People, Ideas & Objects et al "Marshall Plan," Part I
Today we begin with what we are calling for lack of a better description a series entitled our “Marshall Plan” for the North American oil and gas industry. This plan is to begin dealing with the opportunities and issues producers and the service industry face as a result of the financial damage and destruction that has taken place. During the 21st century Houston was still considered the center of the global energy industry. Now it is where CEOs go to tell consumers not to look to them for their energy needs. It is now evident to most that the world is entering an era where energy is becoming a tool for political means. Something that we have not seen since the 1970s and something that can only be avoided through energy independence on this continent. Otherwise we are exposed to the issues of compromising our principles and values. And we are potentially having to allocate resources based on an energy supply that may be politically constrained, or face the consequences of having our economy operating at a level below its optimal performance due to the lack of oil and gas. A product which provides a minimum of 10,000 man hours of equivalent mechanical leverage in each and every barrel of oil. Providing that mechanical leverage through an infrastructure and energy source that can not be replaced.
The success of this plan is wholly dependent on the efforts of the entire industry making it so. This must be a deliberate effort by everyone involved in the industry to ensure that success is achieved. There can be no failure when we have no second chances and there can be no blaming, excuses or viable scapegoats for failure now or in the future.
The Issue,
People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations have no solution for the larger societal issues involving war or economic fallout associated with the shortages of energy. This is a poorly entitled series attempting to put the industries difficulties into context. We are focused on the issues and opportunities in the oil and gas industry. This “Marshall Plan” is to rebuild the oil and gas industry to provide for “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale” in the vision of the Preliminary Specification. Today we see the implications of North American producers not tending to their business. The fallout of energy shortfalls and the societal consequences are beginning to be seen as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There is no greater warning of what society's difficulties are when oil and gas enters the political argument. That is why we need to focus on what the objective for the North American oil and gas producers and the service industry needs to be as we move forward. Our current supply difficulties may be temporary and subside, however we need to understand the risks that are now clear and present from the position we’ve found ourselves in and that these risks should be considered ever present in our advanced economy. We hold the following position.
Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.
Joel A. Barker
Recent history between People, Ideas & Objects and producer firms is abysmal, in terms of their participation in our constructive engagement. We published our White Paper entitled “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale” a widely distributed paper, and we were summarily rejected by them. At which point they ran the price of oil down to negative $40 in just nine months of our White Papers publication. And then in 2021, in a chorus throughout the industry, producers stated that shale would never be commercial and directed their organizations towards clean energy. This is an abhorrent record in light of the current situation. What we’ve recently seen as a result of the potential demand increase from the war is the producers themselves stating they can’t meet the increased demand for a number of reasons that continue to be false and are in fact them deflecting their responsibility through blaming, excuses and viable scapegoats. We don’t doubt the inability to meet the demand, we feel the failure to do so is wholly attributable to the leadership of the producer firms. The need to now turn up the productive capacity of the continent is a dire necessity to secure our economy and way of life. And this leadership is more or less collectively saying “Well don’t look to us for help.”
Our “Marshall Plans” Response
The producers ultimate capitulation of responsibility is of no surprise to us. Past behavior is a good predictor of what can be expected. It is therefore incumbent upon us to detail the need for and the method of employing what we call the Preliminary Specification within the North American oil and gas industry. Disintermediation is the larger force that is working in all industries this century and the one that the producer bureaucrats are resisting People, Ideas & Objects et al so strongly for. Whether it is “muddle through,” “building balance sheets,” “putting cash in the ground,” or their capitulation of any responsibility to make North American energy independent through profitable shale production. And therefore “clean energy is their business.” It has been the mouthing of words, and words that soothe those that may have an issue with the producer bureaucrats at the time. Words that are spoken with absolutely no follow through with any action on any of them in the past four decades. Maybe we should start believing what it is they’re saying. Today they’re saying they can’t respond. I trust them to do exactly what they say as it doesn’t involve any oil and gas related action on their behalf. What are we waiting for then and why are we expecting anything from them? It’s time to rebuild the industry in the vision of the Preliminary Specification, brick by brick and stick by stick.
The Preliminary Specification was published in August 2012 and consists today of an ERP systems definition of approximately 200,000 words, defined in 13 specific oil and gas related modules, incorporating 3 marketplaces and integrating 5 organizational constructs including the Joint Operating Committee which is the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, strategic and innovation frameworks of the oil and gas industry as its key organizational construct. Our focus and priority is on our user community as there is no quality, usable software developed today that hasn’t been driven by user involvement. It is the product of ten years of research into “what,” “how” and “why” a producer and industry needed to be configured as, and the processes that were necessary to achieve a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable producer and industry. Ensuring that North American producers attained the most profitable means of oil and gas operations everywhere and always. Based on a fully integrated development with Oracle Cloud ERP’s tier 1 application. The Preliminary Specification is a business focused vision that balances the needs of the oil and gas producers and the service industry between profitable production and facilitating and enabling innovation in the earth science and engineering disciplines throughout the greater oil and gas economy.
Producer firms today, as they have for the past many decades have dealt with oil and gas commodities as scarce resources. Shales dynamics bring about an era of energy abundance where the commodities ability to overwhelm the market prices can be devastating throughout the greater oil and gas economy. The lack of production discipline by producers has caused untold unprofitability leading to the financial destruction we have witnessed in the past many decades and now a resource scarcity that is constraining the industry through the financial devastation that was realized throughout the producer population and service industry. A service industry that is not unwilling to do the work, it's that to a large extent they no longer exist. A protracted difficulty that is addressed specifically and resolved in the Preliminary Specification through the Resource Marketplace, Research & Capabilities and Knowledge & Learning modules.
Our user community and service providers are the key enablers in turning the administration and accounting capabilities and capacities of the producers' fixed cost overhead into the administrative and accounting capabilities and capacities of the industries variable overhead costs. Variability based on production. These non-competitive overhead costs are incurred in each and every producer in an unshared and unshareable manner, are replicated in each and every producer and are the secondary reason for chronic unprofitability. If the property is not profitable, based on the standard, objective financial statements that are produced in the Preliminary Specification then it is shut-in and moved to the producers inventory of innovative works in progress to return it to profitable production as soon as possible. While shut-in the property incurs a null operation, no profit but also no loss, enabling the producer firm to enhance their corporate profitability by not producing unprofitable properties and diluting their profitable ones. A standardized and objective accounting provided by our user communities service providers is necessary in order for producers to know that the determination of unprofitability at their property was based on the same standard and objective criteria as all the properties in the industry. Only then will production discipline be accepted and instilled. A simple business solution however one which the industry has not operated on before due to the scarcity of the resource being the defining characteristic of the organizational structure. The following is a quote and graph from our White Paper “Profitable, Energy Independence in North America -- Through the Commercialization of Shale” p. 31.
What People, Ideas & Objects provide in our Preliminary Specification, if we could assume the accuracy of this graph's numbers, is the point at which the property would be shut-in would be at the breakeven point and below. The reason for this being the production discipline gained through knowing that producing any property unprofitably only dilutes the producers corporate profits. Producing below the breakeven point is the point where unprofitability begins. Producing below the breakeven point for one producer, in an industry who’s commodities are price makers, will have the effect where the price of the commodities will be dropped below the breakeven price for all producers. When all producers continue to produce below the breakeven price for four decades you have an exhaustion of the value from the industry on an annual and wholesale basis. Times were only “good” when investors were willing.
Just as profitability has been unattainable in the industry due to the chronic overproduction, or unprofitable production starting in the early 1980s. Innovation has been the domain of the service industry. This is a science and technology based industry and those in the service industry with their hands on the problem are the ones who are coming up with the innovations that have driven the industry forward. This innovation has stalled and needs to be rebuilt within the greater oil and gas economy in order that consumers can rely on a stable supply of energy at reasonable prices. Producers need to better understand their role in funding innovation in the lower tiered industries that they are the primary industry to. That is their job, it is the service industry that provides the geographic and technical diversity through the depth and scale of their offerings. They are extensions of the producers and have no other customers other than oil and gas. This has been lost in the past few decades in the producers bureaucratic culture and is now the impediment to forward progress and the ability for producers to increase their production deliverability in a time that would be otherwise profitable. Would any of that production produced during April 2020 be of value today at $120 prices when it was sold at negative $40 prices? The lack of any production allocation methodology or discipline has been the demise of the industry and it will return quickly once again in the hands of these producer bureaucrats. It is systemic, chronic and most of all culturally inherent in the organizational structure of producers and industry. It can not be compromised with and the fastest route to a high performing industry is to rebuild it in the vision of the Preliminary Specification. Today’s abhorrent means and methods of overproduction will return at some point in the future as it has been the cause of every oil and gas price decline since 1986s oil price collapse. What the service industry also sees is the same thing that everyone sees. Producers setting a path to clean energy shows everyone that the producers are no longer serious about oil and gas, they’ve chosen another route.
Those interested in joining our user community are People, Ideas & Objects priority and focus. The Preliminary Specification, our user community and their service provider organizations provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence, everywhere and always. An industry where it will be less important who you know, but what you know and what you're capable of delivering, what the value proposition is that you’re offering? We know we can, and we know how to make money in this business. In addition, our software organizes the Intellectual Property of the exploration and production processes owned by the engineers and geologists. Enabling them to monetize their IP for a new oil & gas industry to begin with a means to be dynamic, innovative and performance oriented. Providing a new investment opportunity for those who see a bright future in the industry. A place where their administrative, accounting, exploration and production can be handled for the 21st century. People, Ideas & Objects. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.