estimates from reserve reports or elsewhere. We’re replacing what exists today in the industry and producer firms. Replacement of what has been done is necessary to rebuild industry culture towards profitability and performance.
How does the producer firm focus on innovatively producing profitable oil & gas? The Preliminary Specification relieves them of their non-competitive tasks of administration and accounting. Supported by our user community and their service provider organizations, producers will no longer need to build and maintain their unshared and unshareable capacities and capabilities to meet the requirements of those aspects of their business. Engineering, geology and business operations in terms of exploration and development are their domains of expertise. Based on their ability to deploy their distinct competitive advantages of their land & asset base and to coordinate the markets earth science & engineering capacities and capabilities.
North American oil & gas producers are in a state of organizational collapse which is catastrophic for all concerned. With internal and field capacities and capabilities that are severely deprecated, producers are incapable of maintaining their activity levels, assets and productive deliverability for the mid to long term. Their capital structures are and have been unsupported for almost a decade. The amplification of the accelerated shale decline curve has placed the North American economy and society in a situation where the status quo is proving incapable of even recognizing their difficulties. Leaving what will become a long term consequence of their inaction to be detrimental to the most powerful economy ever known to man when it's dependent on foreign sources of oil & gas. The opportunity to mitigate this is through the active disintermediation and rebuilding of the industry by way of the development of the Preliminary Specification. This is done by our user community, their service provider in People, Ideas & Objects Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service.
2023s natural gas price shows the one thing producers assured us they controlled. Production discipline doesn’t and has never existed under their current culture of “muddle through.” To them, producing unprofitable production is considered a right and a privilege. As a result, producers cannot determine whether a property is profitable. Their ERP systems are not structured to capture property data, especially the detail involved in overhead and depletion. Capital costs are intended to build balance sheets, not pass these capital costs onto consumers. The issue that People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification is designed to resolve, is chronic, systemic overproduction of oil & gas since July 1986. Despite natural gas becoming a weapon of war and shale decline curves appearing in all basins, this anomaly of overproduction by the North American natural gas producers continues.
People, Ideas & Objects propose the vision of the Preliminary Specification and its 14 modules built upon Oracle Cloud ERP. Designed, developed, supported and serviced for the long term through our user community and service provider organizations. A rebuilt industry that provides the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. Profitable operations are the only source and means of capital that is large enough to satisfy the demands of what oil & gas will require throughout the greater oil & gas economy up to the year 2050. What we know and understand of the current administration's is that when pressed, they never listen or act. They'll say anything to satisfy the present concern, do absolutely nothing, eventually regressing back to their cultural norm. Which is consistent with and part of their dedicated "muddle through" strategy.
Review of this Operations Management module will leave most people thinking that the scope and scale of the application is well beyond what's possible or practical. I would certainly understand that commentary and ask you to view this differently. It is the 21st century and we are building applications for the issues that plague the industry today, the next generation and the future. I see the Operations Management Module using the Preliminary Specification and leveraging it in ways that are the basis of the type of innovation that Oracle, People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service providers will be able to conduct with producers and Joint Operating Committees in the future. We are leveraging this opportunity to integrate a monitoring and control system for producers to manage their Joint Operating Committees. This will enable them to be the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable properties and producers they’ll need to be.
The perspective that I see in these types of applications delivery, such as our Operations Management module provides to the producers. Will no longer contain a box of diskettes, digitized manuals available on the world wide web and supported through a help desk Monday’s to Friday’s from 8 - 5. It’s not from the early 1990s, and is worthless today. This is one of the reasons we've focused on our user community as our key competitive advantage and their service provider organizations. They’ll need to be available 7/24 supporting the Preliminary Specification, ensuring they’re operational and troubleshooting issues prior to any producer calling or discovering the issue. Capable of resolving difficulties in industry operational, technical, administrative or accounting domains.
People, Ideas & Objects find today's producer expectations of our ERP competitors surreal. Paying for nothing, expecting miracles, casting aspersions when Service Level Agreement (SLA) expectations are not achieved. In addition, there is no producer participation beyond SLA execution. My expectations of our user community are for it to lead the development of new business models within the industry. I also expect it to provide the value proposition that the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service is designed to deliver. The user community is taking proactive steps to address the issues and opportunities facing the industry. This is to ensure they’re providing North American dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. This role has been capitulated by producers through their culturally systemic “muddle through” strategy and must be undertaken.
We see this as the future of enterprise software. Business' dynamic nature can't be managed through a generic configuration conceived decades ago and not amended. Software to manage the enterprise alone is an inherently dangerous assumption. Nothing of complexity, substance or significance works in that way. People, Ideas & Objects is a comprehensive software and service offering that is a permanent capability of North American producers. This is the level at which the software industry has reached. It is the promise it has always had. Officers and directors assume it will be available by flipping a switch. Conversely this does not imply that producers will continue to define the terms of what they expect in a Service Level Agreement. They will sit back and criticize any deficiencies. It is too late to settle for old failed processes in a world where software dominates the workplace. It’s no longer enough to just own the oil & gas asset, it’s also necessary to have access to the ERP software and services of People, Ideas & Objects et al’s Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas, which makes the oil & gas assets profitable. This must be an all hands on deck commitment by all for success to be achieved. That is Oracle Cloud ERP, People, Ideas & Objects, our user community, and their service provider organizations. This is for development, implementation, service and support of the Preliminary Specification. Dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable producers and the service industry will all need to participate actively.
With the Preliminary Specification we are seeking a transformation in the profitability, performance and culture of the producer organization and Joint Operating Committees as we’ve detailed throughout. These will need to undergo a transformation that is far more radical than what the status quo culture can comprehend. How this transformation will happen will be through their efforts in this Operations Management module. Through this process, they will be able to reduce their process and activity timelines, as well as raise their performance criteria and expectations consistently throughout the century. Tighten up the interactions between the tier 2 and 3 sub-industries to optimize the producers and Joint Operating Committees production and exploration processes. An industry-wide rebuilding process that will need to be and can only be conducted and funded through oil & gas production profitability. Where producers can compete effectively on North American capital markets. They will also maintain affordable, reliable, abundant and secure domestic sources of oil & gas for consumers.
People, Ideas & Objects
We are Enterprise Resource Planning software developers for oil & gas. Our competitive advantages include our user community, Intellectual Property and research. Delivered through our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and services. It’s no longer adequate to just own the oil & gas asset, it’s also necessary to have access to the ERP software and services of People, Ideas & Objects et al’s Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas that makes the oil & gas asset profitable.
Our user community
Our focus and priorities are on the People, Ideas & Objects user community. We have established our user community with a comprehensive vision. This ensures that they can make the changes that provide for the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always. Three significant attributes of their structure provide them with the means to do so.
Only user community members are licensed to make changes and prepare derivative works to the underlying Intellectual Property of the Preliminary Specification.
Our developers are licensed to take instruction and input only from our user community. They are deaf, dumb and blind to all others. Producers can discuss their issues and potential opportunities directly with our user community members.
Our user community controls their own budget.
The method and means of communication that producers, Joint Operating Committees and service industry representatives will use to engage our user community will be through this Operations Management module. This communication and collaboration portal will simply be a representation of a stand alone, dedicated, collaborative module established throughout the Preliminary Specification. This module will enable enhanced and focused communications.
Service provider
Each user community member is licensed to establish one or participate in the ownership and operation of many service provider organizations. Service providers enable the change People, Ideas & Objects et al make to oil & gas producers' cost structure. Moving from fixed, producer-based, overhead, accounting and administrative capacity and capabilities. To variable, industry-based, overhead, accounting and administrative capacity and capabilities. Variable dependent on profitable production. Service providers are independent organizations owned and operated by our user community members that manage an individual process operation within the Preliminary Specification. Applying their services and competitive advantages in the form of quality, specialization and the division of labor, automation, innovation, leadership, integration, deployment of their tacit knowledge, issue identification and resolution, creativity, research, ideas, design, planning, thinking, financing, observing, judgment, reasoning, conflict and contradictions, collaboration and compromise.
Using these unique skills and industry understanding to apply their process across the industry data set. Populated through a reallocation of the producers current accounting and administrative resources these people will be the ones that deliver the software and services of Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas to North American based producers and those they interact and transact with.
As with our user community, service providers will use the Operations Management module as a portal for communication between themselves and the larger oil & gas community. Collaborating on issues and opportunities of concern and information pertinent to the various stakeholders identified in this module. Communications for enhanced software and services development, integration, issues and opportunities.
People, Ideas & Objects have selected Oracle as the base Information Technology provider for the Preliminary Specification. Using Oracle Cloud ERP as the foundation, with all of their underlying technologies, which hold the premier spot among enterprise technology providers. Oracle recently began moving towards heavily automating processes to build substantial value for organizations throughout the business world. Partnering with J.P. Morgan Chase to employ their credit card to record corporate expenses during expense reporting processes. When an employee uses this credit card they can designate the charges destination and Oracle will process it to ensure it fits within the companies eligibility policies. The individual will not have to spend hours filling out expense reports. Others won’t need to review them and charges will be paid appropriately. Eliminating the many thousands of hours consumed in expense reporting annually to a few milliseconds of processor time. Additional process automations are being undertaken for logistics with providers in those industries, for example.
These automations will be comprehensive in nature and will build upon themselves as users realize the combinations and permutations of the various processes and how they’re related. The value earned by those firms that move to this architecture and organize themselves in this manner will reap substantial rewards in performance, productivity and profitability.
This is the same undertaking that People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations are conducting with the development and implementation of the Preliminary Specification. The difference between what we propose in the Preliminary Specification and what Oracle does is that they provide generic business processes. We tackle North American producers' specific oil & gas attributes. Having the full stack of unique oil & gas and generic business process automation handled and improved continuously for enhanced productivity and profitability.
People, Ideas & Objects targets North American oil & gas producers as the market for our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service. We have further defined this market to include Exxon Mobil and Chevron down to the startups that began at the breakfast table this morning. This appears to be an impossible and misguided ambition when we consider that Oracle Cloud ERP and their underlying technologies are among the most comprehensive and technically difficult Information Technologies to support and use. We agree. Our user community and their service provider organizations, however, provide the software and services needed to support all producers. We would ask, under this configuration, what would preclude a small startup oil & gas organization from realizing the benefits of using People, Ideas & Objects for expense reporting? This is with the Oracle / J.P. Morgan Chase credit card integration we just highlighted.
This theme is evident and became abundantly clear during Oracle CloudWorld 2022 conference. It was there that they unveiled the comprehensive nature of their offering and the drive to move in this direction. It is this drive that led to the rewrite of the Preliminary Specification and the inclusion of the Operations Management module. People, Ideas & Objects believes that Information Technology has never fulfilled its promise. This is due to the lack of maturity in the underlying technology base. Oracle has worked diligently since its founding to put that architecture together and make it robust. And they can now turn it towards what everyone expected Information Technology to provide. It would be a shame for those companies that have become disenchanted with Facebook to believe that Information Technology is a false promise and will never deliver. The time has come to understand the time we are in, and to act accordingly.
Oracle CloudWorld 2022
Being bold is the way to win, that being timid could wipe you out.
Safra Catz, CEO Oracle
End-to-end transformation is another common theme throughout this conference. What purpose would it serve to trim around the edges and try to resolve truly existential issues with the oil & gas organizational methodology used today? One of the many points this conference reflected on is that now is the time to act. Bold action at this point will enable organizations to realize the benefits of Information Technology disruption. Safra Catz's Keynote Presentation stated that it is not time to issue a White Paper. The time required to evaluate options will be too costly. The lead time for considering opportunities and researching issues has passed. The time to implement a “plan” is now. The producer's plan needs to be bold. It has to address the issues that are causing significant difficulties throughout North America's oil & gas economy. There are existential issues confronting the current producers organizational method, which has failed and has no support or future. And the only plan available is Oracle, People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations. In the form of the Preliminary Specification.
Oracle is the Premier Tier 1 ERP Provider
What has been difficult to express in the Preliminary Specification is the robust platform it is built upon. Oracle Cloud ERP is the premier tier 1 ERP solution in the marketplace. Which is difficult to understand if you've never seen it in action. Their products, technology and the Redwood interface must be seen. This is to understand that it is People, Ideas & Objects et al purpose to stand on the shoulders of this absolute giant. This URL refers to Oracle’s Best Practice Demo Series. In this series, there are several videos to learn about Oracle Cloud ERP quality, fit and feel. I cannot recommend highly enough that everyone should view "Simplify Your Month-End Close by Automating Joint Venture Management” to learn the details of how comprehensive and high quality Oracle’s Joint Venture Management product is. It is the most comprehensive Joint Venture Management system available today. And I am not aware of any North American producer using it.
The Preliminary Specification defines seven distinct Organizational Constructs. Our key Organizational Construct is the Joint Operating Committee. This is the organizational structure to deal with Joint Ventures, the cultural method to represent partnership organizations established in oil & gas. When we move the current corporate model culture into alignment with the Joint Operating Committee, everything within the producer and industry changes. Nothing in oil & gas remains consistent with management's operations today. We are aligning the business directly on to the operational and technical cultures of how the industry has operated for 100 years. This is a culture derived from oil & gas operations partnerships everywhere.
It is our hypothesis that in the 1960s when computers were introduced accounting became one of its uses. Soon after tax, royalty and regulatory environments were established, ERP systems focused on the corporate organization. They had nothing to do with the oil & gas business. A separation between business and technical areas grew and became a source of conflict. This precipitated a lack of communication and two independent islands competing for control. Operations dominated out of necessity and corporate elements were left to satisfy cash demands. That is what we’ve eliminated in the Preliminary Specification by aligning the business to the operations and technical culture. The Operations Management module outlines what and how that will be accomplished.
We use Oracle’s recommended architectural method of “additions” to the base of all Oracle products. This way none of the code between their efforts and ours will cause any difficulties being released into commercial software if there are changes in either environment. Exploiting the full potential and value of object-oriented programming. At the same time I can state unequivocally that both Oracle and People, Ideas & Objects are relational database developers first and foremost.
Recently Oracle implemented a quarterly update schedule for Oracle Cloud ERP where incremental changes and upgrades are scheduled for release each quarter. People, Ideas & Objects will be participating in this quarterly release schedule for our own updates and have noted an added benefit as a result of the Preliminary Specifications structure benefiting from the Organizational Construct under the title “New Growth Theory.” That we are sharing the “non-rival” costs of the infrastructure of accounting and administration across the North American producer population. Therefore the need for each producer CFO to be heavily involved in these ERP changes each quarter can be reduced to a less onerous task when the industry can plan and implement the upgrades on a shared or non-rival basis. Innovation is incrementally increased through iterative developments. They are not big bang changes unless the organization is challenged by existential threats such as the oil & gas producer organizations are today.
We are not rebuilding an ERP system from scratch to achieve the Preliminary Specification. We are defining and catering for specific oil & gas related software developments needed to deal with oil & gas issues and opportunities today and in the future. Configuring and augmenting Oracle Cloud ERP to do so. Reorganizing the industry to function efficiently and profitably. The Operations Management module combines business, operations and technical groups into one functioning organization using the same data. Establishing the team environment necessary to collaborate within the producer organization and each Joint Operating Committee. This is deemed necessary to move forward in a challenging and difficult future. Where the most dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable producers are provided with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always.