Reinstating Profitable Production Rights, Part II
What do the Flexible and Profitable Production Rights Licenses earn?
High levels of creative destruction in what will be the most violent form are anticipated to occur in the coming years. What revenues are generated as a result of the ownership of a Profitable Production Right License would be determined based on the negotiated share of the present value of the differential comparing People, Ideas & Objects et al’s value proposition to the status quo. What that would be and how that would be determined would be a result of these negotiations between the Profitable Production Right Licensee and the producer firm. These contracts would then be managed on the licensees behalf in the Oracle Blockchain database managing each of the specific boe’s.
If we assume that the Profitable Production Right Licensees implemented a percentage of the oil & gas commodity price as the value in their contract. And for the purposes here we’ll assume a range of rates between 2.5% to 5% of the commodity price. A range that consists of one quarter to one half of the “real” profitability of a commercial operation. An amount where the use of the Preliminary Specification ensures commodity prices are at least marginal, and therefore higher to attain the profitable operation. A differential that has been of no interest to current producers who have left far more than that on the table for many decades. An amount that future producers would consider a cost of business. That contract would earn, if these commodity prices were capable of providing the producer a 10% profit from these prices. At an $80 price of oil, revenues of $2.00 - $4.00 per day or $730.00 to $1,460.00 per year. For natural gas it would be at a commodity price of $7 and therefore revenues of $1.05 to $2.10 per day or $383.25 or $766.50 per year / boe. The key to this argument is that these will be the costs that producers will incur to maintain their access to our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and services that provides them the most profitable means of oil & gas operations everywhere and always.
The anticipated, expected or budget price of a Profitable Production Right License has been calculated to be $390 per boe, based on the current North American production profile which includes heavy oil production and People, Ideas & Objects budget. As we’ve discussed, heavy oil producers have their own ERP systems and may not be interested in the Preliminary Specification. However they are direct, net benefactors of the price maker strategy and therefore their production is being assessed on the same basis as all other North American production. They are incapable of shutting down their production process, whose costs are consistently higher and therefore will need to secure Profitable Production Rights Licenses.
The cost of maintaining the software development and user community on a long term basis would need to be factored in when the Preliminary Specification became operational and it would not be material in my opinion. If we consider the $15 billion development costs of the Preliminary Specification in comparison to the gross revenues of the producers in 2021, our total software development and our user community costs averaged over three years would total 0.4% of a single year's oil & gas revenues. And post commercial release operational and incremental software development and our user community costs on an annual basis will be much smaller. A reasonable estimate of 25% of the build costs or $1.25 billion / yr.
Assigning these overhead costs to the Profitable Production Rights License owners, would be an all in cost in the range of $33 to $70 / year / license. For clarity I’ll state that our user communities service providers revenues are generated through their direct billings to the various Joint Operating Committees. These costs make up the Joint Operating Committee and producers variable overhead costs and are not a cost that are part of the Profitable Production Right License. The Profitable Production Rights Licenses will have no impact on the service provider's fee structure or billing. They will have an indirect impact on the producer's ability to access the service providers through a producer's access rights to the software.
The basis of the long term support costs associated with owning a Profitable Production Right License is the support of the software development and our user community which are permanent industry based capacities and capabilities. There will be times when the Profitable Production Right’s Licensees associated production may have been shut-in, suspended or may even be abandoned. [Note, that does not imply that there would be no overhead costs being charged to the Profitable Production Rights Licensees for the software development and user community costs during these times. These overhead costs are fixed.] The important aspect of the Profitable Production Right License is that it is a contract with a producer to provide them with access to the organizational capability to earn profitable production. It is the right to produce a barrel of oil equivalent and process it through the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. And is therefore reconfigurable in terms of the production it represents. Profitable Production Rights Licensees won’t have the risks associated with the ownership of oil & gas properties. Each Profitable Production Right License will have the exclusive right to process a barrel of oil equivalent profitably through our Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service. Granting the producer firm access to earn a profit on a single barrel of oil equivalent. That Profitable Production Right License is transferable at the Licensees discretion, the ownership that you gain by purchasing the Profitable Production Right is assignable, licenseable, leasable and transferable for the period of time as long as People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification remains commercial. Additionally there is no implied role of a Profitable Production Right License holder to be involved whatsoever in the day to day activities of the producer or Joint Operating Committee. The product is a license of the right of access to Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. The producers alternative would be to continue to use the current approach that is systematically tearing the industry apart.
Today’s producers' tactical management approach has included everything that comes into their minds. In the past few years we’ve seen $25 million in executive bonuses paid by Chesapeake the week prior to its declaration of bankruptcy. It appears that bankruptcy is the means to deal with shareholders who have become too dissatisfied with the performance of management and how producers are able to reshuffle the deck as it were. Profitable Production Rights Licenses circumvent these actions by having a clause that terminates the Profitable Production Rights License upon bankruptcy. Therefore freeing up the rights and maintaining the value in the hands of the rights owner. Further endorsing the purpose of the Profitable Production Right by enforcing the separation of ownership of the oil & gas production and the right to process that production through the organizations as represented in the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas. The Licensees would then be able to engage the bankruptcy trustees to reinstate the Profitable Production Rights License on terms that maintain the independent ownership of the Profitable Production Rights License as separate and distinct from the means of production.
Why and who would be interested in purchasing these Profitable Production Rights Licenses.
The purpose in developing People, Ideas & Objects et al Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service is to generate the necessary producer profitability to deal with the demands for capital over the next 25 years. There is no other source of financing large enough to fuel these needs as the producers officers and directors past methods have failed catastrophically. Investors have stated unequivocally that they’ve had enough of these past methods and are refusing to participate further. Continued obstinance by the producers' officers and directors appears to be counterproductive with the pace and trajectory of decline only accelerating. Oil & gas in North America does not have a future in its current configuration. Change is necessary to deal with the issues and opportunities present in the marketplace. Opportunities such as disintermediation through Information Technology and the other Organizational Constructs of our Preliminary Specification. Enhancing the culture of the industry through the wholesale change that disintermediation provides. To ensure that producers achieve the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always.
The following are a number of different classifications of people that we believe would be interested in participating in purchasing a Profitable Production Rights License. To provide the software development revenues to People, Ideas & Objects and initiate the rebuilding process that oil & gas and all the subsidiary industries need to undertake.
Current, past and prospective oil & gas investors
Investors want profits and have not been rewarded for their efforts since 1986. They have experienced the same obstinate, protracted battle with the producer officers and directors that People, Ideas & Objects have experienced. Their participation in the Profitable Production Rights License would provide for People, Ideas & Objects revenues to change their current and prospective holdings into dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil & gas producers.
Our plan for the next few months involves investors getting involved in purchasing Profitable Production Rights Licenses in order to ensure their representative production is handled. To secure their ability to have their representative production processed through the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas software and service.
Current, past and prospective oil & gas bankers
As above.
North American based producers.
They’ll need to secure their production rights through direct purchase of a Profitable Production Rights License or engage a licensee to lease the incremental barrels they need to process their production volumes when the Cloud Administration & Accounting for Oil & Gas facility is operational.
“Muddle through” has a consistency over time and throughout the producer population. We have argued it has become the culture of the industry. In this transition to a performance based culture maybe this will be the start of a producer's competitive juices flowing.
Oil & gas producers based throughout the world.
A way to profit from North American production without the operational, financial or political risk. Both through direct ownership of the Profitable Production Right and indirectly through the most profitable means of oil & gas operations from consistent, marginal, global commodity prices.
Current oil & gas employees and vendors
Everyone identifies with the personal risks of being involved in disintermediating an industry. It brings out the possibility they’re attacked and subject to severe, unnecessary career consequences. The number of people who are of like mind to People, Ideas & Objects is significant in volume and I have sought to keep their information confidential for their safety and personal financial benefit. User community members who are sourced from this group are part-time positions. Their commitment will be required when their service provider organizations are being formed, well into the software development phase. There is a desire throughout the industry that something is done to deal with its issues and soon.
Would the overall population of oil & gas employees and vendors participate in the Profitable Production Rights License? Ownership of a product such as these licenses provides an opportunity for people to enhance their participation level in the industry. Having an indirect value being generated from the production of oil & gas is a risky proposition. With the transferability of the licenses to new properties and the Flexible Profitable Production License these risks are reduced. The leverage realized by these products are enhanced through the value proposition made available through Information Technologies disintermediation.
Current Service Industry representatives
Who have a vested interest in rebuilding the service industry to rebuild their trust in the producer firms. Profitable Production Rights Licenses would provide additional motivation for them to earn value in their chosen industry. Eliminating the oil & gas’ boom / bust cycle and its consequences, which are leveraged by producers to be experienced exclusively by service industry representatives.
Motivation has been the primary issue in the service industry these past few years. Faith and trust in the producer firms will need to be rebuilt by the producers if they expect to continue with their production profiles. In a “you broke it, you fix it” application of logic. Producers will need to conduct a recapitalization of the service industry through active philanthropic rebuilding of its capacities and capabilities. Providing evidentiary proof that there will be a second, third and more paychecks through the times when producers potentially destroy their businesses once again. Something that field staff will know they can reliably base a career, family and mortgage upon, in what is currently the 21st century. Producer officers and directors should take these comments as an arms length assessment of their past management.
Our user community and their service provider organizations.
Their participation in these software developments provides further motivation for their commitment to profitability everywhere and always. A means to benefit from a Profitable Production Rights License would be an incremental value-add to them from the value they seek to produce for the industry. Securing additional motivation in providing for the most profitable means of oil & gas operations, everywhere and always.
Our user community and their service provider organizations are derived from the general oil & gas community. Having a direct participation in the production process is attractive to these people.
These paint an ideal situation where the associated risks and issues of the software and services development are completed on budget and within a reasonable time. They assume the appeal of the Profitable Production Rights Licenses as explained to this point. All inherent risks associated with the purchase of this product are mitigated or overcome. This implies a collective and collaborative effort on behalf of the industry in order for its success. The scale of the issue demands such. And although we’re not there yet, I believe we are close to the time in which the understanding that actions in the form of the collective and collaborative industry wide effort are necessary and will be evident to all.