Our Oil and Gas White Paper, Part VIII
What is generally known and understood for the past number of decades is that the knowledge and skills necessary to make a pencil isn’t and can’t be contained within one individual. Whether this is the case or not is unknown, which in a way implies its validity. People, Ideas & Objects budget involves 5,000 man years of effort for the development of the Preliminary Specification based on the user communities definition and participation. These developments will be made on top of the commitments and investment that have been made by Oracle to develop their generic accounting and ERP systems that form the base of the Preliminary Specification. The number we are recruiting for our user community is approximately 3,000. A number that I believe we need in order to develop an understanding of the industry and how it fully operates. These people will have to be well versed in their knowledge and specialization of how the industry operates. Their contributions will also need to be reviewed and confirmed by other users. The end product of the software will need to be tested within the industry to ensure that if functions as it’s designed to.
These attributes need to be done carefully and thoughtfully. We are not recreating the failing systems that support the industry today. We are designing, developing and delivering software that supports the business model in the Preliminary Specification and the way in which work needs to be conducted within the industry. It will be a creative and innovative process that the users will use to solve the issues they will face during the development process, and to discover the solutions that will meet their needs. It will be the users as the principal in the service provider organization that will manage a process that they’re most familiar with. Although the process may be simple and easy to use, the scope and scale of the data that is produced across the industry will demand that they comprehend these new data related implications within their process design. Here is where their competitive advantages of quality, specialization and the division of labor, automation, innovation, integration and leadership will begin. Once our software and services are operational they will constantly iterate the process through their access to our software developers via their principals membership in the user community and their hands on understanding of what works and what doesn’t in the process that they manage.
When we consider the number of organizations that will be permanently working on the development and betterment of the software and services contained within this sub-industry, as I choose to call it, we will find that its diversity, scope and scale is designed to match the difficulties of the tasks that we are approaching. We are not taking our responsibilities lightly. However at the same time we are not conducting rocket science. We have assessed that oil and gas, both the industry and producers are failing. We feel that the difficulties of our competitors has limited their opportunities to address these oil and gas industry issues. The producers starvation diet will do that. The technologies that are employed in the industry, their level of integration and innovation in which they’ve been implemented are steeped in the software vendors legacies of the 1980’s. The maturation of the Information Technologies that People, Ideas & Objects are using in the development of the Preliminary Specification, our budget and our approach will be able to successfully achieve these tasks.
People, Ideas & Objects is more accurate and valid today than when we first proposed the use of the Joint Operating Committee in August 2003. It is far more valid since the final edited version of the Preliminary Specification was published in December 2013. Producers have and will continue to fail spectacularly so. Their future is the most comprehensively difficult that they’ve ever faced. Yet their preparation and approach is to continue to muddle along and do nothing. Essentially what they’ve done for the past four decades. A time in which they learned, through specious accounting, that “they made bags of money without even trying.” When in reality the value was slowly seeping out of the industry in what is a ponzi scheme. That the producers value as represented in their big beautiful balance sheets only goes up each and every year is validity to their argument that they are good business people. It’s just that capitalizing all the money that you spend and holding it on your balance sheet for decades makes you look that way too.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.