The Absolute, Unquestionable Proof that I'm Crazy
With respect to profitable operations the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production models price maker strategy enables producers to only produce profitable production. We have discussed this principle at length these past few years as it is the premier issue in today’s industry. Overproduction of both commodities continues to the point where they’ve overwhelmed the global commodity prices and held them down for a decade in the case of natural gas. Understanding that there is more destruction that can be done to those markets, producers have continued to increase their production profiles to the point where we are now seeing significant collapse of regional market prices in North America. These differentials are in excess of half of the price of oil on some grades of Canadian production. What we can be certain of is this will continue. As much as I have argued that using detailed accounting information from the Preliminary Specification about the properties profitability to make independent business decision to shut-in a property if it is operating at a loss or continue to produce if its profitable. I have received nothing but a united and unsubstantiated counterargument from industry that this is collusion. What more do I need in order to learn to appreciate that oil and gas is not a business?
Within the Preliminary Specification we structurally reorganize the industry and producer firms to enable this profitability. This reorganization involves taking the administrative and accounting resources of the producers and reallocating them into service providers who will focus on one specific process and have the entire industry as their client base. It is in that way that the service providers billings will be direct to the Joint Operating Committee that the service was provided to. Moving overhead costs from the producers corporate configuration to the Joint Operating Committee. Or, taking the producers fixed overhead capability and making it an industry based overhead capability that is variable. Under the Preliminary Specification all of the producers costs become variable based on production. Therefore any shut-in production will incur a null operation, no profit but also no loss.
This reorganization has two dynamic effects on the overhead costs of the industry. First each producer ceases to build the administrative and accounting capabilities that are unshared and unshareable, and replicated within each producer firm. Reducing the administrative and accounting footprint and costs as a result of the possible redundancies from this change. Secondly, the service providers will know that at anytime the industry may shut-in up to 15% of their production profile in order to deal with downward pressure on commodity prices. Service providers will know this and be able to budget and manage the possible reduction in their revenues. What we have in essence done is change the industry from one that is fundamentally incapable of controlling its overhead costs. To one in which the service providers will be on the front lines controlling the overhead costs of the oil and gas industry.
Recently we documented how the Preliminary Specification reduced the anticipated cost escalation of the earth science and engineering capabilities that are part of the key competitive advantages of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer. The other competitive advantages are the land and asset base of the firm. These capabilities future specialization is speculated to continue to pressure producers to expand their demands for these individuals to the point where it will not be commercial for a producer to cover off the full scope of their scientific capabilities. In addition with the retirement in the future of the brain trust, and this downturns effect on university attendance these resources may become highly constrained. Therefore a reorganization through the Preliminary Specification is completed where the unused and unusable capabilities that are built up within the producer firm, in order to meet the “just in time” requirements of their properties, are released to the marketplace. The creation of the Preliminary Specifications pooling concept amongst the members of the Joint Operating Committee will be used to cover off the needed capabilities as opposed to the operator concept that’s in use today. These changes will substantially reduce the demand on these resources in order to meet the commercial requirements of a producer and the availability of these resources.
People, Ideas & Objects budget contemplates the value proposition that the Preliminary Specification provides the North American oil and gas industry. My rough estimate of our value proposition for the 2018 fiscal year is around $300 billion, with a b, in incremental profit. Which seems like a lot but I will remind you that investors have in excess of $1.7 trillion in property, plant and equipment costs. Or as we like to call them, unrecognized capital costs of past production. That will take 5.63 years for that dedicated incremental value to retire that balance. At $6 billion our budgets costs are $2 billion, there are $2 billion in Intellectual Property royalties paid to this lunatic and I like to think I’m running a business that will generate $2 billion in profit. Nonetheless these are overall industry costs that are part of the capabilities that must be established on a go forward basis by the industry. Therefore I consider our costs are an overall reduction in the IT costs that would otherwise have been incurred if each producer were to attempt to build the type of software necessary to operate in the manner of the Preliminary Specification. Each producer sharing in these previously unshareable costs. People, Ideas & Objects incur these costs once and only once.
What lunatic would suggest such things. To implement such common sense within oil and gas is not just stupid, it's fundamentally insane. To that there is not much question. You can call me crazy all you want I find it to be a distinct competitive advantage. In today’s Information Technology based disintermediated / industrial revolution. When oil and gas producers are facing what I believe to be an existential threat as a result of the business model that is currently employed, what used to be common sense in business is today’s lunacy. I’d rather be nuts than to be involved in the oil and gas industry today. Actively working to destroy that was built by so many smart, and sane people before us would be too depressing and counter to what I chose to do with my life.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.