Real Costs, and Cash of the Producers
We’ve noted that producers costs are in the range of $141 per barrel. How is it that our numbers are so different than those being represented by the producers? People, Ideas & Objects see the capital costs of exploration and production as a cost that should not reside on the balance sheet for more than two and one half years. Moving these costs from property, plant and equipment to the Income Statement recognizes the real costs of oil and gas exploration and production and therefore returns, with the assumption that the producers are charging enough for their product, the previously invested cash back to the business for further reinvestment, paying bank loans and issuing dividends. The cash flow from recognizing the assets as costs has traditionally been believed to be a result of the bureaucrats brilliant business management. This cash flow in reality is just the return of prior investment dollars and should be treated as such. It should never have been considered the management’s to do with as they please.
Nonetheless what had happened in the past was producers were not receiving the $141 or whatever their costs were in terms of the prices they received for the sales of oil and gas. The shortfall was substantial as it is in today’s market with prices being $66 and therefore today’s cash shortfall of $75 / barrel is what producers are experiencing. Now most of those costs are never recognized, let's say the $100 in capital will continue to be reported as an asset for decades as property, plant and equipment. Therefore the company can report that they were profitable as a result of $66 prices minus the $41 in remaining costs. A $25 profit sounds fantastic and has traditionally attracted the investors and bankers with the belief that it was all real. What the producers were doing however was playing the shell game where the actual cash shortfall of $75 was made up from the producers annual investor and banker fleecing. For four decades this was the game that was played.
Each year oil and gas producers would raise their capital program from the capital markets. Diluting prior investors shareholdings and keeping the value of their stock down. No one seemed to think this was strange as the industry was being “built.” Whether the industry was being “built,” was mature or investors were being “hoodwinked” is what my readers can decide for themselves. What in essence has happened through these past four decades is the effect of the annual shareholder fleecing has provided the funding to allow the producer to sell oil and gas to the consumer at a substantial discount to the actual cost. No amount of me screaming and yelling these points over the last 13 years seems to have sunk into the minds of the bureaucrats. It did begin to resonate with the investors and bankers in 2015 and 2016 and as a result they’ve withheld their cash from any further abuse by our good friends the bureaucrats.
Since that time the subsidy to the consumer has continued and in a fashion that can only be classified as a full and complete scam. At times producers recorded negative depletion for the quarter. That enabled profits to continue to be reported. Extension of the depletion of assets to exceed 27 years was also a favorite. No one thought these had any impact on the credibility or integrity of the reporting producers. What was hard to see through the advanced accounting shenanigans that were done to hide the cash difficulties and report profits was the amount of cash that was being consumed by the business. There was no source of readily available cash other than new production which became the key to survival. Extending accounts payable to the service industry for up to 18 months didn’t seem to be an issue. Now the cash has continued to erode and is very tight, the working capital is critical and all we hear and see are smiley, happy faces.
“It’s just the nature of the oil and gas business that there are some bad years.” 27 of the last 32 have been miserable with no sign of a good year for decades now. Each of the 5 good years were brought about by escalating commodity prices that the bureaucrats had nothing to do with. Therefore bureaucrats have only brought misery and nothing of value, no wonder I dislike them! Now investors are nowhere to be found and banks continue to reel in the producers outstanding debt balances. Poaching the dimes, nickels and quarters of the producers as they deposit them in the bank account. Well who cares, the bureaucrats will say, its only cash. The fact of the matter is that the smart money has been saying that something is fundamentally wrong with the business for a number of years and the bureaucrats have done nothing about it. They are determined to put their point across that the business is a science and very complicated, non oil and gas people don’t understand. Well bureaucrats clearly don’t understand the business part of the business and are too thick to hear the people who are screaming at them to do something about that. I’m not looking forward to the next 32 years with these bureaucrats, I don’t think they’ve got another 32 days.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.