Operations Management Module, Part VI
Performance Management
To resolve many of the difficulties that are present in oil & gas today. It is necessary to add financial performance based on the actual, factual accounting information of the property to the operational and technical data that’s aggregated within this Operations Management module. Then delivering it to those decision makers within the producer firms and Joint Operating Committees. To be able to rely on this information as the unimpeachable truth of the performance of the property will add clarity and precision to the decisions being made in the industry. With the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT), as discussed earlier in this module, monitoring and controlling the operation will be considerably more remote. Therefore, based on the decisions made from these three distinct sources of information it will make the producers dynamic in ways that were never imagined before.
Partnership Accounting
There are two distinct accounting based modules within the Preliminary Specification. Partnership Accounting and the Accounting Voucher work to report for the producers and Joint Operating Committees, and to capture the data and transactions. The two critical aspects that differentiate the accounting between what is done today and what is proposed in the Preliminary Specification is that financial statements are provided for each and every Joint Operating Committee and overhead costs have been converted to variable as opposed to fixed. These financial statements are based on the actual costs of the property and include an allocation of capital in the form of depletion that provides for the property to compete for capital in the North American capital markets. Secondly the overhead is the actual overhead that’s incurred by the property. There are no overhead allowances as the Preliminary Specification has converted the producers' fixed costs of accounting and administrative capacities and capabilities into the industries variable costs of accounting and administrative capabilities and capacities. Variable based on profitable production. Providing the producer with the ability to shut-in any unprofitable production, as determined by the detailed financial statements for the property, which if it is shut-in it will incur a null operation, no profit but also no loss, to maximize their corporate profitability and achieve the many other monetary benefits.
What may become obvious to many readers is that this is a different environment for the accounting resources to be occupied in. We no longer just record transactions and report on them. If we go back to the beginning of this module's description we find that the “pull of data” and “push of instruction” from the Internet of Things will have severe implications on the accounting of oil & gas. The volume of data will be tidal waves larger than what it has been at any point in the history of the industry. If we’re to obtain the benefits of automation and turn the computers to begin working for us then we’ll need to be grasping this opportunity on a holistic scale and implementing it broadly. Not everyone fits into this redefinition, however the future of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas industry depends upon it.
It is this vision that can not be left to spontaneously appear. Spontaneous order has ceased to function in a world where software and global markets operate. The Information Technology infrastructure exists and is incumbent upon businesses and industries to ensure that they’re the ones that implement and realize the benefits. Otherwise others who are capable of operating in this environment will be the ones that leverage the opportunity to their benefit. The officers and directors' obstinance has already cost them the overall Intellectual Property and ERP software arena to People, Ideas & Objects and our user community. As we claim we are the only ones capable of providing North American producers with the most profitable means of oil & gas operations. How else could anyone do so? It would take, as I did, a decade of research to figure out another method to do so, and whomever would have the additional difficulty of having to avoid the Intellectual Property that exists within the Preliminary Specification. The fun part would come about when the officers and directors obstinance takes hold for another dozen years or more to be convinced they need the new technology.
Financial Statements
For purposes of the Operations Management module the producer will be able to view the makeup of their organization in any perspective they need. Having the ability to aggregate the specific Joint Operating Committees they desire to get a more holistic view of the larger asset to evaluate. These Financial Statements will enable the user to analyze the costs incurred against what was planned and expected in their operational and technical sources of information. Reconciliation of these three sources of data and information may lead to previously unknown unknowns.
While marginal commodity prices may occur these financial statements would show the progression towards any unprofitable operations. It therefore provides a window for the Joint Operating Committees where the threshold of potentially falling into a period of non-production due to the lack of any commercial operations begins. The early foresight provided will enable those to look at their costs and determine with these three rich sources of data what an appropriate and innovative plan may be when and if the property is shut-in. To return it to profitable production by increasing its production, reducing its costs or enhancing its reserves. Limiting the time in which the property is shut-in and providing the time to more effectively plan and consider what may be the most effective method to return it to production.
Pro-forma Worksheet
Having the ability to sketch out a what-if scenario based on the actual historical situation is the general purpose of any pro-forma worksheet. “What-if we changed this” and would that make a material enough change to make the property commercially viable again? Will provide historical data that sets the scenario in a factual basis that will ensure that guessing is eliminated. The implication of any changes to the financial statements can at times be difficult to understand the full scope. This is due to the pro-forma following the accounting methodology as set out in the preparation of the financial statements, the implementation of any pro-forma changes will follow and show the full implications of these accounting methods and therefore mitigate any surprises that the accounting world springs onto its users.
The breadth and depth of the accounting information provided through the Partnership Accounting module is comprehensive. Whether it is the Oracle Cloud ERP related information or what People, Ideas & Objects have built in to accommodate oil & gas. This information is available to authorized users of the Operations Management module. It is structured in a way to provide the performance of the producer firm and drilled down to the individual Joint Operating Committees or any combination of those. I hesitate to suggest that this information can be catered to in revised formats that meet any specific user's needs. That runs counter to its purpose. We are striving to represent the financial performance from the perspective of the capital markets. To have ad-hoc reporting would be of an advantage if it does not distort the financial performance to make things appear better than they actually are. It is therefore necessary that the Operations Management modules users will have their enhancements addressed by our user community to ensure they’ve implemented and prepared the software and services they wish to see but also to ensure that the financial integrity is maintained in any ad-hoc reporting. This will ensure the capital markets focus is the priority of the properties financial performance.
Accounting Voucher
The second of the two pure accounting modules of the Preliminary Specification, the Accounting Voucher brings about several new dynamics into the oil & gas industries accounting. Introducing the Accounting Voucher as an encapsulated document that holds the information that supports transactional information captured, approved and recorded in the accounting system of the producer or Joint Operating Committee. To deal with the resource constraints in the earth science and engineering disciplines People, Ideas & Objects have used a variety of methods to resolve the issue. These are listed in the Organizational Construct section of our wiki. The predominant Organizational Construct affecting this change in the Accounting Voucher is specialization and the division of labor. In order to resolve any technical resource shortfall, specialization and the division of labor are the only proven method to resolve organizational productivity. Therefore each producer will need to be contributing their highly specialized technical resources to the Joint Operating Committee in order to provide for the full set of necessary resources. These may also be augmented through outside consultants who are specializing in the lower level skills of these disciplines. Allowing for producers to specialize on their distinct competitive advantage.
Therefore what People, Ideas & Objects have done in the Accounting Voucher is provide a “role” in Oracle Cloud ERP which provides for the authorization necessary to incur costs on behalf of the producer or Joint Operating Committee. And therefore within a Joint Operating Committee there may be multiple technical resources that have authorized expenditure authority on their behalf. Therefore an Accounting Voucher in this instance is a Joint Operating Committee based voucher with overall budgetary authorization granted through the AFE process. However multiple firms may have this secondary or tertiary authorization, within the scope of the AFE to authorize specific expenditures to be purchased and payments authorized. That Accounting Voucher is therefore part of each of the Accounting systems of the working interest owners of the Joint Operating Committee.
The Work Order mentioned earlier is also an Accounting Voucher that has been modified and enhanced to conduct processes in generic ways that fit the described purpose. As it is incurring costs and allocating them in either of the two scenarios of its operation, it has to inherit the capabilities of the Accounting Voucher first and foremost. Then our developers will, at our user communities direction, build the necessary infrastructure to meet the needs as defined to instill the Work Order as a permanent industry wide Accounting Voucher Template for use to manage their costs.
Data, Information and Performance
If we could step back for a moment and ask ourselves how much time, and more importantly, how much frustration is consumed in the process of collecting data and information, moving it from one location to another, interpreting and recalculating it which is conducted on a daily basis. Why are we still doing this and what can we do to stop this financial drain that no one can support continuing? Would we be able to isolate the actual, factual information necessary, store that data in one location and have the system interpret it in the manner necessary for each of its users. Relational Database theory is designed for this purpose. Does the potential explosion of data as a result of the oncoming identified technologies demand we look at these issues and address them? The development of the Preliminary Specification, our user community and the reorganization of the administrative and accounting resources into their service provider organizations brings about this opportunity to set the foundation for realizing a more constructive basis of understanding the producer firm. And possibly the most valuable aspect of this information change for producers would be the quality of the decisions being made are more precise, reliable and factual.
There is one more critical aspect to the reorganization of the data and information that needs to be discussed and that is the performance of the producer firm. How does a producer accelerate their performance, their trajectory and their velocity in terms of throughput? Would clean data and information, that was the foundation of the industry, standardized and objective, where everyone knew and understood the origins and its purpose accelerate the producers performance and throughput?
Or is “muddle through,” “do nothing,” apparently knowing and understanding nothing appropriate for the next generation of oil & gas officers and directors. They have their model and we should understand what that is now. We’ve seen them embrace Artificial Intelligence, digital twins and I can guarantee the next three buzz words coming out of the Information Technology industry will be immediately heralded as “the savior of the industry that’s already providing huge gains in performance.” Yes, it is that bad. When do we address this, the Preliminary Specification is the time in which to do so.
Material Balance Report
Another implementation of the Accounting Voucher is the Material Balance Report which is a comprehensive approach to the reporting and balancing of production through to its ultimate disposition. The Material Balance Report is an Accounting Voucher Template that is augmented to deal with a Joint Operating Committees unique needs. And then saved as its own specific Accounting Voucher Template to be reused each month. As changes occur and additional production, facilities or dispositions are added to the specific Accounting Voucher its Template is updated to accommodate those changes for that and subsequent months.
The key overall objective of the Material Balance Report is to achieve the reconciliation of the oil & gas reporting volumes on the continent in unimpeachable form. It is at that point that we have the basis in which to automate the subsequent processes throughout their production months lifecycle. Whether that is production, accounting, administration, marketing, regulatory reporting or royalties. These are all subsequently dependent on the data and information that is derived in some way from the industry standard Material Balance Report.
Undertaking this from the global perspective of an industry initiative is possible, valuable and necessary. The costs are too great for one firm and the net benefit is not the continental reconciliation as the base of automation. Again, this may be conceived as being too ambitious overall. However it can be done and done far easier than it sounds. In 1994 the Alberta government introduced their Royalty Simplification system that reconciled the entire province's monthly volumetric natural gas and liquids production on this basis. To the satisfaction where the government was confident enough to assess royalty shortfalls based on volumetric reporting anomalies. What could be done three decades later is unknown, however improvement is assumed. To not undertake this will leave the industry at the behest of manual processes that consume human resources in redundant processes that should be deemed unnecessary. These people are needed in the area of making the appropriate decisions as to where and what needs to be done to earn profitability.
There is an abundance of opportunities in terms of combining, comparing and reconciling the three sources of data and information that producers and Joint Operating Committees are dependent upon. Financial, technical and operational sources that are unimpeachable is a lofty objective, however one that is necessary to base the accuracy of future decisions upon. To be consumed with data in the future may be the operative word for the unprepared producers. If we do not spend the time to organize and ensure that the data and information we are using and preparing is of this high quality, then it’s a simple manner that’s well known by most of “garbage in, garbage out.” Decisions need to be made at a scale that will be logarithmic to what’s done today. These are the areas that people will be spending their time. If we are in an endless paper chase looking for the source of the actual data, that will be the eventual outcome of the current officers and directors' obstinance. These may be the two possible scenarios that people may be pursuing in the future oil & gas. An endless paper chase, or leaving the processing and storage to the computers and we’ll make decisions based on the understanding that everyone in industry participated in building the Preliminary Specification and understand what the sources and disposition of the data are.
Production data is the most interesting challenge and we have set out to engineer the appropriate solution in the form of the Material Balance Report of the Preliminary Specification. The ability to balance the Joint Operating Committees volumetric activity, gathering, processing facilities, pipeline, tank car or truck deliveries etc for the up-stream oil & gas business is more than possible. It is well beyond the scope of what is possible for one producer to undertake as the cost would be horrendous and the value would be quite limited. On an industrial scale however it makes sense and is the foundation of the critical value generation as a result of the specialization and division of labor between people and computers. Instead of feeding differing systems with the same data and occupying our time reconciling these we can engineer the appropriate solution and establish the appropriate roles for people to pursue. Roles such as enabling automation, innovation, leadership, integration, negotiating, financing, observing, reasoning, judgment, thinking, planning, ideas, researching, collaborating, creativity, issue identification and resolution to name just a few.
Field Data Capture
Could this be the area of focus in terms of the implementation of the Internet of Things and the rebuilding of oil & gas through implementation of the Preliminary Specification? SCADA systems have worked well for large, integrated producers and independents. Their costs are unnecessarily high and the technology is, I would imagine, coming to an end of life situation. An area that will be critical to capture the production data and an area that is the foundation of securing the production data in unimpeachable form.
It will be a matter of perception whether I’ve opened Pandora’s box or the world of opportunity. The reality is with much of the acceptance of the Preliminary Specification. We stand at a crossroads where the bureaucracy has ruled and their domain is crumbling. They’ll continue to fight for the last few pennies of value they can extract at whatever cost to others. However, we have to move forward. It is this vision, as incomplete as is stated here, and more broadly articulated in the Preliminary Specification itself that needs to be undertaken.