Pipelines, Producers and Pacifiers
From what I can tell Kinder Morgan was never supported in their fight to get this pipeline built. Producers were nowhere to be seen. This might open the argument to the criticism that I’m not aware of what’s happening behind the scenes. The fact is this inability of producers to do anything is typical of the argument made in the Preliminary Specification that they’re not considering the broader scope of their operation. The service industry and pipelines need to be supported by the producers as those companies revenues are dependent on the primary industry revenues of the oil and gas industry. To leave the service industry and pipeline companies to fend for themselves is what the oil and gas producers do. The one thing the producers do however is call these service industry companies lazy and greedy so there is a high level of cheerleading that has and does go on. We also see throughout the oil and gas industry the issues with takeaway capacity, field operations are having difficulty sourcing the field resources that are necessary, items like water and hauling, and of course the Canadian natural gas producers pay their customers to take their gas. Yes it’s these points that are indicative that I am fully unaware of what’s going on behind the scenes.
The issue for Kinder Morgan was the government in British Columbia was denying them the right to build the fully approved pipeline. This was contrary to all the laws that are in the Canadian Constitution and would not hold up in court. Interprovincial trade can not be held up at the border by other provinces. Imagine if someone needed to negotiate with each state government in order to get shale oil production from the Dakota’s down to the Gulf Coast. Canada is a country where one does not interrupt the other part of the countries operations or economic livelihood. We have a Prime Minister who is a former snowboard instructor and bar bouncer. A decided step down from a community organizer. His capacity to understand things has severely diminished, I think, as a result of the drugs he admittedly consumes. However legal drug consumption begins next month in Canada as a result of his efforts. Taking the easy route to solve this problem is probably the way it was going to end anyway, dude. This fight that Kinder Morgan needed to undertake was after full approval and an already unnecessary and long protracted battle with the environmentalists and native rights issues. Kinder Morgan had had enough and cancelled the project.
What this shows investors is all that they need to know. The oil and gas producers bureaucrats are lazy, incompetent, uncaring and only riding the train as long as they’re compensated. Allowing things to become so difficult for the service and pipeline industries who are battling it out for the producers on their own. Trying to open secondary markets for them that they now determine the best business decision is to walk away. I’m sure when investors see that producers allow the government to take the lead in the industry, there’s not much to be gained. What is the next step for the Canadian oil and gas producers? Full government ownership? Government subsidies? Or government authorized pacifiers for the bureaucrats. What they have shown is that they are incapable of managing the business profitably for the past four decades. They must have a constant flow of new capital from shareholders to keep the doors open. New capital based on specious profitability that doesn’t consider the capital costs of the products produced, in a capital intensive industry. They are incapable of building pipelines on their own. It’s just too hard for them to do. Supporting the pipeline companies who have such a broad and diverse group of industries in which to generate revenue from, just as the service industry does, doesn’t seem to be a thought in the bureaucrats mind. They are selfish and uncaring, I therefore vote for the pacifiers as the first stage of the remedy for the oil and gas industry.
This is a fundamental failure of the Canadian oil and gas producers. What is the next step in this never ending destruction? The slow insidious acceptance of things that would have never been considered before, happens daily. There are no plans, no understanding that there is an issue and no one cares who could begin to correct the issues. Shareholders were fundamentally rebuked during the proxy fights at the annual general meetings last month. Is the next shoe to drop the investors join Kinder Morgan on the sidelines? Meaning they dump the shares they own and get out of town for good. What is the argument against the use of the Preliminary Specification in oil and gas? Are profits such a bad word that they dare not be spoken. The $1.6 trillion in property, plant and equipment that sits on the producers “stellar” balance sheets and represent the amount of the subsidy that investors were forced to provide energy consumers. This amount of money is probably also the equivalent amount of societal costs incurred by others in this downturn. That is any other group other than the bureaucrats. The Preliminary Specification addresses these issues specifically in the Resource Marketplace and Research & Capabilities modules. It’s been available and could have been built years ago. Why wasn’t it?
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.