You Can't Buy Time
Abundant volumes of time that producers had at their disposal to deal with what has been clearly identified as an issue have been frittered and wasted. That issue being chronic overproduction, or unprofitable production, that overwhelmed the commodity markets causing oil prices to collapse. Last summer we documented with two articles from The Calgary Herald entitled “OPEC Minister can see Economic Destruction” and “Return to Glory Days Unlikely” from July 26, 1986. ( paywall.) Where OPEC had commenced a price war with North American producers in an attempt to deal with the global overproduction of oil and seek some cooperation in the future allocation of production. Prices collapsed at that time to $10 / barrel as a result of the overproduction and declared war. This also began the phenomenon of the bureaucratic blaming, excuses and scapegoating. Proof that nothing changes when bureaucrats have implemented their “muddle through” strategy. An issue that has been ever present in the oil markets for at least 35 years, which has to be a record for any industry. With the proliferation of shale gas wells in the early part of this century. The same business model has been applied to the natural gas side of the industry. This first destroyed the natural gas price on a continental basis. Which then brought about the spending boom in reversing and building LNG facilities for export. We’ve now seen the North American producers apply their magic elixir to the global natural gas market with collapsed natural gas prices at times barely paying for the LNG shipping costs. One attribute of the “muddle through” business model is that nothing is ever the fault of any bureaucrats, and this therefore demands that no actions ever be taken by them.
What I felt in 1991 was necessary, was for North American based producers to curtail some of their production in order to have the price of the commodities return to the point where they were profitable. Looking at the makeup of the industry, the methods used to account for operations and what would be needed in order to shut-in production it became obvious quite quickly that this would be destructive to the producer firm. New methods of organization were going to be necessary to configure the industry and producer firms in order to enable the producer to continue to prosper at whatever level of their production profile. This was in May of 1991 and I completed this work in the form of the published Preliminary Specification in December 2013. Our solution allocates production on the basis of profitability. If the property can produce a profit based on a standard, objective accounting then it will continue to produce. Otherwise it would be shut-in which provides the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the ability to ensure their business is always profitable everywhere and always, just as all businesses in other industries do. The determination of profitability is based on actual, factual accounting at the Joint Operating Committee level providing producers with the means in which to allocate production fairly, equitably and objectively.
In addition to the demands for the reorganization to allow the producers to be profitable everywhere and always, disintermediation is a natural consequence of the development of the Internet. All businesses and industries will be subject to the forces of disintermediation and it will only be a matter of time that the bureaucracy is worked out of the North American economy. The Preliminary Specification never set out to do this but it is a decided benefit. Hence the pushback that we’ve seen to People, Ideas & Objects initiative.
I could be accused of solving this problem on a glacial time frame. The key point however is that I acted and the business model is complete. Due to my actions the industry has had a solution in hand to deal with these issues and implement them on a cost effective basis. Most people in the industry today can see our value proposition is significant in that the current environment is not sustainable and will end quickly and poorly for all concerned. If industry would have acted to build the Preliminary Specification in a timely manner, at a time when it was first available they would have avoided most of the destruction that has occurred from the oil and gas price collapse, and the subsequent investor strike that has seemingly yet to catch the attention of the bureaucrats. It is the period of time since December 2013 that has been irretrievably lost by their inactions. In many ways they’ve wasted this time in defense of their own personal financial aggrandizement. A time in which they’ve lost control of the financial and operational frameworks of the oil and gas industry.
That the time necessary to maintain control has slipped away and the destruction has been comprehensive and unnecessary. With a clearly defined issue destroying the industry, since at least 1986, which will continue to destroy the industry until it’s resolved. With a solution provided since December 2013 that was subject to ten years of research, ignored and belittled. Granted it is not the solution that the bureaucrats want or need to support their personal take, it is however, the only workable solution available. We can conclude that time is not a concern when it comes to other people’s money, careers or business interests for an oil and gas bureaucrat.
It has been since December 2013 that I’ve worked in a number of ways to secure time on behalf of the industry. These have been significant steps taken to reduce the time of our development in order to both increase the quality of our offering and reduce the time required to deliver our product. This has had a material impact on our budget, and may continue to severely impact our budget as time is the critical cost the industry is facing. I consider these costs strategic spending to increase our capacities and capabilities. Each year the revenues of the producers are inadequate to cover the costs of oil and gas exploration and production. Investors are refusing to continue to make up that difference. Banks are beginning to reign in producers' prolific spending by reducing access to debt. There is little that can be done now to offset the disrespect and lack of regard that bureaucrats hold for their existing shareholders. Issuing shares to consolidate their operations based on valuations that are significantly below the values that investors paid (commonly referred to as a downround) is usually a sign that the firm is not headed in the right direction. However investors knew that in 2015, therefore the bureaucrats consider that history and are realizing they have nothing to lose. We know organizations have turned to the Junk Bond markets for financing over the past forty years, yet have not moved on to dominate their industries or for that matter survived. What is the justification for oil and gas bureaucrats using the Junk Bond market for debt refinancing and other financial services?
In the first quarter of 2014 we made our first critical step towards the development of the Preliminary Specification in the publication of the user community vision. In combination with the Preliminary Specification people within the industry have been sought out to join our user community and participate in its developments once we’re funded. People, Ideas & Objects are user community based ERP software based developments. User based involvement in the development of software is the only method which People, Ideas & Objects will be involved in. It is the only method in which to develop quality software. In past ERP developments, the declaration of their user base was without an overall product vision, and the key elements that we’ve established within our user community vision. Soon after the commencement of those developments the lack of either vision, the time based realities of formulating them and the cost of user based developments quickly eliminates the users involvement from that development. People, Ideas & Objects user community has been under development since the first quarter of 2014. Based on the overall vision of the Preliminary Specification. With the user community vision as their guide as to how these developments will be developed and delivered. What their involvement will be in the short term, and the long term through their service provider organizations. What is it that these people have been thinking about since that time?
Our user community is budgeted at 3,000 part-time participants. This is due to the scope and scale of the Preliminary Specification handling the administrative and accounting, including the ERP systems related attributes of the oil and gas applications needs. User community development is a significant aggravating factor to the People, Ideas & Objects development time and budget. Our commitment to the user community is that we will have the user community in place before the development of software. They will have prepared their first derivative works of the Preliminary Specification before development is undertaken. Although these are impediments to the time in which we’ll be able to deliver our product, they are necessary to maintain the quality we expect and the industry will need. We have been working on our user communities development since the first quarter of 2014, the long lead times in user community development are due to the development and distribution of the “vision” of what and how the users will be developing. These are well behind us with much of these visions creating permanent cognitive dissonance, as well as cognitive and motivational paradoxes being dealt with by the expenditure of time. In the Knowledge & Learning module of the Preliminary Specification I noted.
As background, the motivational paradox arises from the production bias. That is, “users lack the time to learn new applications due to the overwhelming concern for throughput. Their work is hampered by this lack of learning and consequently productivity suffers.” The cognitive paradox has its root in the assimilation bias. People tend to apply “what they already know in coping with new situations, and can be bound by the irrelevant and misleading similarities between the old and new situations.” This can prevent people from learning and applying new and more effective solutions.
The time for industry to have been involved to mitigate their losses is something that we provided and we are not responsible for their inaction and subsequent loss of time. We anticipate further disruption from the bureaucracy in attempts to secure their franchise as the only effective means of oil and gas management. A primary reason for our budget being funded fully before any work is done. Quality will not be sacrificed as a result of bureaucratic and other pressures. We are not seeking perfection but striking a balance between the quality that we have at our disposal as a result of our actions over the past seven years. And the value that we provide that is close to a trillion dollars in incremental revenues for North American producers. These values are what are needed for a viable and healthy oil and gas and greater economic structure for the next generation.
Looking critically at the development of the Preliminary Specification it became clear to me that it was not something that was viably undertaken as a startup. Taking on this scope and scale of development work would demand a sophisticated organization of high quality developers in the range of 600 to 800 people. An organization that would take years to build and possibly the better part of a decade to become an effective, productive unit and if possible a high performing team. Possibly. This is inadequate for our purposes, it does not allow anyone to leverage the time that has been invested into the development of the Preliminary Specification or user community. Therefore we considered the focus of our organization had to change. We no longer would focus on software development as a competitive advantage. And instead would revert to the following three distinct competitive advantages that we can leverage what we have today to deliver our value to the industry. These are Intellectual Property, research and our user community will be the three areas of our focus. We began this revised configuration in September 2018 which brings about a number of new dynamics within the People, Ideas & Objects offering and organization.
Oracle provides the highest quality products and services in the ERP marketplace. That is the reason that we chose them for use of their Fusion Applications and Fusion Middleware solutions as the base of the Preliminary Specification. I have worked extensively with Oracle in the past. In 1992 my firm signed a comprehensive development agreement to provide client service solutions to the Canadian oil and gas industry. This partnership ended in February 1997 and I am satisfied to continue this relationship once again. The quality of Oracle’s offerings are too great, in my opinion, to concede to my competitors. I would be unaware of how I would be able to make up for the deficiencies between Oracle products and services and its competitors.
It was therefore natural for me to turn to Oracle at this time to contract the development of the Preliminary Specification. Please note, I have had no discussions with Oracle about this contract. I am aware of how they conduct their operation and am not interested in wasting their time while the oil and gas bureaucrats fritter and waste. I will talk to them when I have the appropriate money in my hands. Besides our first step will be the user community as we’ve noted above. There will be enough time to negotiate the comprehensive development contract we desire as our needs have been developing and are being defined and captured on a daily basis. Oracle’s development capabilities are reflected in the quality of their products. This is a reflection of their organizations capabilities and is a characteristic of their services as well. Services that include software developments that are wholly consistent with the needs of the Preliminary Specification and our user community in the role that we are discussing here. The last time I looked there were 7,000 developers in the Oracle division that provides these services and we would be able to access that without encumbering it. Since we use the Oracle stack in the subscribed and recommended manner that Oracle suggests, they will be efficient in the delivery of our software. Oracle ERP Cloud is now the service that houses all of these features and this will be how the oil and gas producers and industry, the service industry, user community and service providers will access the People, Ideas & Objects software that we develop through Oracle and Oracle database, Java Programming Language and Fusion Applications. In terms of the time vs cost differential, this change is substantial in terms of cost, initially. It reduces our delivery time, possibly in the order of as much as a decade, and increases our probability of success. These costs are incidental, once again, to the wastage that has become second nature to our very good friends the oil and gas bureaucrats.
An area that has been particularly detrimental to the deliverables of People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification is for us to continue to uphold the standard that producers must have some skin in the game. We are demanding producers financially support the development of this software and its continued use. It is far easier for me to uphold this standard, even in the face of such obstinance from the bureaucrats, due to the fact that if I was to secure funding elsewhere, build the product, I would be faced with the same obstinate behavior in attempting to make a sale, rinse and repeat. Therefore it is better to uphold this standard now than it is to waste investors money that I can never guarantee a return on. If only everyone considered these things before taking other people’s money. If the bureaucrats obstinance is stopping them from participating in funding the Preliminary Specification while the industry they so expertly manage is in such disarray. If they can’t see that an investment here is far more likely and more secure in terms of providing real returns to their organization in comparison to any oil and gas deal could ever provide, what would compel them to act in their own best interest otherwise. They are personally conflicted and compromised, they are not operating in the best interest of their organizations shareholders of which they personally pledged to do.
It is these initiatives that we’ve focused on to provide the industry with the delivery of the Preliminary Specification as quickly as possible. There are many others, however none with the material impact these will have. In general Information Technology has matured in the ERP space. The Preliminary Specification was possibly unattainable technically in 2013. Those days are gone, the ability and capability of the IT we are using now fits with my understanding of the demands of our product. The business risk on behalf of the industry is being managed by the bureaucrats at this time. People, Ideas & Objects and our user communities business risks are being effectively managed today through the Internet. Where we are able to do our work outside the purview of the bureaucrats and their vengeful ways. This is costing many sleepless nights and curious questions being asked by users that need to be answered through the long and difficult process of conflict and contradiction. This is a collaborative environment where issues, the search for issues and the codification of their resolution is the objective and the goal. In terms of the business risk specifically to People, Ideas & Objects we continue to mitigate the time vs. cost equation that is of such extreme importance to our organizations product delivery. And financial risk to us remains the constant we all know and love. The financial risk to the industry is well past what I thought would be necessary to trigger action. We are in a new world in oil and gas, that being where shale is formally introduced to “muddle through.”
“You can’t buy time'' is generally what is understood by most people. This applies to the bureaucrats due to the fact that they’ve lost so much through their inactions, or is it a strategic choice in “muddle through.” The financial destruction they’ve incurred is permanent and the trajectory of their demise only accelerates. They’re along for the ride, until it no longer becomes profitable for them personally or their litigation gets out of control. Until then there are Junk Bonds. Thankfully time has not all been lost. The work that People, Ideas & Objects and our user community have done is substantial in terms of offsetting the commitment of time necessary to ensure a viable, quality working model is available to the industry when it dispatches the bureaucrats to the scrap heap of history. It’s true that you can never buy time, but sometimes you have to create the time necessary despite those that should have, could have or would have done the right thing, that being their job in this case. We’re not finished with our pursuit of time and the completion of this project, it may not even be the end of the beginning, but time will tell.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. Anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.