Defining Implementation Costs
Sticking with the topic of our priority, that being our user community, we need to discuss the topic of and definition of our software’s implementation. It is the role and responsibility for the planning, organizing and completion of the implementation of the Preliminary Specification by our user community members. Many of these tasks will be undertaken by them as the principles of their service provider organizations. It will therefore be the role and responsibility of the user community member to determine what is necessary in the development of our software, just as it will be for them to determine what the implementation requirements are. Defining this further as either Joint Operating Committee facing or producer facing types of work. The sources of revenues that support these Joint Operating Committee facing activities of the user community and service providers needs to be clarified and that is the purpose of this blog post. The software development activities fall under the People, Ideas & Objects budget. However, the existing producers are never going to fund the budget of People, Ideas & Objects. I don’t know where the money for our development will come from at this time. But it certainly is not going to come from the current producers themselves. They would have done it by now, well before the point where they lost control of the industry, and now that they’ve achieved that level of destruction, what's their motivation to do anything?
There was never any intention that the costs of implementation, or these Joint Operating Committee facing costs, were to be incurred as part of the budget of People, Ideas & Objects. The determination of the costs of our user community were based on a 1 to 1 basis with the developers. For each dollar of cost of the user community member to conduct their research, determine the appropriate solution, communicate with the developer and ensure that the solution is built appropriately is mirrored by the developer communicating with the user community member, writing, testing and confirming the code with the user community members and deploying the feature to the build. Our budget covers these development facing costs. It would be at this point that the user community member would turn to the Joint Operating Committees, communicate the needs of the application, ensure that the producers data is being aggregated and organized into the defined processes of the application, etc. Or in other words, the commencement of the implementation of the software application within the Joint Operating Committees and their associated producers. It will be the cost of the user community member, their service provider organization and any costs associated with these implementation activities within the producer firms and Joint Operating Committees themselves that will be billed by the user community member or service provider directly to the Joint Operating Committee to be paid by their respective producer firms.
It’s important to note the Joint Operating Committee is the key organizational construct of the Preliminary Specification and therefore is the point in which implementation occurs. Therefore, implementation via the Joint Operating Committee is the appropriate approach and will reduce the overall costs of implementation when the data are distributed to each of the producer participants of the property. The point that I am making here is that the costs of the implementation is borne by the owners of the Joint Operating Committee directly through billings by the user community members and their service providers organizations. It is these costs that were never considered as part of the development of the Preliminary Specification. I am writing this to clarify any confusion I may have caused when discussing in this blog about both the development and implementation of the Preliminary Specification. Simply one does not occur without consideration of the other. It did not imply that our budget handled the costs of both development and implementation of our solution.
Whether the user community member conducts these implementation services out of their own “user community” based organization or through the service provider organization that they need to build in order to accommodate that requirement when implementation and production, or the software going live occurs, is purely up to them as independent businesses. The part time revenues for the development work would become less involved in their day to day as we proceeded forward, implementation based revenues would begin and then production revenues would commence. Until finally once we are in production with the software and services in the oil and gas industry the user community members will have begun to earn many revenue streams from the Joint Operating Committees. First, or initially the user communities part time revenues from their participation in the development work will continue to be assessed by People, Ideas & Objects and billed to the Joint Operating Committees. And these user community development revenues would continue throughout the life of the softwares expected 25 year life. Implementation revenues will commence at some point and also continue throughout the life cycle of the application. And finally the revenues of the user community members service provider operation will begin for the remainder of the softwares usable and operational life. These service provider revenues will be very substantial as the service providers will be establishing the competitive alternative to what the administrative and accounting capabilities of each of the producers in the industry are providing today.
Some may feel these assertions and points of view are ludicrous and would never come to be. As they have regarding every aspect of what I have been writing about since December 2005. Today the industry is in a state of collapse. Resurrecting it in the vision of the past doesn’t inspire anyone. The service providers are the key to making the administrative and accounting costs, the overhead of the industry, an industry based capability that is variable, based on production. Replacing the fixed capability that is unshared and unshareable in each and every producer firm. Where each producer has replicated the non competitive attributes of administration and accounting in the same way as each of their neighbor producers. I’m sure there are a variety of alternative solutions to the issues that the industry is faced with. And those may be available as soon as the next decade or so. Today, what options does the industry have? The Preliminary Specification is a workable model that solves each and every issue that has caused the collapse of the North American producer and industry. It is timely and provides a value proposition that is needed desperately to offset the cumulative losses that have been incurred these past decades. It’s easy to point at one or two elements here and there and suggest it’s therefore unworkable. We don’t have that option now and we must make the Preliminary Specification a success.
What won’t happen is that the industry will never have someone bring the solution to them on a silver platter on a speculative cost basis. I suggest nothing will be done anywhere in the North American oil and gas economy on spec for at least a decade. The bureaucrats have destroyed the good faith of the industry. As any service based organization, the opportunity to make any money in providing for the oil and gas industry on a speculative basis is offset by risks associated with just being paid. The need to have this done on a voluntary basis by the developers and users is also something that producer bureaucrats would love to see. And would never happen. Everyone will be compensated for all of their time. The successful delivery of the Preliminary Specification can only be achieved successfully by people fully committing to the project and getting it done. Financial risk doesn’t play into that need, on the contrary it destroys it. We have also stated on many occasions in this blog and Preliminary Specification that we are not going to be “blind sleepwalking agents of whomever will feed us.” We must have the financial resources secured prior to the commencement of any work in order to ensure that we’re not controlled by any group that seeks to compromise or confuse us between the old ways and the need to rebuild the industry in the vision of the Preliminary Specification. We’ve been betrayed by the methods that are in use today, we need to start by rebuilding the industry brick by brick, and stick by stick.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations, everywhere and always. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects have published a white paper “Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale.” that captures the vision of the Preliminary Specification and our actions. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz, anyone can contact me at 713-965-6720 in Houston or 587-735-2302 in Calgary, or email me here.