They Put the Viable, in Viable Scapegoat
Last summer People, Ideas & Objects began a campaign to point out the associated personal risks to the bureaucrats of their inactions over the past decades. Highlighting the length of time the issue of overproduction had been present. Noting the date in which our solution in the form of the Preliminary Specification was published. Last week we noted how these bureaucrats have suddenly acknowledged that the oil and gas commodities are now in fact price makers! The critical and necessary change in an underlying assumption of how the industry has been operated and how this overproduction issue has existed for thirty five years. We had also been discussing the legal risks bureaucrats had placed themselves in as a result of not acting on the issue or our solution. And that by building the Preliminary Specification, it would provide bureaucrats with the ability to state “issue mitigated, nothing litigated” as a strategy to fulfill their fiduciary duties. We could see this wasn’t motivating them and therefore flipped our strategy to “nothing mitigated, issue litigated.” If they're not interested in working with us then that is their choice. What is clear now is they’ve chosen to pursue that strategy of mitigating their personal risks by implementing the price maker assumption within their consolidation business model and strategy. Although we appreciate that they appear to have begun to listen to us. The question we need to ask, on their behalf is, will it be adequate to resolve chronic overproduction?
Let me first add my two cents to the argument and assure everyone, and I am willing to provide a guarantee for this, that the consolidation business model and strategy will be effective in dealing with the chronic oil and gas overproduction issue. As we’ve seen before, as soon as the oil price dips to negative $40; bureaucratic action replaces words and some production will be shut-in without any excuses. Or was it the refineries refusing to accept any more product? This is the threshold in which they’ve proven to find acceptable before and as we note in the remainder of this post, is the cultural, systemic and bureaucratic way of their future. What I think needs to be asked is, how did this issue insidiously ruin the industry while those responsible stood by and benefited financially and so substantially?
Another question we need to ask is, outside of the expanded domain of the bureaucracy what is the purpose, vision and benefit of the consolidation business model and strategy. We have seen over the past three and a half decades a capacity to avoid the necessary actions to resolve this or any issue. There was always a readily available chorus of producers to sing in perfect harmony as to why, what and how the industry was affected and their response. These included some of their Championship winning excuses, blaming and as we described viable scapegoats such as. ‘Praying for a cold winter,” “we’re profitable,” “we’re profitable at $50, $40, $30, $20!” “market rebalancing,” “it’s all about cash flow,” “it’s OPEC’s fault,” “we can’t shut-in production as it will damage the formation,” “we’re going to apply Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to the business to gain improvements,” and “the government has to save us with direct support or tariffs.'' There are those that are employed in their Rube Goldberg machines that use Artificial Intelligence to analyze the global storage tanks with floating roofs to determine the current state of the market. And let us not forget the classic stand by, “muddle through.”
How is it that thirty five years have passed? It seems just like yesterday doesn’t it? Over the course of the past thirty five years how many producers, even by using their specious accounting, can lay claim to overall profitability? Of those that have existed during that period, none have earned any profits even using their methods of deferring all their capital, overhead and some interest as property, plant and equipment. Such is the Championship form of these bureaucrats. Taking the exceptional items such as Apache’s $28 billion loss in 2015, Chesapeake’s reclassification of $24 billion in retained earnings. The losses reported in 2016 and 2020 would all but wipe out anything positive from all of the prior periods to the beginning of the overproduction issue in 1986. Once again that is using their suspect accounting. We have to remember these balance sheets continue to contain disproportionately bloated balances of property, plant and equipment that are nothing more than the unrecognized capital costs of past production. Or we could restate that to read as future unrecognized losses.
Production discipline is the issue in the market today. Granted under the bureaucrats price taker thinking, where the market magically accepts everything that is produced. How will discipline be instilled in the proposed business model of the bureaucrats “new” price maker consolidation model. According to the definition “The price maker is also a profit-maximizer because it will increase output only as long as its marginal revenue is greater than its marginal cost. In other words, as long as it is producing a profit.” What is the motivation for them to employ the necessary level of production discipline? Within the Preliminary Specification it is real profitability everywhere and always. When the unprofitable properties are removed from the production profile the producer's profitability is maximized when they’re no longer diluted by unprofitable production. This is achieved as a result of the reorganization of the administrative and accounting resources of the producers into service providers in order to achieve the variable overhead in each and every Joint Operating Committee. The granularity in the accounting conducted under the Preliminary Specification achieves the capability of each Joint Operating Committee to have financial statements prepared each month to provide this accounting information. Information that is not produced today, and is unproducable in any form whatsoever in the industry. Therefore we will need to ask the bureaucrats how will their “new” accounting achieve the necessary granularity for them to determine precisely which properties are profitable and which properties are not? We have seen through their past accounting that everything, everywhere is always “profitable” therefore this may not be an issue!?
Hence we begin to see the prefix viable that People, Ideas & Objects always attaches to scapegoat. People always give these bureaucrats the benefit of the doubt, “they have to try it first, I guess” at which point the bureaucrat will respond “yes, we’ll muddle through it somehow.” The annual general meeting season will soon be over and the need for viable scapegoats and the acceptance of price maker and consolidated business models will no longer be of concern and will ultimately and eventually be replaced by next year's even more viable scapegoats. Alternatively price makers could be asserted to be failures and have the theory of oil and gas price maker set back in terms of its viability and acceptability in the market. “We embraced it, and it was proven to be incorrect.” Much as if they might say today “we shut-in production but still lost money.” Here’s an idea, use the two as a fatal one - two punch combination. “We tried shutting in production to increase prices and both of these theories failed when we lost money.” The existing bureaucratic culture is regressive, but a new dynamic culture inherent in consolidated bureaucracies is what is necessary to replace it? Will this be what provides the much needed production discipline?
My posts lately have taken on an enhanced level of criticism and sarcasm. The nagging question I have is when are the bureaucrats going to take on the responsibility and accountability of their past actions, and do so outside the domain of their personal concerns? Begin to undertake the obligations they hold in ensuring that affordable and abundant energy independence is achieved on this continent? I certainly am not apologizing, I am asserting that this must stop and the only solution is through the tried and tested means of economic creative destruction. The tool that has been used in these times and on the occasions when the status quo proves to be inadequate to resolve the issues it faces. The only solution as it stands today, from a creative destruction point of view, is People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and their service provider organizations implementation of the Preliminary Specification. The natural forces of disintermediation and creative destruction are being obstructed through the diversion of industries revenues away from the development of these initiatives. And therefore are unnecessarily directly supporting the status quo behaviors that have been proven to be disastrous.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.