Overproduction is Not Going Away
If the takeaway capacity of a region is 3.5 mmboe / day you can be certain the producers will be producing 4 mmboe / day. And if OPEC+ doesn’t curtail their production to accommodate the increase in North American production there will be further oil price pressure. It is the role of the producer to produce everything they have no matter the consequences. Due to the accounting treatment of capital costs, in a capital intensive industry, no matter how low the commodity price drops they’ll always be able to reduce depletion to the point where profitability reemerges. Therefore proving, mostly to themselves, that they are not the ones responsible for the overproduction in the industry, if there should ever be recognition of such an issue. Although this overproduction is experienced everywhere in North America the problem has manifest itself into a full blown crisis North of the Canadian border. There are fundamental differences in the way that business is conducted in Canada and the U.S. Canada is a very large country with close to no people. 9.5 people / square mile vs. 92.2 people / square mile in the U.S. Therefore we are well to do from a resource base that is distributed across those few individuals. The Americans have to work a bit harder for their benefits. This has them paying closer attention and with sharper pencils than Canadians. What I suggest is that what is happening in Canada is the precursor to what will happen throughout North America.
Overproduction became a crisis in December 2018 in Canada. As a result producers asked the government to intervene and implement a mandatory production allocation scheme across the industry. The consequences of the government mandate were effective in eliminating the deep differentials, however, it now shows the producers the difficulties with government mandated production quotas. Due to the structure of the industry the producers losses will increase as the overhead of the producers is fixed as opposed to variable under the Preliminary Specification. Less production will now be available to cover their overhead costs. This may not be evident to them in the financial statements since their profit and loss are such an accounting sludgefest, it will have a detrimental effect on their cash. Investors have expressed their opinion of the industries turn toward government control, and pipeline companies are far less certain of the producers deliverables in the future. As would be expected the government mandates have had a chilling effect on the upside of the industry when the regular market incentives are circumvented.
Running the industry as a business such as what is proposed in the Preliminary Specification has been wholesale rejected. Which inspires those who depend on market signals for their decisions, such as investors, bankers and service industry representatives. The Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy changes all of the producers costs to variable as a result of the reorganization that is conducted. It also enhances the quality of the accounting substantially so that each individual property will know the precise profitability or loss on the operations of that property. Therefore determining that the unprofitable production should be the production that is shut-in to satisfy the need to reduce the unnecessary overproduction. This quality of accounting can not be achieved due to overhead allowances at the property level skewing the actual costs, actual overheads at the properties are unknown and unknowable in the current systems. The Preliminary Specification will enable producers to use the detailed, factual accounting data generated to make independent business decisions to enhance their profits by eliminating their losing propositions and turning them into null operations. Oil and gas bureaucrats of course will have nothing of this “business logic.” They claim making independent business decisions based on detailed, factual accounting data is collusion. And therefore will just sit back and demand the government tell them what to produce. Despite the detrimental consequences.
Fourth quarter financial reports for 2018 will begin being reported tomorrow with Hess starting the season as usual. As always the decline in the quality of the financial condition of the producers will be on clear display for those who just can’t believe that nothing is ever done about any of this. After all “these are just numbers that have no bearing on the outcome of any wells that are drilled! They’re all just sunk costs and should be forgotten about.” In prior era’s these comments would be followed by “how many shares are you buying of our new offering?” The bureaucrat never connecting that on the one hand they were slapping the investor in the face by never accounting for the capital they raised from the investors each of the last ten years, and on the other hand begging for more cash. Investors can be slapped in the face for a period of time but will begin to change their attitude if they see that nothing is done to make the alleged business a business. So once again producers will parrot their operating earnings, or EBITDA and expect that the media will follow their lead once again. The capital costs, in a capital intensive business, building ever so much higher on the big, beautiful balance sheets.
The best measure of a producer these days is the amount of cash and working capital they have. They’ve eroded these resources so extensively in the past three years that I’m sure we’ll be seeing new methods of deferring payment to those that are owed. I anticipate this will also precipitate the layoffs that everyone has been concerned about. The need to lay the people off being necessary as opposed to have the payroll bounce. Taking the lesser of two evils rule. The point of all of this is to never admit that there’s a problem and make sure nothing is done to change that.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.