Preliminary Specification offers the only alternative to the status quo. Instead of chronic, systemic overproduction and specious profitability. We prepare software that defines and supports a reorganization of the industry and producer firms. A reorganization that focuses on specialization and the division of labor by converting all of the producers costs to variable costs, based on production. First by establishing
service providers to provide the producers with the administrative and accounting functions. These service providers will focus on one process and have the entire producer population as their client base. By reallocating the administrative and accounting resources of the producers to service providers oil and gas production becomes the triggering event for the service provider to invoke their service. They will then invoice the individual Joint Operating Committee the fee for their service. That way the overhead of the Joint Operating Committee is recorded in a timely and accurate fashion. The cash used to pay the service providers, because all production under the Preliminary Specification is produced
profitably everywhere and always, is captured in the commodity price charged to the consumer. Those cash resources are then returned to the Joint Operating Committee (working interest owners) to be used to pay the next months overheads, etc. Contrast this to the current overhead process which capitalizes on average 80% of all overhead across the industry and realizes the return of that cash over the course of several decades in some instances. A.K.A. a cash sinkhole. We believe the overhead costs to be material, in the range of 20% of revenues. No one can refute our claim of the amount that overheads consume because the numbers are jumbled on financial statements.
When the
service providers are established they provide an industry based administrative and accounting capability that is a variable cost, variable based on production. This replaces the producer based administrative and accounting capability that is fixed. The producers fixed overhead costs are currently replicated in each producer firm, yet unshared and unshareable. This transition will enable producers to be more
profitable when the industry wide capability is shared. Also enabling producers to evaluate properties on their actual costs in all areas of capital, revenue, royalties, operations and actual overheads. If the property then produces a profit it will produce, if not it will be shut-in for at least the next production month. Shut-in properties are not profitable, however they also do not incur losses as all the producers costs are variable in the
Preliminary Specification. Therefore they incur a null operation. No profit, but also no loss. Providing the oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations when the properties losses no longer dilute their profitable properties operations. Those shut-in reserves can be saved for a time when they can be produced profitably. They also will not have to carry the incremental burden of subsequent losses on operations as additional costs to be recovered. And the commodity markets will find their marginal cost when the unprofitable production is removed from the market. Production discipline is attained through this process when the producer realizes that the maximum profitability of their organization is obtained through producing only profitable production everywhere and always. Therefore producers are incentivized to adhere to the principles of the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models
price maker strategy. Just as all businesses that follows these principles in the capitalist system are.
This is the key process that provides the majority of the quantified value in our value proposition. Other areas, such as specialization and the division of labor can not be quantified at this time. Yet since the late 1700’s the application of specialization and the division of labor is the only method of generating economic advantage. It enables societies to do more with less. And therefore what the industry could do with the systemic application of specialization and the division of labor throughout the 12 modules of the
Preliminary Specification is unknown and unquantifiable. There are many other process changes that provide value in different ways for the industry. And these are all specified there. What is important to note at this point is that this forms a plan for the North American based oil and gas producer to approach the next 25 years. A means in which to deal with the issues that are plaguing the profitability and the cash drainage that is being experienced. A structure to establish the necessary elements to ensure innovation is enabled in a decidedly difficult scientific business. And a way to ensure the secondary and tertiary industries that are dedicated to and support the oil and gas industry are aligned with the needs of the producers, and in turn are able to rely on a healthy and profitable oil and gas industry.
This all starts with an accounting that is shifted from the focus around the “corporate model” as we refer to it. To one that is focused on the Joint Operating Committee, the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic framework of the industry. By moving the compliance and governance framework of the corporate model into alignment with the Joint Operating Committees seven frameworks we achieve a speed, innovativeness, accountability and
profitability over today’s status quo. We also attain the capability to deal with the operational difficulties that plague the industry, issues such as chronic overproduction. And instead are able to focus on the opportunities presented to us through what is unquestionably the most difficult and challenging next 25 years. We certainly can not continue to produce oil and gas unprofitably as we have for the past four decades. We need to change in order to be able to plan and realize for our future in these next 25 years. If production continues to consume cash as it does today, no investor will ever resume their participation. The industry must be profitable based on a reasonable accounting in order to ensure that energy self sufficiency on the continent is not only real but sustainable.
Preliminary Specification, our
user community and
service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most
profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects
Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will
fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me
here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter
@piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email