Beyond the Imagination and Capabilities
I was thinking the other day why doesn’t someone make the appropriate decision to move forward with the development of the Preliminary Specification. Then I realized, who exactly? Over the past 33 years there has been a flattening of producer organizations and many rounds of layoffs to the point where the organizations became optimized well drilling machines. This depression we’re in has decimated the ranks even further and few are remaining. Who’s going to be the mole that pops their head up and gets whacked?
Throughout the past decades, particularly in Canada, nothing has been done to invest in the business, why when drilling wells was the business. As a result everything else was left to atrophy. With everything now in a dismal state, the producer is faced with a scope and scale of issues that are beyond just drilling wells, and well beyond their capabilities. These issues have led to commodity price collapses in every decade since the 1980’s. Now as the global saturation of the commodity market continues unabated, regional differentials in North America are enhancing the overproduction effect to reduce producers revenues further. Overproduction is an issue that we believe will never end in the hands of the bureaucrats. The producers revenue losses are valued in the hundreds of billions of dollars per year across the industry. Many trillions over the past decade. Regulated pipeline companies revenues and profits are and always will be fine as they are always profitable at any level of operation due to the nature of their business model. Yet producers feel pipeline companies have a vested interest in ensuring that their product is shipped to market in a timely manner. There has, and had, been no leadership or concern expressed by producers during the pipeline review process. Passing the full responsibility for this logistical, political and environmental nightmare onto a regulated company to manage. Expecting the utility to safeguard the future upside of the producers operations and to maximize and realize those trillion dollar revenues. Now the Canadian producers conveniently blame the Canadian government of mismanaging the process. Who’s revenues were in jeopardy if the pipelines weren’t completed? The utility, the government or the producers?
Service industry representatives take the brunt of the hit when oil and gas producers accuse them of being greedy and lazy, sorry that was during the few brief minutes of good times we had about a decade ago. The service industry have had their business volume slashed to a quarter of their capacity of a few years ago, and their pricing pressures are now as high as 50%. It would be interesting to see how a producer would deal with a reduction in their revenues of 87.5%. Maybe we’ll see that soon, or that could be the situation today! The leadership in oil and gas hasn’t been missing. It would have had to have been there at some point in order for it to have been missed. Instead of working with those that make the industry happen, producers sit on the revenues of a primary industry and belittle those in the secondary and tertiary industries. Belittle and blame them for not maximizing the producers value. When faced with an existential threat the producers always blame others. As it is today. I don’t understand why someone who is out several trillion dollars in revenue would point fingers at others stating it was their fault and whining that they get no support as the Canadian producers recently argued. If oil and gas producers don’t care about their revenue losses why would others? Certainly their investors and bankers have expressed their lack of faith.
With the Preliminary Specification all oil and gas production becomes profitable through the decentralized production models price maker strategy. When each producer is able to make independent business decisions, based on the profitability of the property, determined by the actual accounting of that property, to shut-in any unprofitable properties, then those shut-in properties reserves can be saved for a time when they can be produced profitably, keeps the cost of those reserves down when the losses on the property are not incremental to the cost of the reserves, the producers profitability is maximized when unprofitable properties stop diluting their profitable properties and commodity markets will find the marginal price when unprofitable production is removed from the market. Producers are then able to focus their attention and innovations on those properties that are not producing and determine how to enhance them and return them to profitable production. Or, alternatively producers can just drill wells, turn everything on and leave them on at all times. Which system sounds best?
We should not be producing any oil or gas unprofitably from this point forward. And profitably based on a reasonable accounting, not the myth that is spun in the current producers financial statements. Subsequent generations will ask what justification was there to use a limited resource in such irresponsible ways? We also need to begin to realize as a society that the most powerful economy will be the one that consumes the most energy. North America can be energy independent, however it will have to be profitable in a competitive way in order to do so. Investors have ceased to subsidize the consumers for their energy consumption. What we have is an unworkable situation that is destined to fail in a manner that is beyond the imagination and capabilities of the leadership within the industry today.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.