Odd's and End's
Our last post regarding the user community generated some discussion regarding the AI algorithm that we would be developing and using to determine the user community members allocation of service providers licenses. Although I’m hesitant to define anything more than what was stated earlier, I expect the user community will conduct these discussions themselves and manage them for their interests. Starting from day one of our developments user community members should be able to resolve their issues over the term of the developments towards commercial release and come to an agreement as to how the algorithm will calculate and generate these service provider allocations. People, Ideas & Objects will therefore provide all of the technical resources necessary to coordinate the developments of the algorithm, data and its capture.
I’ve also been reading some articles on recent ERP systems integration failures in a variety of industry marketplaces. Many of these are around the SAP Hana product, just google “Sap Hana failure” and you’ll be presented with a number of details. Producers may be concerned about what People, Ideas & Objects is doing to mitigate the failure of the Preliminary Specifications integration. We first of all state that the situation in the industry as it stands today. With its downward and accelerating trajectory, the industry has no opportunity to contemplate failure. I’ve done everything that I could have done to this point. And it won’t be down to one person to make this a success. The placement of this development in the hands of the user community with their vision provides the highest level of quality possible. The chance for failure still exists if the producers sit back and expect someone else to deliver them from their current situation without their direct, painful, dedicated and committed efforts and assurance that it will be a success. This is today’s modus operandi of the producers. Which is to shift the responsibility to the vendor for their success and conceal that within a contract. As we’ve mentioned there will be no industry / producer Service Level Agreements with People, Ideas & Objects. And if the producers think that an SLA can capture what is necessary to make this a success then they’ll be wasting their time and money. We demand a distinct change in attitude and method of operations for the success of this initiative. Otherwise producers may be best to go with the likes of SAP Hana which seems to have achieved a 50/50 probability of success through their SLA methodology. I wonder what their plans for oil and gas are?
Bureaucrats would love to have someone to hang for the failure of this initiative. Their actions and behaviors have proven this to me time and again throughout these past fourteen years. When I published the Preliminary Research Report in May 2004, which states that software defines and supports the organization, therefore to change the organization you must change the software first, they interpreted that as long as they never changed the software they would remain unchallenged in their management of the industry. Which has been the case hasn’t it? Therefore for them to establish the conditions in which we were to fail is an obvious precondition of dealing with them in the future. They would like nothing more than to prove that they are the only alternative to the management of the oil and gas industry. All other initiatives had failed. Therefore, using this same corrupt logic of the bureaucrats, we can state unequivocally that the industry would not survive the failure of the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, user community and service provider initiative. And the responsibility for the success of this initiative is squarely on the shoulders of the bureaucrats. We have the evidence that they would choose to have this fail through their non-actions in these past fourteen years, we have seen it’s failure through its lack of funding. Therefore who is going to be ultimately responsible? If they choose me then that’s fine, I’ll have one payday down and will miss out on the second payday, but I’ll survive quite prosperously. It’s the user community members that I worry about. It should be to no one’s surprise that I see this as life or death for the oil and gas industry. The question is when will the bureaucrats see it as life or death.
It’s important to point out the role of the user community within the industry on a go forward basis once we’ve released and are operational on the software. We expect the user community will provide the leadership in the administrative and accounting areas of the oil and gas industry. Their role in subsequent developments will continue in order to cater to the changes and needs of the industry and producers. They are also enabled through the user community vision to be the ones that are able to ensure that the industry is able to address the issues and opportunities in the administrative and accounting areas. If there is a new business model that would better fit the industry, then the user community will have it developed and implement it. This overall development of the administrative and accounting capability and leadership within the industry are the direct threat to the current bureaucracy and their motivation to fight as they have.
It is difficult for me to define what People, Ideas & Objects are doing. Are we custom software or integration? We are built on the Oracle stack of technologies that include Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion Applications which are now offered in the Oracle ERP Cloud product. We are standing on the shoulders of many giants here. We determined in 2018 that we could save many, many years of development time if we switched to use Oracle Consulting for our development of the Preliminary Specification. The user community will be defining the necessary details to fill out the requirements of the Preliminary Specification. They are also the ones that will be conducting the administrative and accounting functions for the industry in the future. It is only natural that the service providers therefore undertake the installation and integration of the software and services necessary to be operational in the producer firm and industry. Therefore to answer the question if we are a custom software development or integration is appropriately answered by stating that we are a hybrid. Developments and integrations will begin to some extent on the first day of our projects beginning and continue throughout.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.