Software Development Companies
It’ll be interesting to see what solutions they build considering they don’t know what the issues are. As much as People, Ideas & Objects have screamed about the Preliminary Specification for the past five years, producers have fought us at every turn. During 2013 when we published the final version we provided immense comic relief to the producers as the industry was still viable financially, that is investors were still investing, and only natural gas had collapsed from overproduction. It’s interesting that since the publication the points we made that are the cornerstones of the Preliminary Specification, how each module works in an integrated manner to solve the main issues and subsequent supporting issues that are all playing out in essence just as we propose to solve them. This has met with nothing but obstinance from the bureaucrats in these producers because the one thing that we do very effectively is we disintermediate the industry and send the bureaucrats packing. That is the sole reason for the industry push back. So now the bureaucrats are going to design and build software that will solve the issues that they feign not to understand and will most certainly not eliminate the redundant and wasteful bureaucracy.
Timing is a key part of business. I think we’ve found ours here at People, Ideas & Objects, can’t say too much about the oil and gas producers. The number of people that have read the Preliminary Specification is immense. Five years will do that. And it is five years ago now that the industry should have acted. That would have been efficient and effective management. Now the industry has lost complete control of the financial framework of the industry. No one is making any money. The fourth quarter of 2018 saw our sample of 23 producers collectively lose $591 million. Those are losses based on the specious accounting that we’ve discussed here many times before. When we recalculate their earnings based on our recommended retirement of the outstanding property, plant and equipment account over 30 months. Which would enable producers to capture the cash that has been lying dormant in the producers. We have a loss for the 2018 year of $104.9 billion. Which to me captures more accurately the state of affairs in the industry, and most specifically in our sample of 23 producers. In addition to losing the financial framework they’ve also lost control over the political and operational frameworks of the industry. The loss of revenues due to differentials is all the rage in the industry. It is the pipeline companies, mother goose, the Alberta or Canadian governments or OPEC’s fault that have made these revenue losses so material. Never, ever is it the responsibility of the bureaucrats for the producers loss of revenue. The fact that they express no responsibility or interest in these revenues, why should anyone else? And that is where People, Ideas & Objects comes in. Our ICO will generate these revenues through our decentralized production models price maker strategy. And our coin holders will negotiate with the producers for a share of the increase in the extrinsic value or revenues that are brought about as a result. Then the coin holders will hand the producers their share of the incremental revenues. Think of it, producers being paid free money by the coin holders just for using the Preliminary Specification.
People, Ideas & Objects are user community based software developments. Any software development that is undertaken today has to be based on its users involvement. And not superficial involvement. It is the only methodology that exists to generate quality and usable systems. We have been in development of our user community since the publication of the Preliminary Specification in December 2013. How long have each of these producers software initiatives user communities been under development? Will they have a broad and diverse user community such as ours with representation from the entire industry? Will the users have the power necessary to ensure that the software is built to do the job correctly, or will the bureaucracy step-in and circumvent the users work to ensure their legacy? Or will it be like their grandfathers user community where users “become blind sleepwalking agents of whomever will feed them?” I really shouldn’t be so negative, after all look at what the bureaucrats have been able to accomplish in the oil and gas industry here in 2019!
We do wish the producers the best of luck in transitioning to the software developer organizations that we know they can be. Transitioning is a big thing these days. After all oil and gas isn’t working for them is it? Clearly we are nowhere near the threshold of pain necessary for change. That is the bureaucrats threshold of pain for change, whereas everyone else’s threshold of pain was exceeded long ago. I’ll leave the bureaucrats to ensure that none of the Intellectual Property that is represented here in the many areas of People, Ideas & Objects is used by them in any manner. We would really hate to have to raise this point again. What we do know is that bureaucrats can’t, won’t and will not ever change their ways, their organization or their desire to take others property. So how do these software developments that are being undertaken by producers help in any way? The most obvious to me is that it gives them an excuse to be doing nothing otherwise. “We’re writing code.” No one will be able to evaluate their internal progress. And therefore it achieves the one thing that bureaucrats always seek, and that is it buys them time.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North American energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.