User Community Developments, Part XXVII
Nonetheless the time travelled in the first paragraph of this post is seemingly years and we still haven’t hired one developer. It appears that the time that we deliver commercial software to the marketplace will be at least a decade from here. This post will dispel this timeline with the facts of how we we’ll be approaching these developments within a far more reasonable time frame and deliver software on a much more timely basis. What delays our commercial release date at this point is the formation of the user community. We have been undertaking this task for five years and are continuing with that work. Therefore, in my opinion, our date for commercial release has been fixed in time for these past five years and will remain fixed as we continue to work on developing the user community. One of the primary reasons that user community developments in oil and gas ERP systems have never been successful is that the budget and time commitment to them are inadequate for the users to consider them. User community commitment is not something that people will review and in the following week commit too. They’d like to see the details of the plan. How will it work, what’s their role and how do they fit in. These are detailed in the user community vision. A vision that endows them with the power and control to effectively deal with the changes that need to be made. Users also need to see the budget and commitment of the producers, in this case, in order that they can rely on more than just empty promises. Right now they don’t see the commitment from industry only the need for action. These take substantial amounts of time for people to consider. They have to consider the opportunity and what it will cost them if they make the change and what will it cost if they don’t make the change.
Three thousand individuals, the size of the user community we believe we need for the Preliminary Specification, which is a substantial amount of people. Identifying the scope and scale of the community helps people to realize their role is probable and possible to be contributing to a successful venture. If we’re looking for a hundred people to undertake the scope and scale of the Preliminary Specification people would know intuitively that that’s not enough people to do the job and failure would be the outcome. I believe generally in my discussions with potential members of the user community that we’ve struck the right balance in terms of scope and scale of the tasks ahead of us. As the issue of oil and gas profitability becomes more evident to more people each day there is a greater realization of the need. Overall a large number of people within oil and gas have read the Preliminary Specification in its entirety. I know, I’ve been told a million times only put your ideas down in a half dozen points on a presentation because no one reads anything. What I’ve found since my first publication in 1996 is that people read.
People, Ideas & Objects competitive strategy at this point in time is the cognitive dissonance created in the potential user community participant who has read the Preliminary Specification. They know of a different and, I’ll state for marketing purposes, a better way. They can see the logic and integrated nature of how the Preliminary Specification functions. And they also need to function in the day-to-day of the existing environment that is not functioning profitably, which is being gracious, and are forced to use systems that are inadequate. This cognitive dissonance is the motivation that the user community participant will likely use to act when the budget is secured. The motivation being their own sanity. To continue without the hope of the change is too difficult for them to even contemplate. Therefore they may have already made the conscious decision with their families and are making tactical changes to their situation to accommodate the pending change. This is how you develop a user community.
So in terms of time I don’t see a decade passing before the user community is formed and we release commercial software. We’ll discuss tomorrow the “how” aspect of the user communities method of operation. Then we’ll be able to know the time necessary to do this work that has already passed. That is, the work has already been done in the subconscious minds of the people who are the potential user community participants. Now we only have to capture it in textual form.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.