I’m setting this post in place for future reference. I've had many people since I published the
White Paper "Profitable, North American Energy Independence -- Through the Commercialization of Shale" who are stuck in their ways, debating the issue with me and I am finding these conversations very frustrating. Some have done me the courtesy of reading the White Paper, others have not. Yet the overall cultural inertia of the industry is overwhelming the good sense and judgement of these people. I’ve spent a decade researching and formulating a comprehensive business model that deals with the issues and unique characteristics of the oil and gas industry. A business model that works and has the need of each element of its model operating in consideration of all the other elements in the model. What people are hearing is one small element of the model and are able to, with one half second of thought and with no understanding of the integration of the Preliminary Specification criticize a specific element of it without the benefit of understanding the interactions and dependencies of the whole model, and therefore conclude the entire Preliminary Specification would therefore never work. What I’m hearing is that “we’ve always been here before and it’s always turned around. Markets will rebalance and producers will recover.” More and more of these conversations show the obstinance and incoherent nature of the industry's culture coming through. This is, and has not been a business for many decades. The industry's culture is derivative of criminal naivety and the damage done as a result has eliminated all of the value, goodwill and future possibilities. The existing structure of the organizations that are the producers, their sycophantic head office suppliers who are just as bought into the culture feign not to understand the issues that they’ve created. I’m tired of being laughed at by these people for the things I’m saying when they refuse to admit the basic facts of the destruction they’ve caused. Basic facts such as no investors, no bankers the secondary follow on destruction of the service industry and general economy has occurred through their actions. Today bureaucrats seek cover from governments as the “coronavirus is destroying their business.” Just the latest in a convenient stream of excuses. Realize that people have had enough.
This post therefore rips the bandage off the wound and exposes the damage for all to see. It takes the current situation and relates it in the stark terms that it needs to be understood by these bureaucrats. Throughout our
White Paper we note that bureaucrats just don’t listen to anyone or anything. It is over. The investors, bankers and others are gone forever in the current configuration of producers. The service industry will only take cash upfront in a refurbished industry. Bankers are now skipping the bankruptcy proceedings. Circumventing it by foreclosing on the producer and seizing the assets. That way they’ll be better able to manage the assets than has been the case. The people who have been running the show up until now have no credibility with anyone whatsoever. That is why there is no support coming to the aid of the industry. The manner in which the industry has been operated for the past number of decades has been purely for the self interested bureaucrats. We have consistently identified them and held them as being the ones that are solely responsible for all the damage and destruction. And they conducted this purposefully to line their own pockets. Their method was to employ high levels of “capital discipline” with respect to the money taken from investors. However, any cash flow from those investments was to be used in whatever struck their fancy. There are no other people who are responsible for anything. The only way to fix the industry, the only way we’ll find the financial resources is that we find it within ourselves to recognize these facts and begin the humble act of rebuilding the industry in an appropriate manner.
No one conducts a criminal enterprise at the level that has been conducted here and just resumes operation after all of the destruction. There will be a wholesale accounting and those that are responsible for this will be identified and held accountable. Whether they knew or not. By not recognizing the appropriate timing of capital costs in the cost of the product that was sold it inflated assets, profits and cash flow. Where the mantra was “build balance sheets” in a capital intensive industry, it should have been the objective to pass those capital costs on to the consumers as soon as possible. The assets listed on the balance sheet of the producers today are nothing more than the unrecognized capital cost of past production. Financial statements of all producers are materially misstated throughout the industry. Materially is a wholly inadequate word for the purposes here. They are incoherent facsimiles of each other producers' financial statements. Indiscernible as to the performance of the organization in comparison to any of its competitors. They are fudge, designed to be fudge, supported by second class ERP systems from the 1980’s that have been placed on starvation diets so that the accounting would be as opaque as possible. This should now be obvious to all.
Maybe the resources were not provided to the ERP systems providers deliberately to assist in not having the accounting exposed as the ponzi scheme that it was and is. People might ask if this was a deliberate scam or was it a mistake. Read what we said in this section of our
White Paper about the history of ERP systems providers on page 18 and determine for yourselves. Why is it that no major ERP vendor provides any oil and gas solution to the industry? If I was running a scam of this magnitude I sure wouldn’t want Oracle to be providing me with my accounting system.
In our White Paper we note on pages 9 and 73, the assertion is made that the accounting conducted over the past four decades was and is a deliberate ponzi scheme perpetrated by the oil and gas producers on the investors and bankers and for the benefit of the bureaucrats. There is no other way to describe it. This is more than anything an accounting issue, as it was with Bernie Madoff, who claimed his innocence, don't you know. Which has led to the naive culture of the industry, as everyone who is in the business today started after 1980, more or less. In business, officers and directors are held accountable and responsible for the actions that they take. If they were conducting a ponzi scheme and were unaware of it, tell it to the judge, I’m sure they’ll be sympathetic. Claiming that they were unaware and did not know is not a defence and will be the reason that they’re hit twice as hard when the day their punishment is levied. And please remember, prisons are filled with innocent people.
And of course the moral and ethical standards of the producers is beyond reproach, we’ll hear. That this alleged corruption claim I’m making is nothing more than the continuation of a long litany of accusations by yours truly. (Of which all have been validated.) Then read the section on page 20 of our
White Paper. There it documents that producer bureaucrats have been notorious abusers of individuals and companies Intellectual Property. Stealing from one company to upgrade the capabilities of another company so that price competition is fostered in the marketplaces that they use. Or how they attempted to abuse People, Ideas & Objects Intellectual Property on five different occasions. Contrast this IP abuse, the financial statement facade and the odd inability of producers to use any major software vendors ERP system to the heroic stand these bureaucrats make regarding our decentralized production models price maker strategy. What they assert is its collusion and they would never touch it in a million years. “They are good corporate citizens!” No, they’ve been scamming pretty much everyone and their franchise is challenged mostly by the Preliminary Specifications price maker strategy and therefore have to have a strong argument to fight back with. The fact is for a producer to make an independent business decision to produce or not, based on
profitability, determined from actual, factual accounting information is a wise business practice. One that is employed in every other industry, and therefore not collusion. But somehow inconsistent with the purposes of oil and gas? Why would that be?
Isn’t it odd today that the claim that production will be shut-in on the stripper wells and therefore that production will be lost? The profitable assets, unknown to anyone, are the ones that the engineers are not interested in. These so-called stripper wells that produce very low daily volumes, the ones that “can’t be shut-in.” have been producing for decades. They therefore have retired the amount of capital costs incurred, particularly when their wells were drilled and completed for less than $100 thousand. How then would they be unprofitable? Why do the producers look at these as the unprofitable properties? A) they don’t know because their accounting and systems are useless. B) they’re only interested in the “pristine assets” as the CEO of Chevron recently eloquently stated. Remember the first principle of oil and gas is that it’s not a business, it's a criminal operation.
Ever notice how, as I’ve documented here many times before the boogeyman is always lurking behind every corner. Anytime something negative turns up the bureaucratic finger pointing and excuses are started for a fresh scapegoat to keep the “facade” going. None of the producers ever have anything to do with anything negative, inaction is their claim to fame. They have a thousand reasons as to why my arguments are not valid. If I point out how they’re wrong, they’ll come up with a new one. No one seems to be the wiser of their talking points developments. Watch how this issue will be topical in about a month.
I’m sure those that were giggling before are now ROFLOL. Fine, let them. But before they make a comment I suggest they pick up a business book and read about some of the companies that didn’t survive the same type of corruption that has been going on here. Start with WorldCom, move to Enron and most certainly take into account the activities of Bernie Madoff. I’m sure for many of the industry bureaucrats these books have been followed religiously in terms of what to do. They've been running a scam and now the scam has been discovered. The administration that caused this, and their cohorts, will not be the ones who are put back in power to run the industry again. This will go down as one of the biggest frauds perpetrated in the western world.
I’m not going to bother engaging or entertaining them anymore. I’ll just refer to this post and let them read my position here. I’ve got a lot of cleaning up to do. And when they do find that there is a group that agrees with me, on all aspects of the Preliminary Specification and People, Ideas & Objects
budget does get funded, don’t call on me, I’ll be busy having the last laugh. I’m not the one who caused this, I’m not the one that needs to be held accountable, I’m not the one that needs to be arguing the point, I’m the one that’s been trying to get it fixed, I’m solving the problem and the bureaucrats have been the ones feeding at the trough at everyone else's expense.
What People, Ideas & Objects have in the Preliminary Specification is an Oracle based ERP system that standardizes the accounting across the industry, increases the quality of the accounting across the industry, structures the industry to foster innovation, focuses the industry and producers on
profitability everywhere and always, and maybe best of all disintermediates the bureaucracy. A business model which has been summarily rejected by these bureaucrats since its publication in December 2013? Yes that’s a question. Based on what we know today everyone better understands the motivations our very good friends the bureaucrats had in conducting themselves in this compromised, self-serving and corrupt way.
I am open to discussing any aspect of the issues in the industry and our proposed solution. I am however no longer falling for the engagement by those who do not have clean hands, naive or not, on bits and pieces they may find of particular interest or amusement. If you’re interested in discussing anything along the lines of this topic I am here, just be prepared, study what the proposed solution is and have the requisite courtesy of doing so.
The excuse machine is very effective about getting the appropriate song sheet distributed before everyone starts singing from it, doesn’t it? What we do know is that nothing is ever done about anything. Natural gas was destroyed in 2010. Investors left, except for Warren Buffet, in 2016. Nothing is ever done, it’s always someone else's fault and there’s a convenient excuse for that. Who’s accountable for that and why did this happen?