These Are Not the Earnings We're Looking For, Part V
This is the point that needs to be addressed by producers. Investors are not coming back until they see some material steps to cure what is causing the industry to decline. Talking around these issues and stating that they’re organizations are profitable when clearly their balance sheets and income statements don’t support those statements is not hurting their credibility, it’s also not earning it back. Time to act has past. Significant destruction has occurred throughout the oil and gas, and service industries. Now is not the time to continue to sell the story line that all is well. The future jeopardy of the producers and industries are much higher as a result of the depleted capacity to deal with issues, the lack of support of investors and bankers and the fading interest in the producers health by the general public due to this chronic decades long crisis. It is down to the industry itself to pull up its socks and make the changes needed to right the ship.
The fact of the matter is that throughout this self inflicted crisis the producers and industry have been lucky. The OPEC production cuts, Trump tax cuts, etc. etc. Will this continue? What steps have, or are being taken to deal with the potential downside of OPEC abandoning their production sharing agreement? Drilling more wells will not be the answer. Or is it that those in authority and responsibility will stick around until their luck runs out? Without any evidence either way what are people to assume?
All of this can not be fixed with the quick and easy remedies that were responsible for starting all of these problems. The size of the balances in property, plant and equipment can only be dealt with in one way. To recognize them and their bloated nature. Oil and gas has systematically over reported their profitability by not recognizing the largest cost in this capital intensive industry, the cost of capital. The balances of property, plant and equipment have distorted the amount of bank debt the producers were able to undertake, and the bankers now find they’re too heavily exposed to oil and gas. Investors were led to believe their annual investments were building growing organizations when in reality it was an accounting sham. For all the reporting of false profits in the industry our sample of 23 producers have still only managed to generate $80.8 billion in retained earnings as of December 31, 2017. That represents their lifetime of activity. They still hold over $478 billion in property, plant and equipment. If it has taken a lifetime to generate $81 billion it will take six more life times for industry to deal with these costs. If this doesn’t concern you then nothing will.
I fully understand and comprehend that many billions of dollars have been written off to the income statement in the process of establishing that $81 billion in retained earnings. Looking just at property, plant and equipment, it is disproportionate to the remainder of each account of the individual enterprises. The amount of debt that is carried in relation to the size of the revenues. The disproportionate weighting of short vs. long term assets. These support the fact that the number of years depletion that producers carry of their property, plant and equipment account reflects a mindset of others people’s money is cheap, easy and meaningless when it’s depleted over decades. Capital is a resource that should be turned over in an organization repeatedly and as quickly as possible. It should not hit the balance sheet and effectively die for decades. Capital is a resource that is costly in reality and is not an asset to be admired on ones balance sheet for years, it is a cost that is incurred by the organization. The dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer will reduce their capital demands by turning their capital over repeatedly. They will out compete other producers by having their balance sheets stuffed with liquid assets available to be deployed at the opportune time, not remain stagnant for decades on the belief that the CEO has the biggest balance sheet on the block. The time to stop considering these as assets and dealing with them as costs has past for the oil and gas industry. The problem is that these balances were built up over decades of spending. These balances won’t expire in the next 15 minutes, and is a legacy that will haunt these producer organizations for the next decades if they’re not addressed and dealt with. In other words if you like your oil and gas industry today, then do nothing.
The “controversial” manner in which the Preliminary Specification deals with these costs is that we recover them through increased oil and gas prices. These costs represent past investments that have been made in the oil and gas industry. They are the unrecognized capital costs of past production. If producers want to redeem themselves they can capture these costs and return that capital. The only way they’ll be able to do that is through higher commodity prices. This demands that the price maker strategy of the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model be implemented. Instead of shrieking at the thought of making prices, producers need to deal with the issues at hand, these two working hand in hand, and recognize their costs through higher commodity prices. Or, be treated as a sunk cost by those that matter.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide for a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for profitable North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in our future Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that will fund these user defined software developments. It is through the process of issuing our ICO that we are leading the way in which creative destruction can be implemented within the oil and gas industry. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.